Looks like Jakks has the Simpsons license now and will be doing figures and playsets, not unlike WoS. Looks temping based on these early mock ups.
That's awesome. And they will probably be a third of the price as the Super 7 ones and probably better quality.
I don't know if on a figure-to-figure basis these will be better than what Super7 put out, but they'll definitely be a great deal cheaper and at a smaller scale which is sure to please more than it irritates. I don't like most of what I see out of Jakks when I make my Target runs, but most of that stuff is aimed at kids. This should be different so maybe they'll turn out much better. Their sculpts, even on the kid's stuff, are solid so if they just commit to painting these things that could make all of the difference. At any rate, this agreement is likely part of the reason why Disney pulled the license away from Super7 and likely ends any speculation that they could get it back anytime soon.
Oh hell yes. I don't own a single Jakks figure, but their Super Mario World and Sonic figures have always caught my eye, though I'm not a collector of either property. The sculpts have been great and at least from what I've seen the articulation seems to be on par with S7's, or just slightly behind. S7 gottem beat as far as accessories go, but these are what, $10-$20 figures?
It looks like they are at least doing two scales of action figures for the line, unless this grainy pics are doing some serious foreshortening. I'm seeing a bunch of bigger figs, and then some smaller ones that coincide with the family living room playset. I think Mario does the same thing?
Really happy to have blue-shirted Bartman out of the gate.
While I think the market can sustain a Simpsons line, I don't think S7's figures would make enough $ to stay afloat with this line running simultaneously. I wonder if they have been aware that Jakks figures have been on the way since the jump, it would sort of explain their model and scale a bit better. Make what Jakks isn't making and do it in a way they aren't doing it.
I've been pretty happy with the Mario and Sonic figures, honestly. I wouldn't say no to Simpsons from them...I'm very curious about the scale. A mix maybe? But they'd be cheap enough I would probably buy the family at least.
nuts, I would have preferred a more 'collector-oriented' company get the license. [shrug]
having playsets is pretty good deal though. hoping that we can still get a Moe's Tavern playset. (if anybody remembers back when Playmates had the license there was some difficulty in getting a Moe's playset as Fox or the toy retailers were not interested in having a bar playset on the shelves. that's why the Moe's Tavern set ended up being an Electronics Boutique exclusive)
Well I'm definitely getting that evil Krusty doll.
He better have the switch on his back.
Seems like a good mix from the start of main looks and hyper-specific ones. Really happy about that blue-shirted Bartman. I'm probably in for all of this.
Clicking through on that Insta link was worth it to see slightly better quality and more of the lower shelves. It looks like two scales, possibly the same that the Mario & Sonic lines use? It's hard to tell who's at the smaller scale, though.
I'm not turning down a tiny Bartman to join Sonic in taking down my Eggman ship.
Hope that's not final packaging, that feels excessive.
@wickerbasket oh I remember! And I doubt Disney is going to be any better at that than Fox was. They made Super7 remove Krusty’s cigarettes after all. Moe’s would more than likely be an exclusive again, if at all.
I think making Maude and the Flanders house would be the quickest way for Jakks to make a statement to WoS collectors that this is the line to go in on.
Does it still make sense to go after WoS collectors? That line ended 20 years ago. It was immensely popular, but how much of the market are you capturing now by being compatible with it?
Playmates, McFarlane, NECA, Super7....5th time's the charm?
If I can get a fairly extensive collection of Treehouse of Horror variants, I'd be in for that. Seeing as how Dracula Burns is one of the mock-ups, that's a good sign.
I still want a Poochie. I'm not paying $55 for one, though. A smaller, cheaper, and even unarticulated Poochie would suit me just fine.
I never understood why Simpsons figures would need much articulation anyway.
@secondwhiteline it makes sense as long as it's not a priority. The scale of the WoS seems fine and if it's the scale Jakks wants to operate at then it makes sense. That's more or less what NECA did.
Moe's Tavern is probably on the table as long as Jakks itself doesn't have any hang-ups with it. Lego, for example, wasn't going to touch Moe or the barflies since they have a strict no alcohol policy. Disney is clearly fine with it since we got Moe and Duffman from Super7, but Target and Walmart probably aren't stocking a bar playset. It would have to be an online thing, more than likely. Then again, those retailers also have collector areas now where you can buy Gremlins that come with booze and cigarettes so maybe the times they are a-changing? I don't know if Jakks has done anything in the past that would provide a hint as to what they are okay with. I only notice their Nintendo stuff and I think years ago they had Dragon Ball and WWE. They ever put out a Stone Cold with beer cans?
@misfit I can get behind that. Like, if they're in scale with WoS anyway (which is pretty close to the scale Jakks uses for their game figures, if I remember), that's cool. Just the way people talk about needing WoS continuations is weird to me considering the time that's passed, but I guess NECA played into that already and created an expectation.
Jakks hasn't done WWE in so long, but they did "beer cans." The labels were just WWE logos, so they could be mistaken as soda cans too. I would say something like the collector zone in Target is pretty different, since they're generally stocked by a NECA merchandiser and separate from the toys. It's possible Target doesn't even know they're carrying Gremlins that smoke and drink, or else they deeply do not care as long as it's not near the toys. But that's unlikely to be the case here, I would think? Jakks stuff is always in the toy section, and from the mockup it doesn't look like Homer's coming with a beer can.
I'm genuinely a little confused why people would really care for these to be in scale with the World of Springfield figures since WoS was so comprehensive almost anything this line would produce would be a duplicate of figures already produced in that line. It seems like it might take quite a while for a new line to get to characters that didn't already have a figure in WoS.
It's not that I don't want them to be compatible, I don't really care. It just seems like the lines are separated by so much time that they are wholly distinct and since they are likely to cover the same ground why just try to reproduce what another company already did? Why not do your own thing?
I really think collectors aren't realizing that WoS ended literally in 2004. If this new line does anything different early on, it'll probably be through main character variants that didn't exist yet or Playmates just didn't make. Probably Treehouse versions (Pennywise Krusty?) or popular memes like Stupid Sexy Flanders.