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Grendel is great, but holy cow that Reuben Flagg figure is outstanding. Maybe the best comic book figure I've ever seen. These can't come out soon enough!

Ajax reacted
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Meh, ill pass on flagg and grendal. was really hoping for Evil Ernie.

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Is there a way to see Grendel's full artic breakdown pic without that ass-stupid Instagram program cropping it to fit? ***Scratch that, here it is at BBTS:

Grendel 1/12 Scale Action Figure Gallery Image 8

Also, that's a figure I gotta have regardless of it being in a dumb scale - and I just POed him at BBTS.


DAMMIT, looking more at this figure I know I'm gonna need a Batman to get punked by him.  What's the most Matt Wagner Batman out there and is it fully poseable?

Red Ogre and Ajax reacted
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Grendel looks fantastic and I'm in for a couple. That said, I wonder if I should pull the trigger now or wait to see if there are Black Friday or Cyber Monday offerings.

Ajax reacted
Magneto Was Right
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I saw Grendel last night and thought he looked so good that I needed an excuse to buy him. I read Devil by the Deed and was pretty impressed. I might go back for more once I finish my current reading pile.

I have an interesting relationship to these superhero-y indie comic characters because I collected LCBH as a kid without having any idea who they were. Even to this day, Hellboy is basically the only non-Big Two superhero I've read. I read a ton of Image books, but these super indie titles are so far outside of my wheelhouse that I wouldn't even know how to discover them. Most of them are edgelord schlock, but I'm always open to older stuff (after a quick Goodreads rating check).

Grendel is particularly interesting to me because I want to support LC but can't justify purchasing the boobie girls (though I feel like there's an ongoing feminist reclamation of Red Sonja). I'm blown away by the apparent quality of these figures. Grendel might finally be it for me because 1) I've known of the character for decades, 2) the book is good, and 3) I have a thing for black-and-white costumes.

Ajax reacted
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@adrienveidt Well the best one in terms of look is definitely the Trinity one, which Wagner designed. Fully poseable it is not though. An Animated Series Batman is going to be pretty close, as that was a huge inspiration for Wagner's Batman. Maybe the McFarlane one?

Ajax and adrienveidt reacted
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I can't wait for Grendel...he was an instant buy for me. I'll probably put him with my Batman rogues in my display, because that crossover was phenomenal.

Ajax and adrienveidt reacted
Niko (formerly Jead)
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Posts: 264

Grendel looks amazing, but American Flagg looks fucking amazing. That headsculpt is nigh perfection. Rocketman is an interesting pull.

It's a shame we're not getting Evil Ernie yet, but I'm sure he'll happen eventually. I hope they keep it up with First Comics stuff, Grimjack and Jon Sable are oh so needed.

Ajax and adrienveidt reacted
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Posted by: @tsi

I saw Grendel last night and thought he looked so good that I needed an excuse to buy him. I read Devil by the Deed and was pretty impressed. I might go back for more once I finish my current reading pile.

You MUST read these two books if you've not.  Then know there's a sequel pair with Grendel-Prime once you're ready for it.

Posted by: @protozoalord

It's a shame we're not getting Evil Ernie yet, but I'm sure he'll happen eventually. I hope they keep it up with First Comics stuff, Grimjack and Jon Sable are oh so needed.

I'd shit bricks if they could do a PCraigRussell Elric, Mignola Corum, and Dynamo Joe.  Like, every brick; every where.  Pyramid bricks, gold bricks, LEGO bricks; ALL THE GODDAMNED BRICKS.


TheSameIdiot reacted
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Posts: 9

Very excited to get a Grendel, and I suspect I'll have an easier time getting this one than I ever would trying to get the Shocker Toys one I paid for eons ago lol

Niko (formerly Jead)
Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 264

Posted by: @adrienveidt

Posted by: @protozoalord

It's a shame we're not getting Evil Ernie yet, but I'm sure he'll happen eventually. I hope they keep it up with First Comics stuff, Grimjack and Jon Sable are oh so needed.

I'd shit bricks if they could do a PCraigRussell Elric, Mignola Corum, and Dynamo Joe.  Like, every brick; every where.  Pyramid bricks, gold bricks, LEGO bricks; ALL THE GODDAMNED BRICKS.


Having a chat with a buddy of mine he was like "oh my god what if we got Dynamo Joe! Badger! NEXUS!" so there's at least a few of us asking for it lol

I'm all for Moorcock (attempting to read through a bunch of his books right now) and I feel like someone could make a toyline just off of various artist renditions of Elric & Co. Yoshitaka Amano? Robert Gould? Of course, Michael Whelan? I'd buy em all.


Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 387

I pre-ordered Grendel, these do look outstanding.  I'm hoping this is the line I have wanted for a long time.  It looks like vintage Marvel Legends and LCBH.


My intro to independent comics was Image so I would need Top Cow, Savage Dragon etc. to really get me into this, don't care if the writing is bad, I need the toys to be cool.  We'll see where it goes.

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Posts: 99

Posted by: @franky4fingersx2

Very excited to get a Grendel, and I suspect I'll have an easier time getting this one than I ever would trying to get the Shocker Toys one I paid for eons ago lol

Funny and sucks to hear you lost on that.

Now that the excitement has died down a bit in exchange for a lengthy wait, I am/ was hoping for Grendel to have some butterfly shoulders. He's a really agile character and that would;d've made for a bit more dynamic posing on this guy. Not a deal breaker, but was thinking how he has to avoid the likes of Batman, The Shadow and Argent swinging that weapon around. 

So many possibilities where LC could go with these. Im very eager to see which else is to be made.


Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 513

I preordered Grendel. The price point is at the absolute max of what I can justify for a single standard size figure and I think if it was any other character I probably wouldn't go for it, but my guess is this will probably be the only time I've got a shot at a good 6" Hunter Rose, so might as well splurge a bit.

Flagg and Rocketman are cool, though I'm not really familiar with them (though I do hear good things about American Flagg!).

Space Cadet
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Posts: 184

This company has really filled the need and I'm excited that characters like Lady death and Shi have been made. I really hope they dive further and make non super hero characters as well like strangers in paradise, hack slash, Blacksad, etc

TheGillMan and Red Ogre reacted
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