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General Wishlist thread

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I saw a concept art post about a supposed 90s remake of Forbidden Planet by Irvin Kershner and suddenly realized what a travesty it is there's no toyline for the original.  Do it 18th so I can build a crew, obviously with a fully-articced Robbie + hovercar set.  I doubt the C-57D ship would be feasible at 18th but a set with a translucent Id Monster, forcefield gate should be doable, maybe with a quad-cannon and gunner or they can be a separate set.

So, what did y'all wake up wanting this morning?

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I would like a line of Toho kaiju figures that were all in scale to each other.  Like how the Showa Godzillas are like half the official height of the Hesei Godzillas, that sort of thing.  DeAgostini is doing this in 1/700 scale in Japan with subscription models/magazines, but I'd like figures and things that were actually available here in the US.

There's quite a lot of stuff I'd buy from the Total War: Warhammer games specifically (as opposed to the book/game art it's based on), probably in 1/18 or so in order to scale everything to each other.

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Posted by: @misfit


Seeing how these figures are turning out makes me wish Boss Fight Studio had been the one making Simpsons figures instead of Super7. This scale and level of articulation is perfect for toons.


this was posted in the BFS Popeye thread so I'll quote it here so I can reiterate that I would be down for another Simpsons line if the opportunity comes up. would like to see what can be done with figures that do not need to accommodate the voice activation feature; if playsets are possible that's great too.... again the market is waaay different since the Playmates line ended but I have to imagine there is potential for a Simpsons line to at least yield more figures than Super7.

on a related note, if the interest is there I would also like to see a Futurama and/or King of the Hill line. it shouldn't be too difficult to improve on Toynami and Toycom's offerings e.g. more accessories, more articulation, alternate portraits, etc.  

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@wickerbasket If you watch the interview between Veebs and Brian Flynn when Flynn reveals the Super7/Disney deal in on hold (or over), it sounds like Disney was expecting higher sales numbers for their licenses.  If Super7 couldn't hit the levels Disney expects, there's no way Boss Fight would.  Not a knock against BFS, as they make better product than S7, but I think S7 has way larger distribution channels.

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I mean we've discussed it dozens of times before but the lack of a good classic Looney Tunes line is baffling. The Direct one from 20 years ago was so specific to certain episodes and had terrible articulation. There was a mass market one from back then that I still display but the are pretty bad. Jada toys would be killer.

I would still like a good 1/12 scale line based on the Venture Bros but that wont happen. I also support the need for a classic Kaiju line from the 50-70s films that all cohered together.

whitehawk345 reacted
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Honestly, I would love a line of action figures based on my favorite science fiction series. About a group of rebels who battle against ancient forces of darkness, and a rising fascist government that seek to bring peace to the galaxy. No, it's not Star Wars (I never, ever liked Star Wars. In fact, I've loathed it ever since I first watched Return of the Jedi). It's Babylon 5!

The characters are fantastic and the designs are great. The aliens have unique and interesting looks. I'd kill for great, modern figures of Londo Mollari and G'Kar. I'd love a modern figure of Ambassador Kosh! I want a figure of a Shadow that doesn't cost more than a Haslab! Plus so many other alien characters. Drazi, Gaim, Drakh...

... you could even have deluxe star ships on flight stands, not to mention the station itself.

Why we haven't gotten this yetis a mystery.

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I’d love to see Babylon 5 / Crusade revisited with better product.  One of my absolute favorite properties, it deserved better figures than they got.  A new line, similar to Art Asylum’s Star Trek would be cool.  Better articulation!  Better likenesses!  Appropriate accessories! Weapons! (If they can get JMS to relent on this one).

On a similar note, Farscape could likewise benefit from a quality upgrade in figures.  Another great license, that needs better representation.

A better Gatchman / Battle of the Planets line would be cool.  Similar to Marvel Legends, I think.  I’d love to see them go deep, with more villains and supporting characters. A Phoenix bridge playset, and personal vehicles for the characters to operate.  

TheGillMan reacted
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My wish list is pretty simple: Classic Star Trek figures (60's Original Series and 80's movies) in Vintage Collection 3.75" articulated style/quality (I'd settle for 6" Black Series style for these too) and an affordable line ($35 or less) of 6" super-articulated Battle of the Planets figures similar to Marvel Legends style.

