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Hot Toys/Sideshow/1:6 scale Discussion

The Scarecrow Guy
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Sorry if there's already a thread on it; couldn't find one if there was.

I recently took the plunge into Hot Toys, despite telling myself that I'd only do so sparingly. I'd gotten like one or two over the years as they popped up- namely the DX11 Joker 2.0, Pirates Davy Jones, and the original Batman Begins Scarecrow. Last year I picked up the Pattinson Batman, and recently broke the bank with Bane 2.0, Catwoman 2.0, and the Clone Wars Ahsoka (who thankfully was free with the promo, so I don't feel quite as guilty). Still doing my best to keep it to certain characters and properties, and only as little treats here and there, but the Pandora's Box is open.

Yesterday, the new DX38 Jack Sparrow came, and he's about as perfect a figure as I could hope for. I didn't need the Artisan with the real hair; with how hot my NY apartment can get in the winter, that poor hair would be flat as a pancake in no time. Really makes me wish that they'd revisit the Pirates of the Caribbean brand as a whole, since they seem to be revisiting a lot of older figures, both old Hot Toys and old Sideshow. I know a lot of folks want a redo on Davy Jones, and I think Barbossa is long overdue for a 1/6 scale figure. I've seen a third party one that's pretty nice, but I know Hot Toys could absolutely kill it.

Managed to get in a last minute pre-order for the new DX32 Joker (non-Artisan edition) before it sold out, and waiting on that one to ship. Also got General Grievous and Plo Koon pre-ordered, which I'm both really stoked for, and just waiting for them to throw up the Nolan Trilogy Scarecrow for pre-order. Hopefully they'll get around to re-doing Two Face and finally giving us Ra's as well.

What Hot Toys, if any, have you guys accrued over the years, or which do you have your eyes on?

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Posts: 260

I got hooked on 1/6 figures a while ago.  I always thought I'd love to get a couple, but could never justify the price.  When the original BTTF Marty McFly was announced, I had to pre-order.  A decade or so later and I now have well over 100 of them.  I have a lot of OT Star Wars, MCU and DC stuff as well as other properties like Ghostbusters, BTTF and whatever occasional figure I like.

I don't have the recent Jack Sparrow, but I did get the one that came out 5 or so years ago and I really like it.  I have him in his own detolf shelf with a treasure scene display.

Due to both character choices and increased prices, I don't buy a lot of Hot Toys figures anymore, but I do have the upcoming Wolverine pre-ordered.  I'm lately more excited by smaller companies like Mars Toys.  I'm looking forward to a lot of their BTTF and Batman 1966 stuff as well as Willy Wonka.

I got this in the mail yesterday.  He'll go great with Batman, Robin and the Joker.

[img] [/img]

The Scarecrow Guy
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Yeah, I'm still pretty new to the 1/6 game in general, but I've seen some really nice third party releases. Problem is, by the time I'm made aware of them, they're already sold out or going for hundreds more on ebay. In some respects, like character selection, those third party companies actually do better than Hot Toys. I still can't believe that Hot Toys never did a 2022 Riddler to go along with Battinson, but third party sellers have made a couple versions of him and Colin Farrell's Penguin that are tempting, but also hard to find/expensive.

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Yeah, at this point HT just makes main characters or heroes and then third party companies will make supporting characters or villains HT doesn’t bother with. HT is making a LOT of Deadpool and Wolverine characters now but if you want a Cassandra Nova, it’s the third party route. I’m sure we’ll start seeing some Penguins based on the TV series soon enough as well. I see them as enhancing the licensed products rather than detracting from them or hurting their sales. Some characters might well at $150 by a third party but would tank at $305 from HT. I think even HT knows that and kind of lets some of these slide.

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The last Hot Toys figures I got were BTTF 3 Doc and Marty.  Looking back, they shipped in July and August of 2023.  I didn't realize it's been that long since I got one.  I just haven't been really interested in the characters lately.  I'd love it if they put out more stuff that interests me.  I feel like the stuff I would potentially buy lately are redos of figures I already have.
