Restoring some old favorites.
Got a payment request for T2 Arnie today.
Mando Luke is one of this month’s pre-order reveals.
Mando Luke is one of this month’s pre-order reveals.
Mafex "The Rescue" Luke Skywalker.
So, I'm torn. As a Luke Skywalker stan and a big Mafex fan, this should be a slam dunk for me. It's also the first 1:12 Luke we've gotten this *actually* from "The Rescue" episode of The Mandalorian, rather than a repurposed Ewok Village Luke like the SH Figuarts and The Black Series' figures. It's also got a wonderful looking soft goods cloak that blows the competition out of the water. So, again. Should be a slam dunk.
And then I get to the face, which reads "Ken Doll" rather than "Mark Hamill" to me. I can mostly forgive that since they're working off of the deepfake Luke rather a true Hamill likeness--even though the SHF one was *ridiculously* good at capturing Hamill, definitely the best ever at 1:12.
What I almost can't forgive though, are those shoulders and elbow joints. Why are they so gappy? I guess it's a Mafex thing, but they're very ugly and distracting. I know once he's posed up in a Force using pose or lightsaber swinging, or really anything other than standing straight up, arms at his side, he'll look great. But still, it's an odd look.
Anyway, I'm still definitely getting this, but I had to share my thoughts. What do y'all think?
IMO he looks like he has too much makeup on and the hair is the wrong color.
Got my T2 T-800 last week. I keep forgetting to post about it, but the figure is a beauty. He's one of four contenders for my figure of the year, and he's probably in the top two of that group.
The Arnold portraits are gorgeous, he's almost perfectly articulated, and he comes decked out with weapons and accessories. This is one of those MAFEX releases that I can't find many faults with. If you like the films, do yourself a favor and buy this guy.
Yes! The T2 Arnold is indeed great.
This month's reveals are both John Wick-related, as expected:
First MAFEX pre-orders for me in a while.
Terminator 1 T-800 is on sale today at BBTS for 52.50:
I had been going back and forth on which Mafex T-800 to get, this sale made the decision pretty easy!
I originally preordered the T-800 from HLJ and sold it without opening. I would be tempted to buy it again if a bunch of X-Men 97 didn't just drop in my POL. Ultimately, I sold it because I prefer T2 Arnie and had that one preordered too.
@mrboshek Yeah, after watching a bunch of reviews, I do think the T2 Arnie is probably a slightly nicer figure overall- but I'm more a fan of the first flick personally. Love the gritty tone in that move. So this figure hits my spot, and I'm hoping one of those renewal versions of the Robocop figures makes to a BBTS daily sale next!
I own both, and they are both great, but the T1 is a little more fun to pose, imo. He's less fussy.
Matrix and BZRKR figures coming. I actually like the PC Toys KO Matrix Reloaded Neo, but that thing is headed for eBay now.