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KickStarter: the Expanse 12th-scale

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Looks like some good digi-sculpts you 6ers might dig.

Red Ogre reacted
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I am not going to be able to skip this one. Love that show so much and they look great - wondering if anyone's had any experience with Nacelle before and if they do good work. 

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The show is fantastic.  One of my favorites.     But I'm done picking up figures just because I like the property - they have to fit, at least somewhat, with my existing displays.    That said,  I could definitely see Amos,  and maybe Naomi and Drummer sliding into my Classified display without much trouble -  assuming of course the 1/12 scale is a close match.


I'll be thinking about it and keep my eye on it.   I have high hopes for their Biker Mice from Mars figures I ordered.   And I mostly like the Sectaurs figures they released well enough, but I really wish they had gone with modern action figure styling rather than straight vintage homage on those.   


Even so,  these are interesting and the Expanse is such a great show that I hope these figures find their audience enough to do really well. 

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Man, Cas Anvar really fucked himself bad enough to not even be included in this. Specially with the chair inclusion.

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I wonder if they could get away with making a book/game version of Kamal.  Miller's headsculpt is too different from Tom Jane's and I'm wondering if he didn't license his face to them while the others did.  Doing the below version would negate giving Anvar any money while getting a more complete collection done.

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I'd like to see an articulation scheme on these. Hard to tell what all is there. I'm vaguely interested as I love the show, but not sure I want to purchase a whole new wave of figures. 

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Ooh thanks for the heads-up. I really liked this property and the figure renders look pretty good.

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Were these figures always a Kickstarter, or did this happen because no retail partners picked them up?

I don't need all eight of these characters on my shelves - I watched the show over two great months and not over the years it was on, so it doesn't stick with me as it does for other fans - I didn't live with it and wonder about it for seven years - but these do look really well-executed.

But the lack of Alex is a problem. He's a major, major part of the show and I hate missing one main character. He and Bobbi in casual gear would make a good two-pack.

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I really liked the show, but I don't feel like I need figures of it. That being said, I would buy Miller if it looked alot like Tom Jane, cause it's Tom Jane, and Drummer because I found her incredibly attractive. Those were my 2 fave characters in the show. I didn't see any pics on the site there though, so if anyone can direct me, I would make a decision off the digital sculpts most likely.

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The figures are all linked at the Kickstarter link above - but here's a direct link to the very long image.

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Hmm. They don't look bad. I can see Tom Jane in the sculpt but it is off. So is Drummer. I'll probably wait to see if they're made, and when they're out decide then. 

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Love the show and the book series is one of my all-time favorites, glad these are getting made. I think I'd rather have some of them in their spacesuits though, figures I don't know that I really want athleisure James Holden that badly.

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I do! He's the most tempting one. They got his very skinny neck right. 🙂

Looking at the backer counts is interesting - Amos has the most individual backers where Naomi has the lowest. I'd think the series female lead would have more interest than others, but I guess the plentiful woe-is-Naomi plotlines took a toll?

I really don't need these, but I'm tempted for the main three and Chrisjen, but then why stop there? I'd like the nice stand for them, but I don't think this project is going to hit $400,000 to unlock that.

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Honestly, Naomi kind of annoyed me after S1. I much preferred Drummer and Bobby, as far as female characters go. And Drummer is probably my fave character, after Miller, cause Tom Jane. But he sadly doesn't stick around for the whole series. So it shifts to Camina when Tom Jane makes his exit.

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I need that Detective body with a good-looking David Tennant head so my Netflix Jessica Jones has someone to fight...

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