The 7" Walking Dead figures look great so far. I'm definitely holding out for color versions though. I do hope we get some Walkers in this line as well. Hopefully Andrea and Tyreese are in the pipeline.
Was looking at some of the pics ToyArk posted of the Star Wars gallery figures, and is Plo Koon's lightsaber green? Or is it just the lighting? Haven't been able to find any more pics of him just yet. I ain't gonna panic yet, but that would be a bummer- he's had 2 lightsaber colors over his appearances- canon or not- and neither were green.
Just FYI pretty sure it's a Premium Format, not Gallery. Saber does definitely look green but I remember it being shown as blue before.
Walking Dead look great! Beautiful sculpts. Crossing my fingers for Andrea next!
Kit Fisto is a resin Premier Collection. Only SW Gallery Dioramas we're doing now are the video game characters for GameStop.
It's possible kit's and plo's lightsabers got switched? I'll check. We solicited Kit months ago, first I've heard of it. Plo has not been solicited.
The 7" Walking Dead figures look great so far. I'm definitely holding out for color versions though.
It's been discussed, but likely won't happen any time soon.
It’s a shame we won’t be getting color versions in the near future, but are we likely to see a Series 2? Gimme Andrea and Negan and I’ll be all in on the line.
Pretty sure the plan is to keep going, but we gotta make some zombies sometime...
Pretty sure the plan is to keep going, but we gotta make some zombies sometime...
Glad to hear zombies will be a priority 👍 👍
@deckard i didn't say that, just that I can't imagine we won't make them. I would think they would trump Andrea, but maybe not Negan. Governor would also be nice. They have not shared any other designs with me.
Got ya. Thanks for the correction. I hope they do.
If you're talking zombies, it'd be cool of you got the license for Romero movies.
There's a Night of the Living Dead line coming out! Not sure of company or scale but they look good.
The Valet Kato action figure is in stores today!
Really nice to see Invincible continuing to grow in popularity out there. The new season, the Atom Eve mini-game & the Atom Eve origin miniseries all are getting great reviews.
A few skins announced for Fortnite: Invincible, Atom Eve * Omni-Man(which means some pretty massive exposure) for the brand overall.
And finally - saw a few announcements from DST that look great:
*Invincible box set: Invincible figure w/ Invincible Vol 1 (issues 1 - 7)
*Series 4: Rex Splode (masked & unmasked heads); Mauler Twin (2 swappable heads, so you can make each twin if you buy 2 figs)
Gotta say - the Teen Team has filled out NICELY (and, by proxy, the new Guardians of the Globe are almost complete as well). Really enjoying this line!