The Dune stuff looks pretty solid.
But, first - a question: what is the difference between Gold Label and normal McF figs? These look the same except maybe different capes?
Second (and this is more of a comment) - can't believe we aren't seeing a Princess Irulan figure. She's a pretty significant character, and she's being played by Florence Pugh, who's got Marvel under her belt (not to mention a bunch of other stuff).
I wondered that as well. Not to open a can of worms, but there was that (perhaps misquoted) thing Todd said a while back about female characters not selling as well. Then again, we're getting 2 in this wave, but I'd rather have Irulan than the other female character that Stilgar comes with. Maybe if they do well enough we could see a second wave? I'm still waiting for a Duke Leto too, and a Piter would be cool (for as little screen time as he had).
Kinda sucks that the W40k line is already dead. I wish we still got the other factions. Cool if we got vehicles as well.
Found 2 of the Dune Part 2 2-packs (that's a lot of 2s!) at Target yesterday. They had Paul/Feyd-Rautha and Gurney/Rabban. No single figures. They looked pretty nice, all things considered. No price tags, and for some reason that Target took all their price scanners away, but I assume they were priced at the normal $40. Didn't end up picking them up just yet, since I'm out of room, and hopefully they'll end up going on sale like the first movie's figures did. I think I prefer the single Paul and Feyd, but I'll definitely snag that Gurney and Rabban eventually.
Target had all the Dune figures out this time. They all looked really nice in person- even Christopher Walken, who I wasn't quite sold on from the pics. The 2-packs hadn't moved since last week. I wonder if people are waiting for the movie to come out, much like what happened with Part 1's figures- they warmed those pegs until they were toasty, and didn't really seem to move until the movie came out.
I even lucked out on finding Platinum Paul. I think like the regular release better- they really upped the Chalamet likeness this time around, but I never find Platinum releases in stores, so I got him just on excitement alone. I'll keep him boxed for now, in case I change my mind, but hey, at least I can say I finally found a chase!
Mcfarlane revealed their new pacific rim figures.
they're 4” figures just like the page punchers and includes a comic book as well as a building diorama. They’re $19.99 each and there’s a Amazon 3 pack for $39.99
they don’t look too bad but I much rather have like either 7” scale figures or mega fig scale figures with building diorama instead. I wonder this means DST loss the license or this is just a one off.
Seeing as how Todd's doing 3" page puncher Joes and Transformers, I'd say this is a unique license for this particular scale and format.
I've been seeing the single packed Dune figures at Target, no 2-packs yet. The Christopher Walken likeness is pretty great, he's an iconic actor that I'm glad to now have in figure form. I think they are shipping a lot of Platinum Paul. I've seen him at 3 Targets so far.
Mcfarlane can't catch a break on merchandising Dune... the first movie was delayed by COVID and the figures were on clearance by the time the movie came out, and this time they had the figures on shelves perfectly timed for a November movie release... and it was delayed to March. So these are unlikely to be much more successful.
I found a few Dune figures at Game Stop today. You are correct Walken's likeness is as you said @presidentjuggernaut pretty great. I was able to purchase Walken, Paul, Shanti, Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen and the 2-pack of Gurney Hallack and Rabban. Game Stop had the 2-pack for Paul and Feyd but I didn't grab that one. I received the Pro Member price and 10% off being a war vet. The likeness on all is much better than I expected. Hopefully McFarlane can keep this up with all the movie properties going forward.
Movie Maniacs Ruby Roundhouse arrived and she looks exactly like the prototype. Which means she does not look like Karen Gillan. The body looks fantastic, and the red knees really help, but that is not Karen's likeness.
Oh well, I tried. 🙂
I lucked out today at Target and saw and decided to purchase the Platinum edition Dune Paul Atreides. I haven't opened it yet but the likeness is very good and the soft goods looks good as well.
@jayjonah that looks pretty cool, I didn't realize there was a chase until your post. I'll have to keep an eye out.
@fuzzybluedemon Yep, didn't realize it either until I saw the figure on the shelf. I would post a pic but my phone is completely dead, it's an iPhone 7 so going to the Verizon store on Monday for a new one.
@jayjonah I was able to snag one a while back when the figures first hit the pegs. I never luck out on Platinums, so I had to get it! Haven't opened him yet, and I don't know if I will, but he's nice! I'm surprised the figures haven't sold better- I know part 2 isn't out yet, but the first movie still did really well. Hopefully after part 2 hits, they'll start flying off the shelves. I'd love to get more characters, but I do worry that the slow start for both lines might hinder that. Not even technically McFarlane's fault, since both movies got delayed.
I'm seeing the preview of part 2 tonight, in fact! Might have to bring a figure with me. 🤣
Saw Dune Part 2 last night, and man, what an incredible, breathtaking movie. Definitely feels like you're seeing something special, that had as much care and thought put into it as something like Star Wars or LOTR back in the day. Maybe not quite as much, but certainly by someone who knows and loves the source material.
I have a feeling that the figures are gonna start selling a lot better after the movie. Paul, Chani, and Feyd-Rautha especially. All of them have some great moments in the movie, and Feyd-Rautha was an excellent villain, even if I would've liked a lot more of him.
Walken isn't in the movie a whole lot, but I'm still glad we got a figure of him. Who wouldn't want a Christopher Walken figure? I still gotta pick up Duncan from the first movie, but I'm glad I waited on Stilgar. He has a much bigger, more memorable role this time around; I'll probably end up picking up the 2 pack with him and Shishakli (who also had a small, but memorable part in the movie). At the same time, I don't need duplicates of any of the figures (though I may keep my Platinum Paul now), but I'd love some of the little worm-ridey stick things from the 4 pack. Todd knew what he was doing with that one.
Would still love a Leto, Sardukkar, and Irulan figure, as well. A Reverend Mother figure is a dream, but I don't see someone like Todd ever doing her. But you never know- I'd happily take a new Lady Jessica, in the Bene-Gesserit attire, and if there's re-use possibility between her, Reverend Mother, and Irulan, it's possible. Maybe some customs out there with the McFarlane Buttercup?
McFarlane has announced that they have The Walking Dead license again.
I'm assuming these will be in the 7" scale (and not a continuation of the older 5" line).
Guessing we will see some figures from The Ones Who Live (Rick & Michonne); but also hoping we get stuff from Daryl Dixon (Daryl & Carol) and Dead City (Maggie & Negan) as well. I'd like to at least have the "big guns" from across the universe.