The Scarecrow Guy
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Been revisiting LOST recently since it's had its resurgence, and man, I'm bummed there was never a really good figure line for the show. There were a couple companies that had the license- McFarlane, Funko, Kubrick, Bif Bang Pow, etc., but the character selection is all over the place, let alone the quality and likeness. Some of them like McFarlane came out during the show's popularity, but didn't sell too well because they were statues, and since they came out so early in the show's run, its cancellation meant missing out on some of the later, more important characters. Other lines like Funko came out well after the show had aired, and didn't sell too well (I kept seeing Jacob and Man in Black Pops up until a couple years ago at some of my local Barnes and Nobles)

I still have a couple of the old McFarlane figures (statues), and have had my eye on a couple more; they're arguably the best out of what we got, but man, some odd choices were made. They're not figures you can display apart from the base, and having 2 out of the female figures in bikinis is an odd choice. I know Todd has never really had much faith in female action figures selling, but maybe that's part of it. At least with Sun, even though the bikini doesn't fit her character at all, it's at least a beautiful, somewhat iconic moment for her. With Shannon, it fits the character, even if it was a one-off appearance (as most of the figures were); heck, the inclusion of Shannon at all kinda boggles my mind. I'd much rather have had another main character like Sayid in place of her. It feels wrong not having Sayid, Desmond, and Ben at least (all of whom were planned to have figures, but the line was scrapped before they did). Sayid and Desmond were supposed to be in wave 2, but got pushed back, which makes it even more heartbreaking knowing that we could have gotten them. Sayid especially was a groundbreaking character at the time given the war in Iraq, so it feels wrong that there's not more merch of him.

Bif Bang Pow did a decent enough job and had the biggest selection of characters, but I've never been a fan of the old MEGO style figures. Some of them, like Hurley and Claire, just look wrong, like they've got big pillows for stomachs (which I guess they essentially do). We at least got a few more characters out of that line- finally a Sayid and Ben, and a Juliet, but seeing other characters like Miles, Jacob, and the Man in Black, who are all very important characters in their own right, but missing other important ones like Desmond, Charlie, Sun, etc. We did finally get some side characters like Faraday, Dr. Chang, and Richard Alpert, but as bobbleheads, which is another love-it-or-hate-it style.

Kubrick gave us a pretty good array, at least of the arguable "most important" characters, so it doesn't necessarily feel like any slots were wasted like in the McFarlane or BBP lines, but again, Desmond and Ben were super rare chase figures. Funko, who arguably had the best chance of going deep on the line (at least if it was made today), gave us some heavy hitters, and while I'm happy to have Jacob and the Man in Black again, I'd have preferred their slots went to someone else too.

It's tough, because obviously with a show like LOST that has a pretty huge roster of characters, there's always gonna be some that are left out no matter what. But I feel like you could also knock out most of the heavy hitters in just a few waves, depending, before dipping into the side characters. I don't know how well, if at all, a line of figures would sell nowadays (probably not that well), but I would love some actual articulated figures, either in any of the current McFarlane styles (articulated figure-wise, not the Movie Maniacs statues), or even something smaller like Hiya Toys. If a relatively niche license like the Expanse could fund a successful Kickstarter, I think LOST could have a chance. There's room for re-use on certain body parts or accessories, and the relatively plain nature of most of the outfits could save on super intricate sculpts. Just cut back on the more "scene specific" outfits like Jack in his suit (and no bikinis, please), and you're golden.

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I could see myself enjoying an 18th Fringe line.

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Posted by: @dchimpy

6" super-articulated Battle of the Planets figures similar to Marvel Legends style.

The Storm Collectibles Gatchaman figures are really good. They are more 1/10 scale than 1/12 but they are certainly in that general style. 

@detectivehoag No idea how deep they will go but they are off to a great start.

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Posted by: @derrabbi

Posted by: @dchimpy

6" super-articulated Battle of the Planets figures similar to Marvel Legends style.

The Storm Collectibles Gatchaman figures are really good. They are more 1/10 scale than 1/12 but they are certainly in that general style. 

@detectivehoag No idea how deep they will go but they are off to a great start.


Those Storm Collectibles figures do look great, but unfortunately they are a bit too pricey for me.


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@dchimpy Sorry to hear. I think such a niche interest in the US market and that's gonna be the only real options.

dchimpy reacted