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The Scarecrow Guy
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@kassle I've seen a few people say that they got the license back, but I haven't been able to find where he announced it yet. I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, but still.

Definitely exciting. I'm still a fan of the series, even if it's far from the height it was once at. Especially seeing all the changes and growth McFarlane has had as a company since the TWD figures came out, I'm excited for whatever new offerings there are. Seeing as how Hiya has their figures coming out, I think something on the larger end is a safer bet. I really hope he implements the current articulation into the new figures and doesn't continue the more statue-like Color Tops figures from before.

I'm sure the heavy hitters are all guaranteed- Rick, Michonne, Daryl, Negan, and hopefully Carol and Maggie. Mostly stuff from the new shows, but I guess we'll see. I'm keeping my expectations very low for now.

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Amazing Spider-Man
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Not sure how I feel about that. I'd like figures, but they're not very good at doing actor likenesses. Their strongest sculpts are the stylized ones by a large margin. Though they seemed to have put a lot of TLC into their barefoot Todd figure in the Spawn set.

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IGN Fan Fest was the first place I read about it:

I like the Hiya figures quite a bit (I gravitate toward smaller figures) - but I hope they expand beyond Negan/Daryl.

Amazing Spider-Man
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I would like a figure of Rick in that CRM uniform from the new spin off.

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My McFarlane Warhammer 40k Space Marine Terminator arrived from Amazon the other day.  Opened it up to discover maybe the loosest torso joint I've ever seen on a figure.  At least one of the loosest.  It's kind of ridiculous.  I've long loved the 40k Terminators designs, but I think I'm going to return this thing.  The torso joint is ridiculously bad.  Everything else is fine about it.  I do wish the power fist was an actual fist as opposed to being an open hand.   Was looking forward to this figure, but it's turned out to be quite the disappointment.

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Posted by: @kassle

McFarlane has announced that they have The Walking Dead license again.

I'm assuming these will be in the 7" scale (and not a continuation of the older 5" line).  

Guessing we will see some figures from The Ones Who Live (Rick & Michonne); but also hoping we get stuff from Daryl Dixon (Daryl & Carol) and Dead City (Maggie & Negan) as well.  I'd like to at least have the "big guns" from across the universe.

I'm hoping they are the 5" scale. Didn't the 7" line bomb in the stores?


Amazing Spider-Man
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The 7 inch line was a line of statues iirc.

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Posted by: @ashtalon

My McFarlane Warhammer 40k Space Marine Terminator arrived from Amazon the other day.  


I have to be honest... I didn't realize the McFarlane Warhammer line was still going.   I'm a sucker for that Space Marine design -  but I skipped the waves with the Darknight Guards and the Orcs as they weren't for me.    Didn't realize some additional Marines had been released including the mega-fig Marine


The Terminator mega fig looks great so it's a bummer it was wonky for you Ash.   The Khorne berzerker and Wolf Guard look pretty decent to me too.     I see Todd's still doing the artist proof variant thing with these... I wonder how well those sell?


Anyway -  I'll keep my eye on these guys.   May wait to see if the Mega Terminator hits discount though.


The Scarecrow Guy
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Odd request, but if anyone is able to, can you see how the Princess Buttercup figure fares with either a Lady Jessica or Florence Pugh (I suppose it would have to be a Marvel Legends) head on it? I assume the Pugh head wouldn't fit at all, being a different scale, but I'm interested to see if a Jessica head would fit. Since I doubt Todd is ever going to give us a figure of Jessica in one of her fancy dresses (or an Irulan, but you never know on her), I'm interested to do a kitbash. But Jessica's head does seem perhaps a touch big, so I don't know if it would look natural on Buttercup.

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The Scarecrow Guy
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Anyone looking for the Platinum Paul Atreides? One of my local Targets has been sitting on one for a while now. I know he's not terribly hard to find, but I'd be happy to snag him for someone if they're looking.

kassle reacted
Magneto Was Right
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They're doing Movie Maniacs for the new Fallout TV show:

The Scarecrow Guy
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Target was/is having a sale on a lot of figures, including the Dune part 2 figures. Ended up picking up the Gurney/Rabban set; was still ringing up at $23, but I was able to get them to price match the app, which was $16.19. Not bad for 2 figures, including a previous BAF. I think I still prefer the Gurney from the 4 pack (which I still need to get), just because I like that armor a bit better than the super re-used Stillsuit, but it's nice to have him at all.

