Didn't see a thread like this, but my apologies if I missed it- feel free to merge/delete.
Figured we spend enough time talking about the bad and all the things we aren't able to get. Let's spread some joy and talk about the things we ARE able to get- be they grails/long wanted figures that you were finally able to snag, lucky hunts that paid off, or just something you got yourself because you thought it looked cool! If it's something you got recently that made you happy, post it here so we can all celebrate.
My recent acquisition that's still on its way, but I've been after for quite some time is Johann Krauss from Hellboy 2: The Golden Army. Always loved the Hellboy movies, but I wasn't able to pick up the figures growing up, so I've slowly been adding them to the collection. Tricky, as some of them are quite pricey now, even loose. Got a couple of them now- ironically, still no Hellboy himself- and they've all made me so happy.
I really love that 2nd movie, and I've loved Johann's design since I saw it; I dig a good steampunk design. Been after him for ages, but never managed to find a good price. Added a loose one to my watchlist, and the seller sent a stupid good offer, so I had to accept. Really looking forward to adding him to the shelf, and whichever Hellboy figure is next!
EDIT: Changed the thread title to be less confusing. I was proud of it, though. 🤣
Picked up a third Landmate for a decent price:
Posted in the recent acquisitions thread as well, but figured I'd post here too.
Been a huge Gorillaz fan since I first heard their music, but really got into them with Demon Days. Always wanted some of the vinyl figures that have been released through the years, either by Kid Robot or Super Plastic, but they were always too expensive or sold out. Managed to get (most of) the small blind box vinyl figures from Super Plastic earlier this year- only missing one of the Murdoc variants, and I got the light up 2D for my birthday, but the Song Machine figures were sold out, and they (heck, all of them, really) go for silly amounts on ebay.
That is, until Black Friday. Super Plastic restocked their Gorillaz figures out of nowhere, at almost 50% no less, and even though I found out too late to snag the whole set, I still managed to get 2 of the 4- 2D and Murdoc. Noodle and Russell were sold out, but that's okay, it was still a lovely surprise. 2D has always been my favorite anyway.
Still waiting for them to ship, but I've already freed up a space on the shelf for them, away from the prying eyes and paws of my cat. Was an unexpected finale to the post-Thanksgiving sales, and certainly put me over my spending threshhold, but I couldn't say no.