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General McFarlane Thread

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Amazing Spider-Man
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Basically a thread for anything not DC Multiverse or Spawn. Stuff that has a good chance of dying because they made choices that killed the line.


Amazing Spider-Man
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Anyway, if anyone is missing the Avatar 5 inch figure 4 pack it is on Amazon for $14 bucks. 4 Pack

Amazing Spider-Man
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I guess they still have the Stranger Things license?

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I still really want another Harry Potter wave, now that Mcfarlane has gotten good with the articulation, because that first wave is rough. A new wave, based on the 5th movie looks, man that would be sweet. Harry, Ronz Hermione, Dumbledore and BAF Voldemort.

The Scarecrow Guy
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I'm tempted by the Stranger Things Page Punchers since I offloaded my Stranger Things figures a while ago and have since grown to regret it, but based on track record, I wouldn't expect to get half the cast. If they can get around to Dustin and Lucas, I guess I'd be fine ending it there with the core 5, but part of me will always want Max, Vecna, Steve, Hopper, Joyce, etc.


Agreed about Harry Potter- it's a wonder they never got around to heavy-hitters like Snape and Dumbledore, but that's another Pandora's Box it might be best not to open. It's got a huge cast, and there's so many memorable secondary characters that would probably never see the light of day, so another incomplete lineup.


Once again, on both lines, Funko has given us the most complete lineup, and even they're missing some core characters from both properties. I love Funko, don't get me wrong, but I'd take articulated figures any day of the week.

Amazing Spider-Man
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Posted by: @spinc

I still really want another Harry Potter wave, now that Mcfarlane has gotten good with the articulation, because that first wave is rough. A new wave, based on the 5th movie looks, man that would be sweet. Harry, Ronz Hermione, Dumbledore and BAF Voldemort.


I still remember that Harry. Easily the worst figure I ever had in my collection, and the only one I ever returned and didn't get replacement of. It was so bad because the articulation was worse than useless. It hindered the stability of the figure. By the end of my time with it, the figure could not stand.


But yeah, now that they know how to do articulation I'd be willing to give them a second chance. They just need to up their live action sculpt and paint game.


spinc reacted
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Very happy with Mcfarlanes 2nd wave of 7" Demon Slayer figures. I hope they can get to at least one more wave with Rengoku, Inosuke and Muichiro

Magneto Was Right
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Saw this one on Toyark the other day. Who asked for this?

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@tsi If they were action figures maybe I'd have bitten. But statues? No way man.

Amazing Spider-Man
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I don't understand how the mirrorverse Disney stuff has apparently sold well enough for McFarlane to keep making those, while the 7 inch Avatar line only managed to release 4 versions of Zuko from the first season, 3 versions of Aang from the first season, and 1 Sokka.


But anyway, here's more Mirroverse from Mcfarlane:

Amazing Spider-Man
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This one wasn't showing up for whatever reason in the other post.

new batman
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mcfarlane is making dune 2 figures

they're doing single figures (non baf), two-packs and a gold lablel 4-pack

link to mcfalrane page

The Scarecrow Guy
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I gotta admit, the Dune figures look pretty good this time around. Still LOTS of re-use and soft likenesses, but there's at least more variety. Glad I didn't pick up the first movie figures, because I wanted Paul with his cloak thingy. I'll probably still go back and pick up Jessica, Duncan, and Baron to have them all, but I'm glad I didn't complete the Rabban BAF, since he's getting re-released here. Nice of them to include the 4 pack, though, for those who don't want/need another Rabban.

Since these seem to be suffering the same fate as the first movie's figures- coming out so long before the movie, I wonder if they'll be just as easy to get and put on sale fairly quickly. There'll definitely be the hype train this time around, so more people grabbing them in anticipation, but part of me wonders if it wouldn't be smarter to wait. Jessica and Stilgar from the 1st movie flooded the shelves around me (and can still be found in parts).

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The Dune stuff looks pretty solid.

But, first - a question:  what is the difference between Gold Label and normal McF figs?  These look the same except maybe different capes?

Second (and this is more of a comment) - can't believe we aren't seeing a Princess Irulan figure.  She's a pretty significant character, and she's being played by Florence Pugh, who's got Marvel under her belt (not to mention a bunch of other stuff).

Shinigami Customs
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I'm interested to see how that Emperor figure looks under the robe, whether it's a completely new body or some reuse. Could go either way with Todd.

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