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Hiya Toys Godzilla

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Toy Fair stuff, including first classic Godzilla:

TheGillMan reacted
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Yeah, thanks for posting.

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Toy Ark's got some good pics of all the stuff.  Of note is that I'm not sure the Hesei Godzilla is actually a figure, might be part of their smaller statue line.  It certainly doesn't say "Exquisite Basic" like the others do.  But hopefully that's an indicator that more classic figures are coming anyways!

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Is the Kong prototype the same figure already released or is it different?  I'm assuming the head is at least  new.  Looks like they may have reworked the chest so it doesn't come out to the sides as far and restrict the arms coming forward, which was a complaint some had about the Kong (vs Godzilla) figure.

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It's the Skull Island Kong as opposed to the GvK Kong.  I don't think the GvK one had butterfly joints, but I won't swear to whether all the parts are new or not.

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Also, I have read (but not yet seen pics) that at Wonder Fest, the '91 classic Godzilla Hiya has on display now has the Exquisite Basic label with it, so sounds like it will be a figure!


EDIT: Ah, here we go:

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Sounds good to me — really eager to see what Hiya does with the Hesei and Showa(?) series'. I'm just not that into the Monsterverse designs overall.

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I'm in the bag for every character/suit they do, all eras.  I've regretted not buying into SHMA for years and am very happy to get in on the ground floor of hopefully a long-running new collection.  And I love the Monsterverse designs!

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Posted by: @ashtalon

Is the Kong prototype the same figure already released or is it different?  I'm assuming the head is at least  new.  Looks like they may have reworked the chest so it doesn't come out to the sides as far and restrict the arms coming forward, which was a complaint some had about the Kong (vs Godzilla) figure.

I was disappointed with the *entirety* of Hiya Kong's poseability.  There's not a single factor about that figure that's better than what Mezco and NECA gave us at half the price, altho the axe is decent.  The single-most 'important' shot from that movie was Kong swinging the axe down on Zilla's face from double-handed overhead and his hands cant' get within 6in of coming together at all, much less overhead.  The entire buck is unsalvageable without putting in the same effort as simply restarting from digital scratch, imho.


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According to this, Ghidorah is releasing late this month! I ordered mine through 5K, who are much faster than BBTS (I've already got my Burning Godzilla in-hand, for example), but they seem to have stopped carrying the Hiya stuff once it became available to US retailers.  Regardless, hope to have my Ghidorah by mid-December!

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What are you basing the idea of 5k not carrying more Hiya Godzilla figures on?  I think there’s only the translucent atomic breath Godzilla being offered on BBTS but not 5k?  Is there anything else?  I am curious about that figure and wonder if the the solid version will ultimately look better.

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Posted by: @ashtalon

What are you basing the idea of 5k not carrying more Hiya Godzilla figures on?  I think there’s only the translucent atomic breath Godzilla being offered on BBTS but not 5k?  Is there anything else?  I am curious about that figure and wonder if the the solid version will ultimately look better.

They never put up pre-orders for the MUTO or Skullcrawler figures, or the translucent atomic breath Godzilla you mentioned.  These are the most recent offerings, and BBTS has them all up for pre-order.


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Ah.  Forgot about the MUTO and Skullcrawler.  Since 5k is a small operation (it may even be just one guy), I imagine they may not order everything.  Guess we'll see in time if they offer any more Hiya Godzilla items.  I do prefer them to BBTS since even if their shipping is more expensive, they still end up being cheaper overall.  And they're close to me location-wise. 

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