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Niko (formerly Jead)
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Posted by: @theknightdamien

Posted by: @protozoalord

If it includes the full accessory lineup that the icons ninjas do, I'm happy with $60 for him. Lots of hands and accessories and there'll be no complaints.

I don't think the price is unreasonable at all. It's just a matter of 'how many toys can I buy at that price?'  Same reason I own and like some Mezco figures, but I don't buy them like I buy SWB or Classified or Marvel Legends. I just can't. Same here. A 60 USD figure is over 80 dollars Canadian before shipping. So easily going to be over 100 dollars to get one figure. I can't be army building that, or even really consider going 'team building' or whatever. I'll get one. MAYBE two. And call it a day.



I feel it, I myself am at a strange point in collecting where I don't really care much about army building or team building, just getting a few characters I absolutely adore when they get made. My taste runs very niche so what I actually get is pretty few and far between (and most of what I'm currently spending is on customs). Makes the higher price tags feel a bit better.

Still hoping Fwoosh gets a few more similar licenses like Hellsing and Vampire Hunter D.


JOEL aka JoMiHa
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Per Insta, "The Consumed" - possible October preorder. Looks awesome.

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That one definitely got my attention 🙂

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devil guy looks good but why yellow color suit?

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those $3.99 red arm packs are super nice on this guy 

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Posted by: @Anonymous

devil guy looks good but why yellow color suit?


Maybe he's a big McDonald's fan and wants to rep the chain when he's out killin' fools.


reefer shark
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I see that Jubei is up for order!   I'm definitely going for one, but waiting to see how much he is at some of the retail partners.   If SRP is the same or close, BBTS will get my order for that sweet $4 shipping.

JOEL aka JoMiHa
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Just preordered Jubei. Really hoping enough people show up for this to keep the line going. 

Red Ogre
The horrors persist, but so do I.
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Posted by: @ajax

those $3.99 red arm packs are super nice on this guy 

That was my first thought too!  I ordered a few of them, even before this announcement.  Trying to resist getting more.

Does anyone have suggestions for heads that will fit the AI ninjas?  All of Marvel heads I've tried so far have been ridiculously oversized.


reefer shark
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Posts: 345

Jubei is up at BBTS for 59.99 - got my order in there!

JOEL aka JoMiHa
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Posted by: @reefer-shark

Jubei is up at BBTS for 59.99 - got my order in there!

Me too! I've got one through Fwoosh and one through BBTS now. Don't need two, but I'm hoping it helps in some small way. 


JOEL aka JoMiHa
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@red_ogre Star Wars Black Series may be a better bet- I don't collect that line anymore, but Casting Cave had some nice head sculpts that I recall definitely being smaller than ML heads.

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Posted by: @Anonymous

devil guy looks good but why yellow color suit?


My guess is a combo. The obvious is a reference to Bruce Lee's tracksuit in Game of Death, but also it serves as an OG Daredevil (and his newer villain Ikari) costume reference since it's literally a red devil in yellow duds.


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Or because real G's wear yellow.

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I put my order in for Jubei at BBTS.   Cause I'm %^&*in' BROKE.  I have NO money right now.  I can't pay upfront...I have to wait til next year and pay when it's available.

I hope that doesn't hurt the bottom line in any way.  I want this figure to happen, very very much.  But I just can't pay upfront this time, I'm sorry....


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