I need that Detective body with a good-looking David Tennant head so my Netflix Jessica Jones has someone to fight...
That's actually a pretty great idea... I wouldn't have thought of it, but yep.
Assuming this set gets kickstarted, I'm going to need to start working on a Klaes Ashford custom ASAP.
Looks like this is going to fund - only $4000 away. That's exciting.
Wonder how much they'll be without being a backer. Or if they can be bought at all.
Funded! Looks like it's time to start trying to figure out how to make a David Strathairn custom.
With the shipping prices to be added at the time of shipping, wouldn't it make more sense to buy these from BBTS with a flat $4? I want the base, but I have zero use for a decanter set - for $500 extra dollars (really, for any extra dollars). Adding the Roci chair to the set was a good idea. But.
It's also weird that only one figure comes with the temp pad when every character had one.
I'm glad these are coming, but I keep debating if I should buy an extra Amos to try to customize into Kamal. Although he seems to be the most popular of this line, so buying an extra one of him might be a good investment. Cut down those shipping fees later. 🙂
Last day for anyone interested!