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Hasbro Pulse now offers free shipping to Canada!!! HOO-RAY!!!!!!!!!!

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Just a heads up for any of my fellow Canucks out there who may not be aware.

It looks like Hasbro Pulse has heard our (many) complaints and actually changed their shipping for the better (for Canadians). 

We now get similar sweet shipping deals like our Yank friends.  Any purchase under $75US is $6.99US shipping, and anything $75US and over is free shipping!!!!!!!  HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For you guys in the US, this has been a sore spot for Canadians since the inception of Pulse.  We had to pay shipping on any order, and usually it started in, or around, $20US even for a single figure.  Plus if we joined Premium we didn't get free shipping, so what was the point of even joining for Canadians?

Anyway, the shipping usually topped out at $30US, but it meant that if we wanted to get something, we really had to try and make a big order to spread the shipping cost out among many items so it didn't hurt as much.  Plus it meant, with exchange rates, we were usually paying more than Canadian retail prices for the same items thanks to the shipping (even with sale items). 

Now that has all but disappeared, and it looks to be a permanent change.  I know it works because I ordered something yesterday from the sale and it was glorious to see no shipping charge.

HUZZAH  HASBRO PULSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Don't forget that getting together a bigger order to make the most of shipping costs also means we have to pay customs and import duties on the order, so it basically cancels itself out.

This was pretty great news yesterday though, and I was finally able to grab the Drizzt and Panther set I've been pining after for years now.


Now, BBTS next? Pretty please?

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@karl_space  With Pulse they charge the taxes upfront so you shouldn't get hit with anything after it ships no matter how large the order.

BBTS will never give us discounted shipping.  We aren't their market.

KarlSpace reacted