Whoa, that’s huge.
Here’s a pic of some of my Warhammer figures. I have some others (Ultramarines) but they are still in box.
Anyone here really knowledgeable about the JT Warhammer stuff? I'm wondering if they've ever released any figures with 'switched on' paint deco'd power swords.
I've been a WH40K fan for many many years, but it's always been at the periphery of my interests. Like it. Think it's cool. Read some of the books. Read some of the comics. Played the game for a bit. ALMOST bought toys a few times but never followed through. But this thing happens in my house; once my SON gets interested in something I am also interested in... the floodgates open. That's how I ended up with a huge bin of MOTU Origins instead of just a few, for example.
Now we've got 4 or 5 JT figures on their way to us and are figuring out which figures will be next and what direction our shared collection is going to go (and where it's going to be displayed). When looking at some new figures and what we should get next, my son asked why no one seems to have a glowy power sword and I did not have an answer so.... that's where maybe you guys come in. Don't make me go to Reddit. I hate it there.
All the Joy Toy power swords seem to have essentially the same deco. There's a little bit of bluish hue on part of them (maybe around the leads). I wish they'd cast a power sword is translucent blue and then paint on top of it, but we haven't seen anything like that yet.
All the Joy Toy power swords seem to have essentially the same deco. There's a little bit of bluish hue on part of them (maybe around the leads). I wish they'd cast a power sword is translucent blue and then paint on top of it, but we haven't seen anything like that yet.
Thanks, Ash. That's a bit of a bummer, but kind of what I expected. Without actually having any figures in hand yet and therefore my opinion not being of great value; I agree that it would be good if some of the power swords were done in translucent with maybe a white overspray or whatever.
Looking at actual minis - and having played with and painted minis myself for some years - I know there are people out there that can do an amazing paint job that looks like the effect we're talking about. I, however, am definitively not one of those people and all of my power swords were always just like.. blue paint with a few poorly-done white lines.
However, if I get really hard into this line, I may have to try my hand at it again. Or get a properly-talented miniature painter to do a few for me.
My first ever JT figure should be arriving today. I won't be making too strong of a judgement based on this figure, though. It's the Cadian Commander and my understanding is that the Cadian figures are very early JT releases and have some articulation and scale (particularly the hands) quirks that have since been ironed out. Still pretty stoked, though.
After this guy, I've got a White Consul, Black Templar, Ultramarine, and Space Wolf on the way. I have no idea what generation of figure each one is. I'm guessing they're all v3s, but who knows.
The JT design philosophy looks to be taking the actual miniature models and official paint guides and literally upgrading them with articulation without a single jot of 'interpretation'. The miniatures aren't cast in translucent plastic so the figures won't be either, imho. Your best bet is to look to ebay garage casters, imho.
I like a lot of what Joy Toy has to offer, even though I've actually purchased very little of it. And I get that 40K is the big popular one, but man would I love to see them tackle the designs/creatures from the Total War: Warhammer game. So much cool stuff in there that I would love to have figures of, and 1/18 seems the right scale given how diverse the sizes are across individuals.
The JT design philosophy looks to be taking the actual miniature models and official paint guides and literally upgrading them with articulation without a single jot of 'interpretation'. The miniatures aren't cast in translucent plastic so the figures won't be either, imho. Your best bet is to look to ebay garage casters, imho.
Yeah, I see what you mean. But at the same time, if that's the case, they're not necessarily doing that either. Plenty of the official paint guides and model box art show more intricate 'power effect' paint jobs on weapons (plasma and power varieties) than I've seen on the action figures.
Maybe I gotta take some weapons, when I get them, to my local GW and see if I can pay someone to paint them for me.
@cmoney I would KILL to see JoyToy start tackling the Age of Sigmar/Old World stuff the same way they've been doing 40k. I love 40k, but the classic fantasy stuff is where my heart is and JT going that route would be outright dangerous for me.
My preference for fantasy Warhammer stuff is the old school Warhammer Fantasy Battle and not Age of Sigmar. There are some crossover concepts, but I think the Age of Sigma stuff is more intricate and certainly has wackier names. I used to be able to name old armies and units, but the new names? Just confusing to this old-timer.
It would be interesting to see Joytoy try their hand at the fantasy stuff. The W40k line seems to be doing very well in Asia, even though I don't think the game has had a huge impact there (I could be wrong though). Something about the sci-fi angle seems to resonate. Would be interesting to see if fantasy stuff has the same appeal. I'd love some dwarf troll slayers. Would also be neat to see someone tackle 1:18 fantasy, since Boss Fight Studio is in a questionable state now.
I do think Joytoy's Warhammer license restricts them into making figures look like promoted models. Maybe it's just easier for them to get figures approved if they essentially look just like models Games Workshop promotes. There are figures which certainly could have used some artistic license to pull off articulation more useful, but I think they just stuck to the model designs.
I'll be curious to see what you think KD about the line. I've got a ton of the W40k line. A lot of Ultramarines and then some Blood Angels (my love of Space Hulk required me to give them some love), Black Templars, Grey Knights, Sisters of Battle, Black Legion Chaos Space Marines, Orks, and Tyranids. I really love the Tyranids. Hopefully they keep making more. So many of their units are larger creatures, so it'll be interesting to see if Joytoy gambles on those. I wish Orks would get some more love. The only Orks they made were Kommandos, which I think was Games Workshop's decision to help promote their Kill Team models. But they weren't really army-buildable. I think some more basic Boyz (pick a variety) would do better, as people may want to grab multiples.
