This wasn't made yet, afaik, so here it is.
Also, I finally got a DST Rocketeer! After THREE different attempts at getting him. Amazon put him up every once in a while, for a good price, I ordered him time and time again and they either cancelled my order, or even lost it once. This has been going for at least two years.
But finally I was able to get him, and the full version no less!
The base is really outstanding. The amount of accessories is awesome, he really has all he needs (well except for his gun, of course, but that was probably Disney's fault). I gave him a mandalorian pistol and he grips it very well. Mine is a rerelease, as it has slightly better paint apps on the Cliff head and a hole in the rocket for a stand; I kinda wish it didn't have that hole though. He has very good articulation though.
Overall, he's really fun to pose around and I'm very glad to finally have him. I honestly wish they had also done a figure of his girlfriend, I mean Jennifer Connelly needs a figure!
Anything happening with the Star Wars line?
Still hoping we see those Invader Zim figures, myself. Would love characters we never got in the old Palisades line, or at least a Membrane and Tak to go with the old figures.
Anything happening with the Star Wars line?
It looks like they'll have some new Ahsoka stuff at Toy Fair at the end of the month.
I guess I should've specified that I meant SW Select. Don't expect seeing any figures from the line there.
Zach, next Walking Dead wave at TF?
Zim we're working out some production issues. Thin arms + articulation = problems.
Star Wars Select is on hold waiting for Disney Store to order more. They would not be at Toy Fair, as they are exclusives by necessity.
Not sure about TWD Series 2, I think it will just be Series 1.
Really hope they can continue to develop the Castlevania line.
@chen-yuzhu ...that line ended like, three years ago now...
Great to hear Zim is still coming and there's some extra care being put into it! I love the NBX figures to pieces- sometimes literally, because they have some teeny tiny little joints! I'd hate for Zim to meet the same fate as some of those.
Pixel Dan video shows Daemon from House of the Dragon, Invincible Series 4 (Mauler and Rex Splode), Jean Claude Van Damme #2, and I think Walking Dead Series 1.
(334) Diamond Select Toys Booth Walkthrough at Toy Fair 2023 - YouTube
No more Castlevania, sorry.
ok. not battle beast but I could accept 2 of mauler and rex splode.
Lots of nice figures coming.
It's really sad that there won't be any more Castlevania figures. I really enjoyed the anime.
It's really sad that there won't be any more Castlevania figures. I really enjoyed the anime.
Same here. I loved the first 2 waves they did.