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Really interested in seeing this Hunter Rose. Though, now that a standard Hunter seems to be forthcoming, I really want a Tuxedo version...

Red Ogre reacted
Red Ogre
The horrors persist, but so do I.
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Posted by: @ajax

[img] [/img]

Reveals coming up this week!

[img] [/img]

A little disappointed in not seeing butterfly joints, but I'm excited either way.

Ajax reacted
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Not going to lie -  given the output by LooseCollector to date when I heard Grendel might be getting a figure I was sort of expecting this one:

Ajax reacted
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Clearly that is going to be Flaming Carrot.

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The werewolf design looks too top heavy and too muscular for my tastes. 

Ajax reacted
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@panthercult I'm sure it's in the cards though if the first one goes over well.

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Posted by: @ashtalon

The werewolf design looks too top heavy and too muscular for my tastes. 

Yea, i agree. too much muscle and i dont like the height, too tall.


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@ashtalon I think that's what making me hesitate putting down a deposit and pre-ordering. Im super happy with the Vet. William and having it so recent is making me pause dropping prime toy money on another (admittedly awesome looking) werewolf. 

@panthercult I sure hope they do Christine but thinking about how much the asking prices are per, I cringe cause I know I won't be able to afford all of them. 

@red_ogre That is a great observation. Hopefully they could listen and do some adjustments for it. 

reefer shark
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On the Grendel stuff, there's so much they could do beyond Hunter, Christine, & Prime.  So many awesome character designs in the various Grendel Tales mini series.   

Plenty enough Grendels and their antagonists to support an entire line based on the property.  But I know that's not really Loose Collectors bag, so it is a pipe dream unless someone else were to acquire the license.   But man, I would jump on anything from Grendel Tales.

Red Ogre and adrienveidt reacted
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@reefer-shark Man, I've dreamt of a Grendel line for ages.  Imagine a dio-set of figures of the clansmen that stood in a circle to behead each other once they learned they were irradiated.  Imagine a box 'SW Evolutions' set of Orion through his life with a pregnant Khan exclusive.  One for Prime in his smaller poncho'ed look, an exclusive 'stripped for parts' look, and his bigger no-poncho later look.  A winged version would likely need dedicated parts for his arms and shoulders as I'm not sure they could be reliably-made to be removable/swappable.

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I feel LC messed up making the wolf so tall. I mean how tall is Frankenstein's monster supposed to be now. It seems LC is going the McF route of bigger is better for the wow factor. I personally purchased Monster Hyde because in the Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider comics Hyde appeared this big and in the look LC chose to make the figure. Frankenstein for me should be the tallest of all the monsters so the wolf being as tall as it is for me is troubling. I have the William wolf mentioned and it is for me pretty much the best generic looking Werewolf ever produced.

reefer shark
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@adrienveidt Dude stop, you're getting me excited lol

Seriously, everything you just described would be a dream come true on my shelf.   I can imaging an ultra-deluxe Prime with all of his outfit options, his hoverbike with a baby Orion to seal in the sidecar... that would be incredible.

adrienveidt reacted
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@jayjonah The wolf is really big, though on the whole I like the styling a bit more than William. That said, it does seem like LC's monsters are really stretching the 1/12 scale. The thing that bugs me about both company's werewolves are these crazy huge canines. Like, wolves have big teeth, sure, but these both have vampire or almost saber-tooth canines that seem just way too big.

LC Frankenstein must be enormous if he's going to fit in with this crew.

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I wonder if Vet. William is why the Loose Collector werewolf is so huge.

Like it is weird they went with an enormous super-chad werewolf right off the bat, like the intention was for it to serve as a brawler with William as a baseline.

Honestly they even look similar; I know there's one pic of an early prototype somewhere and I recall it looking rather different. Of course; one would expect similarities when its the same subject matter.

Personally I'm down for any variants/repaints they make of William, but I'll likely get one LC wolf to serve as the pack bruiser.

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@snakeyjones Either that, or they thought theirs needed to look bigger just so it could stand toe to toe with their Hyde, who is already pretty dang big. It could be they just went a little too big out of the gate, and because of that they're sort of locked into this giga-sized baseline. Like, it makes you wonder how their standard Dracula would look. 6.5" or will even he be stretching it and going for like a 7" scale.

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