If you read the article, you know everything I know...
I know less than that, mate:
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Can a brother get a copy&paste?
Now who wouldn’t want a Red Forman figure?
@adrienveidt They're unpainted prototypes of Clarence Boddicker & gang from the first RoboCop movie.
The likenesses are impressive and the author of the article is speculating that at 1/10 scale, they should match Neca's RoboCop figures. Plus, they'll come in this nifty, VHS-style package.
Here's our obligatory, "I'd buy that for a dollar!"
Gracias, brother. I would be greatly interested in 18th headshrinks of all those guys, esp MeltMan.
I think the melted guy is just a statue for now, not a figure. But I'm not the Big Knower of Everything, so here's hoping!