Anyway, hope you enjoy the figures. They're really well done...but addictive. Be careful about using game rules/traditions and building units. That can lead to dangerous, expensive outcomes.
I love a lot of JoyToy's other mech figures, which I assume from games or properties that I know nothing about. Or maybe they're original to JT, I just don't know. I would have so many of them if not for the price, but I'm always looking for ways to make one or two of them work budget-wise, here and there.
@ashtalon I definitely have a soft spot for the 'Old World' (as GW now calls the classic era of Warhammer Fantasy). I'd love figures of that. And I don't think some would be impossible because GW is back to selling some of that stuff as well. But let's face it - Age of Sigmar is the current WH Fantasy and if anyone is going to be trying to license GW for fantasy figures, GW is going to be looking to promote their current stuff.
To be fair, for as much shit as it does get, Age of Sigmar has some really great models and ideas. So if I have to pick between no-fantasy and AoS-fantasy, I'll go with Sigmar. Not that it matters. I don't think Warhammer Fantasy moves the needle enough to entice JoyToy into moving any resources away from 40K. Especially not now, with Space Marine 2 blowing up interest in the brand.
I definitely believe that JT is probably limited to making figures look exactly as the box art (i.e. official paint decos) look. But again, I still think they're falling short of some of the nicer and more complex 'glowing' looks we get on the official model decos. For instance, JT made a Librarian with a power sword some time ago, and it has the same kind of bluish node look to the sword. But on the box art for that model, it has more of a blue and white crackle effect. I'd love to see more stuff like that.
But again, I'm sure I can get that done for myself if I get that deep into it.
I may have already gone a bit overboard, if I'm being honest. I want to check out different types of figures and gear. And, like I said, I've been a 40k fan for many years and I do know the lore somewhat well, so I already had favorites and particular interests going into this. If I can find them for a good price (some of them are older now), I can easily see myself going overboard on Black Templars and Space Wolves. Those were always my two favorite Chapters. And I'd LOVE some Eldar. Maybe it's fortunate JT hasn't gone down that road yet.
But for now, I've ordered a Space Wolf Intercessor, three different Tyranids, a Heresy-era Grey Slayer, a White Consul Intercessor, Ultramarine Hellblasters Torsus, and Black Templars Primaris Eberwulf. And I just got the Cadian Commander.
So a decent spread of figure, color, and accessory types there. I enjoyed messing around with the Cadian, but I do understand he's kind of an old figure in terms of design philosophy, scale, etc. So he's a touch wonky. Really nice, regardless. Seems big to be considered 1:18 scale, but fits really well with the old 'heroic scale' of the original models. Provided I like the rest of the figures, I'm actually pretty excited about getting a bunch more Cadians. I was always a fan of the Guard.
I'm most excited about the Black Templar, so.. fingers crossed on that one. I think my first group of figures will be showing up before the end of the week. Can't wait.
@cmoney I think everything non-WH from JoyToy is their own IP. It all looks SO cool and I've been able to avoid it because I just don't care about it. But if I end up really enjoying the WH figures, I could see myself falling down the rabbit hole of checking out their other stuff.
@cmoney I think everything non-WH from JoyToy is their own IP.
You forget the Turtles, the Corvus Infinity line, and that one Super Koseidon guy, too.
And I wish we could get more Tau stuff. They're incomplete without that two-seat scout flyer and their hoverdrones, imho. Reissue the troopers in tan, too.
@cmoney I think everything non-WH from JoyToy is their own IP.
You forget the Turtles, the Corvus Infinity line, and that one Super Koseidon guy, too.
And I wish we could get more Tau stuff. They're incomplete without that two-seat scout flyer and their hoverdrones, imho. Reissue the troopers in tan, too.
Technically, I only forgot about the Turtles. I didn't even realize the Corvus stuff is licensed (didn't pay much attention) and I don't know what or who a Super Koseidon is and have never noticed it. But yeah, I definitely didn't realize they were doing much existing IP. Can't believe I forgot Turtles, though. People seem to really like those (I do not).
HARD agree on tan Tau. That's my preferred colors for them, actually. Also hard agree on, at least, hoverdrones. The drone models are actually what got me interested in Tau at all. I don't really need a lot of Tau, as they're not my favorites by any stretch. But a couple of tac drones, couple of Pathfinders.. maybe a Kroot Carnivore to go with them? Maybe Farsight to go up against all these Primarchs they're making.
Now the Eldar... that could be a problem for me. I've always really loved the design language they use, so I basically like almost all of their models, including all the vehicles.
I got one of my JT orders in today - with the Ultramarine, Black Templar, and White Consul. My son and I had lots of fun messing with them so I'm definitely going to have some thoughts once I have a bit more time. The short version is that they're pretty great and I'm looking probably too forward to getting more.
I dunno how y'all feel about mechs but all of the 24th mechs I've gotten can fit a SW woman in the pilot seat so they can all work as 18th mechs. Apologies to you guys' wallets but there ain't no reason mine should be the only one suffering.
I dunno how y'all feel about mechs but all of the 24th mechs I've gotten can fit a SW woman in the pilot seat so they can all work as 18th mechs. Apologies to you guys' wallets but there ain't no reason mine should be the only one suffering.
Agh, don't tell me this! I'd weeded out the 24th mechs on the grounds that the "only" reason I was considering the 18th ones was to scale with the dinos in my Beasts of the Mesozoic display....