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Jakks Simpsons line

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$20 is tempting to get into this line if they can keep doing 4 or 5 figure sets for that price - there is alot of potential to go deep into the characters this way with themed sets (Simpsons relatives, Power Plant, Bar, School, Classrooms, Krusty, Police, Mob, Flanders, Milhouse, Doctors/Scientists, Legal, Church, Media) before they even get to episode sets/THoH.

I know the figures are small but going from needing a large bookcase to hold all of WoS to a shelf or two...very tempting....

The Scarecrow Guy
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Having different scales going at the same time always worries me, though, since one of them is bound to eventually have a better character selection than the other, and it's almost always the one I decide not to collect at first. So far, the 2 inch line has a pretty nice selection- you at least get the full family. But the 6? 7? inch line has more fun figures- Treehouse of Horror, Otto, Willie, etc, not to mention better articulation (which is pretty new for Simpsons figures, Super7 aside). I did pre-order the family set, but I may honestly wait a little bit, just to see what direction each of the lines is going for and how they all look in person. In a perfect world, I'd probably prefer most of the figures to be the 6 inch articulated figures, and the more stylized ones, or ToH, to be the smaller figures.

I am quite liking the price point on both scales, though. Feels like it's been a while since we've gotten good figures around that price. I know it's not entirely true, especially for Jakks, but I haven't collected any of their lines until now, so it still feels new to me.

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Saw the Evil Krusty doll had the properly labeled Good/Evil switch and put a preorder down for that. Also preordered the advent calendar, of all things. I have the Department 56 Springfield set and these will slot in nice with that. Especially considering Department 56 never did a Lisa.

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Posted by: @fac

$20 is tempting to get into this line if they can keep doing 4 or 5 figure sets for that price - there is alot of potential to go deep into the characters this way with themed sets (Simpsons relatives, Power Plant, Bar, School, Classrooms, Krusty, Police, Mob, Flanders, Milhouse, Doctors/Scientists, Legal, Church, Media) before they even get to episode sets/THoH.

I know the figures are small but going from needing a large bookcase to hold all of WoS to a shelf or two...very tempting....

having the very next figure set be the whole Flanders family would be a great flex on Playmates.

speaking of Playmates, I dunno if anybody remembers when they tried a line of Simpsons figures in a smaller scale. they were pretty nice looking figures and maybe we would have gotten more if they hadn't started off with episode-specific sets.  


fac reacted
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I was hoping WonderCon was going to give us a good look at the larger figures. These little guys are cool but definitely toy toys. 

Still a lot of fun, though. A hit of matte spray will take off the cheap. 

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First wave of these figures are starting to hit Target. Here's a review I came across today: 


Overall, sculpt is good, articulation is satisfactory, and at least there are some included accessories. Homer, Wily, and Otto scale well, but Bart looks ridiculous with them. I wonder if the figures from the smaller scaled line will actually work better here when it comes to the kids? They are cheap at 12.99 a pop, but I do kind of wish Jakks put a little more into them and charged more. A matte paint finish would look great and a character as expressive as Homer would benefit from multiple portraits. If they had an ankle rocker though, they'd basically have better articulation that what Super7 gave us at 4x the price.

AgentHemlock reacted
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Hard to complain about something selling for $12.99 these days. I'll definitely pick them up when I see them in store. Willie is the highlight for me.

Actually Willie and Otto appeal to me a lot more than Homer and Bart. Homer seems a little boring and the donut box doesn't help, there's gotta be something better to include. (The single donut is great.) I agree on the sizing of Bart, just a bit too big. 

They definitely have a World of Simpsons vibe and that's a good thing. I've always regretted selling those off.

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I don't have my Playmates figures so I can't compare but the scale between Jakks Bart and the adults looks to be the same as it was with the Playmates figures.

and yeah, they look ok. not the line of my dreams but price/articulation are positives. and nice to see they are at the 5in scale for anybody who still has the Playmates playsets.

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I feel like the side characters work great at this price point but Homer and Bart need more.  They need deluxe price points with more heads and accessories.  As-is it's hard to jump in feet-first even at these prices.  Bart without a slingshot feels weird!  Need Homer with a drooling face!  etc.

