If they don't branch off to do Space Ghost, Bird Man, The Herculoids and Blue Falcon, I will riot.
I'm hoping for Daphne and Shaggy in their 13 Ghosts looks, Bogel & Weerd, Flim Flam and Vincent Van Ghoul and a couple of ghosts from 13 Ghosts as well.
Also wouldn't hate figures from A Pup Named Scooby Doo.
Red shirt Shaggy NEEDS to happen. Vincent Van Ghoul is my #1 past the main gang, though.
How soon do you think we'll get Scrappy?
@protozoalord Vincent Van Ghoul HAS to happen. Scrappy I think needs to be articulated enough that he is not just a pack-in. If they did venture into 13 Ghosts I could see him coming with the Chest of Demons to help fill out the package and make it seem worth it for him to come as his own figure.
If not Neca could always to a cartoon style Vincent Price...
So excited for a nice 6 inch scooby line!
I can’t find much information about when this will release. Not familiar with Jada toys - how fast do they typically release waves? Can’t wait to see the rest of the gang.
For Scooby-Doo, here's some bits of info from various interviews to answer any remaining questions.
Scooby-Doo line should start releasing first half of next year. The first wave is already tooled. But as with all Jada lines, expect them to release as they are done.
Waves will be one gang member and two monsters.
Scooby-Doo himself is already in tooling but they're taking their time with him as to get him right.
If the line is successful, the Mystery Machine can and will happen. They're very familiar with making smaller Mystery Machines already, so making one is already in their wheelhouse.
My biggest question at this point is what style the gang will aim for and what alternate costumes are on the table to get made. I'd love for the outfits from the Mook DTV Quadrology to all get made.
I think it's the safest bet for the original series as what looks/style they'll go for- Green shirt Shaggy, Velma with the orange knee high socks, Daphne in the dress and pink leggings, Fred in the long-sleeved white shirt with orange ascot. They've had some good looks over the years, but I think the original cartoon is what most people think of when they think the Mystery Gang.
That said, I'd be down for a red shirt Shaggy, especially if they do a Reluctant Werewolf version. I'd take anything from Ghoul School too. I can see a Vincent van Ghoul being made as well, but if not, I hope the Neca Toony Terrors scales well enough with them.
Glad to hear the monster-to-Mystery is what it is. Hopefully means we'll get even more of the iconic monsters sooner. I know this isn't a line that'll go forever, but I'd really love for it to go pretty deep. I can think of at least probably 20 or so monsters I'd really like off the top of my head, let alone Mystery Inc. costume variants, side or one-off characters, and to a much less likely degree, any of the countless celeb cameos from any of the various shows. I'd even take a Scrappy. Red Herring would be fun too, but probably best not done at all, because then I'd want the whole gang in their kid versions. I'd take a full-scale Mystery Machine in a heartbeat too. Have the smaller one they made with the Shaggy and Scooby figurines, but a bigger (well made) one would be a dream.
My favorite Scooby Doo villain.
My favorite Scooby villian is the Purple werewolf.
Im very happy for a 6 inch scooby line, its about time. im a huge Scooby fan.
Looks like that shaggy mold is from the prior line that came out but was 5 inch tall.
@joshsquash729 I have no doubts which outfits-- I'm more thinking what way they'll stylize the characters. There's been a lot of art styles and colorschemes over the 55 years of the franchise. The colorscheme and white pupils are explicitly late 90s-onwards, but even then there's a lot of variations within these iterations.
I'm skeptical of the two villains per gang member wave, but I'm optimistic that these will sell enough to complete the core crew.
I would love to see the Black Knight, the Captain Cutler, the Space Kook, and even the Phantom Shadows. Some great designs there.
Since we've opened the can of worms, these are the ones I'd really love to see. Putting in spoilers since it'll be a long one.
Black Knight Ghost
Spooky Space Kook
Captain Cutler
Phantom Shadow (they're the ones who gave me nightmares as a kid, and are the reason I never let my feet slip out of the covers when sleeping. And since there's 2, maybe just do a swappable face plate or something and Jada can sell multiple)
Witch Doctor (though I understand it's a bit touchy nowadays)
Charlie the Funland Robot
Ghost Clown
Headless Specter
Werewolf (purple)
10,000 Volt Ghost
Tar Monster
Miner 49er
Mr. Hyde
Abominable Snowman
The Gypsy
Ghost of Elias Kingston
Phantom (from Hassle in the Castle. I feel like the "long white sheet ghost" is iconic in its own right, and is in the opening of the show, but is a rather lackluster design overall)
Skeleton Men (iconic to some, but never quite did it for me. But another one where Jada could easily sell multiples)
Werewolf (green. Again, some people's preferred version, but I feel like the other Werewolf just became more synonymous with the show)
Wax Phantom
Geronimo (would put him a tier above, but I feel like he's also become quite a touchy subject)
Frankenstein's Monster
And that's just from the original show. The first tier are ones I'd be surprised if they aren't made, and the line wouldn't feel complete without. For the second tier, I'd say about 90% are ones I'd really like and would be a bummer not to get. Third tier are ones that would just be fun to have. Not even touching any of the movies, wherein I'd love ones like the Phantom Virus, Revolta, Hex Girls (not a villain, I know, but still deserve to be mentioned because, well, they're the Hex Girls).