Surprised nobody's made this thread, but figured I'd make it in advance. Jada has teased they're going to have a BIG year at the upcoming SDCC, and with figures like Chester coming out to raving reviews, it's about time to get one up.
Latest Toymigos podcast has had Juhn tease one more animated license (no other hints than animated) and perhaps more to come at SDCC 2024. Anyone got any guesses or wishes? I'm excited as hell.
@protozoalord anytime a license tease comes up I have to always throw out my last great wish for a modern action figure line and that is Captain Planet.
I realize they lost the Universal Monsters license, but I DO want them to churn out a Nosferatu Graf Orlok figure to go with the Monsters they did make. I absolutely love their scale and style and I’d love to see my favorite movie monster of all done by them.
Count Orlok would be stellar. Captain Planet I could see as a one off, but not sure how well the kids and villains would sell. I'd totally buy Doctor Blight though, I'm a sucker for female villains.
I need Venture Bros and Galaxy Rangers but I know neither of these are going to be the license. Maybe it's Castlevania? But if we got the crap Netflix versions (again) before the games ever got any love I'd lose it. If it's an anime, I got no clue.
If Jada wants to continue making horror stuff even after losing the Universal License, Orlok would definitely be appreciated. They could also still add to the Universal Monsters collection by doing a 1925 Phantom of the Opera since that's in the public domain. A Hammer Dracula would be sick too, but who knows if they'd want to pursue that license just to make that one figure (I doubt they'd go in for a whole line). Some of the '80s slashers might be neat to see as well, but with the rights to so many of them still in the air I don't see that happening.
Castlevania would be awesome. I really want a Simon Belmont more than anything, and for some reason the Netflix shows are just skipping right over him, so I'd hope for figures based on the games instead just for that.
Ninja Gaiden is another one in a similar vein, either based on the classic NES or Team Ninja games.
My biggest want is Mortal Kombat at this point. A MK line as good as their SF line would be a dream come true for me. I'd prefer it based on the classic trilogy (huge bonus points if they resembled John Tobias' art) or even MK9. Pipe dream would be 3D era figures, but I know that is NEVER happening.
For animated lines, my biggest wish is Bionic Six.
Give me the whole family, the robot gorilla and the villains.
Ooooh oooh oooh a Jada Hammer Dracula would be AMAZING!
And I think they *could* do a whole line, or at least a couple waves:
-Lee as Dracula, with a couple variants
-Cushing as Van Helsing
-Lee as the Frankenstein Monster
-Cushing as Baron Frankenstien
-Oliver Reed from Curse of the Werewolf
-INGRID PITT AS CARMILLA from The Vampire Lovers
-Lee as Kharis the Mummy
-The Gorgon
-The Reptile
-Dave “Darth Vader” Prowse in either/both of his Frankenstein Monster incarnations
-Plague of the Zombies
-CAROLINE MUNRO from Dracula AD 72 and Captain Kronos, Vampire Hunter
-Captain Kronos
-Lee as Rasputin, the Mad Monk!
-Valerie Leon as Queen Tera from Blood from the Mummy’s Tomb
I could go on. It would be amazing.
Hammer Horror would be amazing for a line, I NEED non-Star Wars Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing action figures, but I have my doubts that Jada would do it any time soon. Juhn's expressed disinterest in doing live action juuust yet in multiple interviews, and generally I agree since they need to dial in their faces and sculpting, and build their team. I'd absolutely LOVE The X-Files as I've been watching through the show for the first time this week. Mulder, Scully, Lone Gunmen, Skinner, Doggett, and Alien Bounty Hunter. But that may be better saved for a different company.
Bionic Six would be nutty, though I could see that, Captain Planet, Galaxy Rangers, etc being more in Nacelle's wheelhouse.
Castlevania games would be a fun line but not sure how successful, Netflix show has skipped like 90% of the Belmonts just to double down on neutered versions of the stories Alucard is in. Konami definitely needs to get in the collectibles game before I spend too much making customs of Richter, various MGS characters, Harry Mason, and whoever else. I'm damn lucky they decided to do Getsu Fuma already, but Jada would be a good pick for everything of theirs.
Ninja Gaiden has the revoltech figures coming soon, though I'd love classic Ryu, Robert, Irene, etc based on the JP NGII/III artwork and OVA designs. Just doing a ninja guy would be too generic for me. NECA Ryu is the only figure I've ever regretted purchasing.

I’d definitely go crazy for Simon Belmont, Count Dracula, and a horde of awesome creepy monsters and rotting skeletons from Jada. I dig the “Symphony of the Night”-style designs, but I’m down for something more gritty and medieval.
But, like, anything that gets me Dracula.
Juhn's expressed disinterest in doing live action juuust yet in multiple interviews, and generally I agree since they need to dial in their faces and sculpting, and build their team.
I didn't know he said that. I get what he means, though. Most of their figures have been stylized in some ways, even their Universal Monsters stuff.
I will say I think they did a good actor face sculpt with their Lugosi Dracula. It's still a caricatured likeness, but I actually like that about it. Very recognizably him, just a bit exaggerated. Of course, that approach works well with someone like Lugosi who had very bold and distinct facial features to begin with. I could see that not working well for other live action licenses.
Also I fully agree about Konami licenses! Metal Gear figures from Jada would be incredible.
Jada has been knocking it out of the park. Most of their licenses have not been my jam but if they grab Darkstalkers I'm cooked and all in.
I picked up Ryu and Chun-Li this weekend. Haven't opened them, but hope they get Ken, Guile, Cammy, and M Bison soon.
I picked up Ryu and Chun-Li this weekend. Haven't opened them, but hope they get Ken, Guile, Cammy, and M Bison soon.
Check out the Jada SF figure thread in the Video Game figure section for more on those. *hint* They are coming.
My biggest want is Mortal Kombat at this point. A MK line as good as their SF line would be a dream come true for me. I'd prefer it based on the classic trilogy (huge bonus points if they resembled John Tobias' art) or even MK9. Pipe dream would be 3D era figures, but I know that is NEVER happening.
THIS!!! Tobias art inspired MK figures from Jada would be amazing, and I'd be ALL in! I'd likely sell off all of my McFarlane figures if they did this, since the classic trilogy looks would be my preference. I'd seriously love to see this happen.
Castlevania, Metal Gear Solid, God of War, honestly the list is infinite, they could do an awesome job with all of them. The Legend of Zelda is the one I would most love to see. Jakks is doing a fair job but they're too stretched out and slow. Jada would knock it out of the park, specially if they tackled Ocarina of Time or Twilight Princess. And who knows, I mean Nintendo is getting pretty lose with their franchises these days, maybe they could get the license for 6" Zelda figures.
As for animation, Avatar the last airbender! And Korra too! They would be right up their alley, a great fit for them and their style. Personally, I would love The Real Ghostbusters, as they never have had proper figures before, but that would probably be way harder license to get with hasbro doing stuff.
80's anime goodness would be a nice, although I don't really know what show they could do. Alita battle angel would be sweet.