Let's bring back this topic since the Neca thread has alot of traffic over there. Post pics and talk about HORROR figures !!!
Sodcutter is home....Holy crappy, this figure is superb. the only minor complaint is that the coat seems alittle too long for my taste and the delts dont have full range of motion, upwards. I may repaint the Graveyard Demons another color.
I have the first version of Sodcutter, and I really like him. I've seriously considered getting this one as well, since he looks different enough to be a separate character.
I like your idea of painting the demons, @nightwolf! I look forward to seeing how they turn out!
I like the one with red hands. They others are too dark to see any details.
I like the one with red hands. They others are too dark to see any details.
Red hands it is then, the Ogre has spoken 😉Β
Gonna pass on Der Clown, dont have space for such a big figure
Sidenote: Re-painted Sodcutter's Bowler hat a brown color instead of the original black
Question: is the new Nosferatu that Mezco is teasing a Re-release or a New version?
@nightwolf at least a new paint job; the eyes have never had pupils before.