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The Scarecrow Guy
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@kassle Agreed. Especially given that the line features some of the most egregious examples of re-use, there's really no reason why characters like Kynes or Leto couldn't be made. I feel like the first movie and its toyline didn't get a fair shake because of the pandemic and delays. If it came out today, I feel like Todd totally would give us at least those 2, even if they were exclusives.

I'm with you, though. I liked Shishakli (even if the only reason I know her name is because of the toy, since I don't think they say it in the movie), and I'm glad to have her- and any female character, for that matter. But the Bene Gesserit are, in my opinion, some of the coolest (not to mention most important) parts of the movie, and to not have them more well represented feels like a missed opportunity. It almost feels like doing Star Wars figures, but not doing any Jedi or Leia. I get that "women of various ages in increasingly intricate gowns" may not be the biggest draw for collectors, but something like that would be the perfect store or McFarlane exclusive. At least with Irulan, maybe Jessica, I feel like there might be a chance of a figure whenever Messiah rolls around, but for the others, I feel like their time has passed. It's a shame too. We know McFarlane can do dresses- he did 2 figures of Buttercup for Princess Bride- and yeah, they didn't sell super well, but I feel the audience for Dune is a little bigger, or at least a little more likely to buy figures- than for a cult classic like PB. It's another situation where companies like Lego or Funko give us the most screen accurate or wanted look for a character, but actual action figure companies just go with whatever is easiest.

Still, you never know. Todd isn't against milking a line or taking advantage of a good situation, and the Dune love is in full swing right now, and probably will be for some time. Part of me feels like, since the Dune 2 line is already twice the size of Dune 1's line, this may be it, but you never know. If we keep buying them, he may make more. Wouldn't surprise me either way.

kassle reacted
Comic nerd
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Mcfarlane just showed off a new Music Maniac Alice Cooper. Strangely he has single joints in the knees and elbows. 

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Looks like Todd's got a Music Maniacs line incoming, with the first figure being an Alice Cooper slated to go up for preorder on the 22nd. Potentially interesting, although I'm not much of a metal fan and usually music figures go that route. 

The Scarecrow Guy
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It was an interesting reveal for sure, but I'm certainly curious. I'm sure we'll see some of the usual suspects in the line- Alice Cooper, Ozzy, Slash, maybe an Iggy Pop, etc- anyone he's covered before. Would love for the line to branch out a bit; would be great to get a new Kurt Cobain figure- he still seems like he's pretty much up Todd's alley. More surprising would be artists from other genres- pop, country, rap (though they seems perhaps the most likely after Rock- maybe a Snoop or Ice Cube). Likeness rights I'm sure will be a bit tricky, which is why Rock seems the most likely- Todd is most familiar with the genre, it seems, and even has a few connections himself.

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I could see them making some hip-hop names, yeah. Who has ReActions at this point? Run the Jewels, Eric B. and Rakim, Run-DMC, ODB, Ghostface, RZA, Outkast, Beastie Boys...I'm sure I'm forgetting some. Those all seem potentially on the table for likeness rights.

I guess I can't fault them for going back to the usual suspects you mentioned, but man, even like a Billy Idol or Siouxsie Sioux or someone would be novel. Kate Bush. Sun Ra. Björk.

I wouldn't hate 7-inch figures of MCR in their Danger Days personas, thinking of who's got ReActions.

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Didn't know where else to say this, but - just saw the Beetlejuice Beetlejuice trailer, and if McFarlane isn't planning on doing a line for this movie, he doesn't belong in the toy industry.

The Scarecrow Guy
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I don't know about a whole line, but at least a figure or two. If anyone, I think I'd probably prefer to see NECA take a stab at a Beetlejuice, but Todd could have some fun too. It's a bit of a Russian Roulette with him, though- would he do a Multiverse style figure, a Movie Maniac statue, a Page Puncher, etc.? But I agree in general- some new Beetlejuice stuff would be great to have at all.

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The first "wave" of Music Maniacs is up. It's Alice Cooper and Ozzy. Went ahead and preordered the Alice figure from BBTS, as I'm a huge fan of the Coop. I'm glad to see these are articulated, though I hate that he's doing the T crotch for these. Still, at least they aren't statues. Very curious to see what other artists he'll wind up doing in the future.

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The McFarlane panel at Wonder Con had a slide with Iron Maiden “The Trooper” Eddie and Rob Zombie. I’m really hoping for new KISS figures. I hope we get Classic lineup and the “End of the Road” lineup. I’m hoping Danzig shows up in this line since the Super7 deal dematerialized. I would also go absolutely crazy for Blackie Lawless too!

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In the time since I posted this and while the forum was down I bought the Alice Cooper Movie Maniacs figure. I really like it and I can’t wait to see what else we might see from this line. I’m still really hoping for new KISS figures too! Hopefully we could maybe get some deluxe in the 7” scale for more articulation and accessories.

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Anyone got any action on that MM Fallout TV show Amazon exclusive 3-pack set?  I've seen one review on Amazon so that seems to show they are in the wild.  I lucked out and got an order in a couple of weeks back but Todd seems to think we collectors love nanosecond sellouts and long delays on availability so I'm not stressing it.  Everything I've pre-ordered from Todd on Amazon was always delayed up to a month.  I think the "official" release date is listed as May 10 FWIW.

Fuzzy Blue Intern
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Having just finished watching Dune 2 on MAX, I find myself really wishing Todd could've squeezed a generic helmeted Sardaukar & Harkonnen soldier into his toy line.  It would've made it infinitely more collectable to have some enemy fighters. And knowing everything has gone on pretty steep clearance, I'm guessing we're not getting anything else. 

Akatsuki reacted
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But we got the Emperor, Fuzzy!

The Scarecrow Guy
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Yeah, yet again Todd made some odd choices, go figure. I'm glad we got the figures we did, but a generic army builder of any of the factions- Sardaukar, Fremen, Harkonnen, Atreides, etc. would've gone a long way. Still no Duke Leto, which seems easy to do now that he has the Atreides armor from the 4 pack Gurney. I'm bummed there was no proper Lady Jessica in her Bene Gesserit dress, and no Irulan (though I suppose she's probably fairly likely if he comes back to do Messiah figures). Yeah, I know Todd doesn't like female figures, especially "lady in dress" figures, but hey, we got 2 Buttercup figures from Princess Bride (which didn't sell well, granted, but at least we know he's willing to make them). Because he owns a small company, he's always just kinda made what he wants, which is nice, but definitely sends some confusing messages sometimes on what's probable and what's not.

I'm interested to see if he does come back for Messiah and make figures. The movies are cash cows, but I don't know how hot the figures are. Both waves suffered from the movie being delayed, and so the figures sat on shelves for months. I saw a fair amount move after the movie came out, but they were still fairly plentiful after the fact, and only really sold once they hit clearance. I don't know how much of that comes down to cost, character selection, etc. I suppose we'll see.

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New license is Bleach.

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