I'm surprised that, at least in my neck of the woods, the Dune figures still aren't really moving. Hopefully this sale will encourage more people to snag them. I need a second wave, dangit!

Amazing Spider-Man
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They really just look horrible. I'm not to surprised to see them getting discounted so much. It looks like they do face prints on some of the DC figures, but for these they seem paint the heads like they resent the need to paint their sculpts.

The Scarecrow Guy
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I can see that. The Part 2 figures are definitely a step up from the part 1 figures likeness wise, but I do agree that there's still something missing. Walken is arguably the best of the bunch likeness-wise, but he's a barebones figure. The rest aren't terrible- I can at least tell who they're supposed to be, but not perfect.

Depending where you get them, the price may or may not be fair. Here, some of them can go for up to $27 a figure, which is way too much. Something closer to 20-25 is a little more appropriate I feel, but for someone like the Emperor, it still feels a little steep, which is why this sale feels better, since they're priced around 10-11 each (or $8 each for the 2 packs).

Todd definitely knew what he was going when he made the lineup. He knew people would want the Thumper and Worm Hooks, but stuck them in a 4 pack that doesn't come with the famous Kris Knife. He stuck Gurney, a character a lot of people wanted, into a 2 pack with a BAF a lot of folks already had, and in a 4 pack (and the 4 pack has, what I would consider to be the more desirable of the 2 armors, as it's closer to the Atreides armor). The 4 pack also has Stilgar in the Atreides-ish armor, which he's only in for a scene or 2 in the movie. But it's also the only way to get the full Stilgar head, as the 2 pack has him wrapped up in his more appropriate Stillsuit garb. I liked the character enough to get 2 versions, but I don't know if I need 2 versions. He put Feyd-Rautha's cool knife he uses for the duel with Paul in the 2 pack. But again, not enough soft goods for everyone. Which isn't the biggest deal, but still, a little annoying, because they do look a little plain otherwise.

That said, I don't hate them in the least bit. Maybe I'm just swept up in that Dune fever right now, but I like the figures, especially the part 2 ones that added the soft goods to break up all the re-use. Feyd-Rautha is probably the best figure, I'd say. He's got the most going on with his sculpt/costume, the soft goods cape (even if it's only in the movie for a scene or two) and the most accessories with the 2 knives. The likeness varies figure-by-figure, but is pretty good (at least for a bald guy). The articulation is pretty good too, even if the range on some of them isn't the best. But you can still strike the necessary poses, and with a few exceptions, none of them do anything too crazy in the movies anyway.

I only grabbed Jessica from part 1 so far, because she was on mega clearance at a local store, and I have my eye on Duncan, but the two of them are in need of soft goods too. Maybe if I pick up extras of any part 2 figures, I'll give their cloaks to Jessica and Duncan.

All in all, I'd agree- it's an odd line. I can see why folks, especially collectors, wouldn't want to pick it up, at least at full price. But they're decent enough figures that, if you can get them on sale, I'd say definitely do.

I'm still hoping for some Bene Gesserit. Lady Jessica in her dress, Reverend Mother, Irulan, maybe Margot. They're some of the most interesting characters, and Denis said he cut a lot of the other side characters because he was essentially making a Bene Gesserit movie, so their lack of figures feels odd (though I know why, when it comes to Todd). Even if the figures aren't selling too hotly, hopefully there's enough sales to add to the crazy hype of the movie and make at least a few figures in a second wave.

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Just got back from seeing the movie and the Dune line IS a bit of a trip.

McF has been pretty notorious for being kind of terrible about making female figures...but he makes Shishakli over Princess Irulan? 

And the Emporer over...anyone?  I get that he's played by Walken, but he's barely got any screentime and his costume/look aren't particularly compelling.  

I liked Shishlaki well enough, but I'm guessing some of her scenes ended up on the cutting room floor because it's hard to imagine a world in which Todd even considers producing the character, even with the parts reuse (I've read that some characters were fully cut from the film). 

I'd definitely have preferred an Irulan or the Reverend Mother over the Emporer and Shishlaki; or even would have preferred they'd dug into the Dune 1 catalog and given us Duke Leto, Liet Kynes (who could've mostly been parts reuse) or even Piter De Vries. 

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