So I reached out to Jada Toys to see What was going on with their Universal Monsters Line and the Mummy figure.
I got a response back from them stating the Mummy had been cancelled due to them losing the Universal Monsters License.
Too bad as I really liked those figures and was really looking forward to the Mummy.
The Neca figures while a better for the actors likenesses of their characters. To me their actual design and articulation of those figures always seems very off amd off putting..
Bummer, They did a nice job on them.
Aw man that's a complete bummer as I chose to go with their line over the Neca offerings. Their figs were fun and had a decent price point
Aw man that's a complete bummer as I chose to go with their line over the Neca offerings. Their figs were fun and had a decent price point
Me too. That sucks! I hate when I can't finish a line
Shame to see this line go, but I'll admit of all the "big" Universal Monsters, the Mummy is my least favorite so I'm glad it was him that was cancelled rather than someone I really would have wanted.
Still, I wonder what happened. Maybe Universal just didn't see the need for both this and NECA's line.