Personally I am more interested in fun, specific versions of characters, like if Willy were the buff version or Bart were Bartman (which IIRC is coming later on). 

As for collecting every character in Springfield, I guess I'd prefer if these were even smaller, like 3" scale figures with limited articulation would be fine.  $13 is a great price but there are *hundreds* of characters they could make... space will be an issue!

Overall nice toys, I might pick up Bart, even if I don't use him, I'd love to have his signature skateboard for other figures.

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Posted by: @wickerbasket

I don't have my Playmates figures so I can't compare but the scale between Jakks Bart and the adults looks to be the same as it was with the Playmates figures.

Homer in the WoS measures just about 5" - the same as seen in the video review, so these look to be comparable to WoS and/or the NECA Celebrity line, which could be great if we get any new characters.  

The kids and the adults always scaled differently in WoS with the kids being closer to 1/12 "scale" - probably the lines only major weakness. I've always displayed the kids and adults separate for the most part for that reason as it did bug me at the time, but ultimately not terrible since the designs are so cartoony anyway.

Oddly in real life 4th graders like Bart are on average about 80% of an adult's height (56 inches compared to 70 inches) but the animation (like most cartoons) has the kids about 60% to 70% I would guess to accentuate the kids being kids. So the figures are kind of accurate height wise for the real world, but having them be that tall means the rest of the proportions as animated are too big.


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Posted by: @vicious7171

I feel like the side characters work great at this price point but Homer and Bart need more.  They need deluxe price points with more heads and accessories.  As-is it's hard to jump in feet-first even at these prices.  Bart without a slingshot feels weird!  Need Homer with a drooling face!  etc.

I'm going to guess that at this price point, if the line is popular enough, they will revisit Homer but go with a drooling or angry head and maybe add a new accessory as a way to keep them available without a straight re-release.

If didn't have WoS, I would be all over these at that price point. 


vicious7171 reacted
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My assumption is that characters like Bart and Homer will be almost omnipresent in the line via variants and such and it's through those that we'll see different expressions. I wish the review mentioned if the heads are easily removed or not for that reason as being able to mix and match would be a real benefit for the line.

I feel like the vast majority of toy lines scale their characters towards a middle ground as opposed to a true to the source scale. Lots of small characters end up being a little too big and lots of really large characters end up a little too small. We see the same even out of expensive lines like S.H.Figuarts when it comes to its Dragon Ball characters so I'm not at all surprised by how big Bart is, though I still wish he was smaller. It's not so much his height that looks off to me, but just how massive his head is compared to Homer's. Even so, I look forward to coming upon these myself in a store so I can take a look. I have no idea what I want to do with this line and it's definitely one that could get away from me real fast if I just buy everything.

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Agree with all the comments and criticisms so far. Scale is mainly the biggest issue. A can of dullcote and a pack of Gundam markers could upscale these quite a bit, and for $12.99 who can complain really? Especially because as a big line, these could become BOGO or go on sale from time to time, and you might grab a wave for cents. I wish I could pay $20-25 a pop for them, though, just to get them to the point where they'd be the only Simpsons I'd ever need. 

It's still my dream that NECA gets the license someday and releases articulated modern figs. But I have a feeling these are being made for younger audiences, that have found The Simpsons via Disney+, but don't have the $ to collect a big line of collector grade figures. At the price point, it's easy to pick up an Otto for your friend who loves Otto, or a Ralph for your friend who loves Ralph. Like they are being made for Simpsons fans instead of action figure fans who like The Simpsons. 

Still disappointed over S7's ball drop. I haven't picked up any of those yet, because I've been waiting to see how these turn out. Might grab Bartman and Krusty, potentially, and just display separately from these. 

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UK Amazon have deluxe Radioactive Man and Homer listed, they’re double the price of the other figures but there’s no pics or details about them.

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Interesting. I wonder if they'll be similar to the "collectors" editions of the Sonic figures they do? They're a lot more expensive than just double the standard, but it might be along the same line:

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