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Jakks Simpsons line

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The family box set appear to be 1:18 scale I would guess? Probably the playset scale is 1:18 as well. 

The talking evil Krusty Doll if "actual size" is going to be very tempting.

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Posted by: @asm


Most of these are just cut outs but already, the line looks better than what Super 7 did in the 4(?) years that they had it.

what's going on with that rug?


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Glad for these close ups. I think they look great. The smaller figs are just straight up toys and I'm OK with that. The larger ones look close enough to S7 and if they are $10-$15, they win IMHO. I'd have no problem paying more for more - more heads, hands, accessories, but I imagine I'll be paying that in modified re-releases. I hope in that case the heads will swap. 

Articulation on the big ones looks on par with S7's. S7's Radioactive Man wins by a longshot, but I guess he's an interpretation of the live action character whereas Jakks is doing the comic book drawing. Bart looks particularly good. 

I really hope I'm able to walk into Target and see these things on the shelves. I'll have a lot of fun flipping through the pegs and taking them all in. 


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TheGillMan and fac reacted
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Looking at it again and I guess the boxset and playset is more likely 2 1/2" figures like their Mario Brothers, I was being optimistic about 1:18 scale.

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Hopefully some are in scale with the Playmates and NECA figures

2nd most posts
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I sold off my entire World of Springfield line for pennies on the dollar. I couldn’t do another Simpsons line even if it had articulation instead of voice chips. 

The Scarecrow Guy
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I think these look pretty darn good. The WOS was a line I always wanted to get into, but it's a deep rabbit hole. Luckily, I'm at the point now where I'm good just cherry picking certain characters. The family is iconic enough that you gotta have all of them, but beyond that, I'm cool with just a few denizens here and there- Moe, Ralph, Apu, Milhouse, Flanders, Willie. Would absolutely love a whole subsection of Treehouse of Horror figures- I see a couple there, and I wouldn't be mad if they kept those coming.

It's exciting to see another company take a stab into a Simpsons line. There's still a huge fan base, obviously, so I'm eager to see how these turn out and what the reception is to them.

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The Treehouse figures/Radioactive Man seem to come with plastic backdrops/displays. I wonder if that's what gives them the higher price point. 

I also wonder how long it will be until Jakks gives us an official announcement with actual photos. Maybe San Diego?

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Hyped for this! Solid character selection, and I like the different formats; having a separate SKU for what seems to be the weirder or more elaborate selections is nice. That way you can get your Treehouse stuff out there, single-episode novelty looks, that kind of thing, and avoid disrupting the main line. (I've got no problem with the oddball figures, I think there's certainly a market for Treehouse and fringe appearances, but it's obviously a polarizing thing to put too much focus on them.)


I'm in for the biggest scale and can definitely be convinced on the likely 2.5" inch figures. I mean, you could mix-and-match them with Nintendo and Sonic stuff. Bart and Sonic skateboarding together, Lisa using the Ocarina of Time. Homer Springfield Gorge-ing his way through the Mushroom Kingdom. Alright, I've convinced myself.

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Posted by: @hopethisworks

The Treehouse figures/Radioactive Man seem to come with plastic backdrops/displays. I wonder if that's what gives them the higher price point. 

They need to do a Homer that comes with the hedge to sink back into. Milhouse forlorn atop the jungle gym, recess everywhere but in his heart. (Alternately, Thrillhouse in front of the TV playing Bonestorm.)


AgentHemlock reacted
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Bartman is the perfect Simpsons toy and will look great in classic 16-bit game display.  I don't really like Jakks but I can admit they are improving drastically as a toy maker over the last 5 years or so (Mario and Sonic lines are solid).  This is a great get for them.  I don't see a Marge mockup, I imagine she will come with Maggie, but I'd love for her to come with a vacuum like the old arcade beat em up.

Strong dislike for plushies with plastic heads, but I suppose some people might dig them.  Dang, that Krusty would be amazing if he were all plush.  If nothing else I'll be in for Bartman, even if he looks hilarious in that mostly-empty box.  Here's hoping we get a buff shirtless Willie too!

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Posted by: @hopethisworks

They need to do a Homer that comes with the hedge to sink back into. Milhouse forlorn atop the jungle gym, recess everywhere but in his heart. (Alternately, Thrillhouse in front of the TV playing Bonestorm.)

"Everything is Coming Up" Milhouse in waders, or I riot.


Amazing Spider-Man
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pre-orders for some stuff went up on amazon. the family box set is $20

Space Cadet
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I went ahead and preordered the Krusty Evil doll, family set and couch set. The family set should have just come with the couch for $10 more or something. Now I'm going to have an extra Homer. 

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