He looks incredible but their prices kill me
This is amazing! I didn't think anyone would top the Mezco Conan as far as capturing the Frazetta look, but damn if this doesn't knock it right out of the park!
Are these 1:12 or 1:10 scale?
This is amazing! I didn't think anyone would top the Mezco Conan as far as capturing the Frazetta look, but damn if this doesn't knock it right out of the park!
Are these 1:12 or 1:10 scale?
Should be 1:12 since that's what their other figures are. This does look amazing, but I'm still quite stoked with my Mezco one. I suppose there's room in my house for another. Heck, this just reminded me about the Mezco King Conan I ordered. Need to check on an update for him.
edit: They're saying next month! Sweet!
Amazing! THIS is the Conan I've been waiting for! Bravo Frazetta Girls! If this thing is anything like the DarkWolf figure they cranked out, we are in for a real treasure 😀
I'll be getting this Conan. I never pulled the trigger on Mezco, due to price and other reasons, so I'm happy to get an alternative.
This looks way better than the mezco version, will get 2 of these to make a custom.
This looks way better than the mezco version, will get 2 of these to make a custom.
Do you actually own a Mezco Conan? I ask because pictures don't do it justice. I passed on the first one, not liking it that much, and probably would have passed on the 2nd release if not for all the praise the first one got. Once I got it, I was amazed at how great that figure is. Way better in person.
I had the first Mezco Conan, and it was indeed amazing. Probably the best looking figure ever made of the Cimmerian in my opinion. Scale/size was the only detractor for me, and ultimately the reason I ended up selling him off.
Frazetta Girls figures scale works better for me personally just because my fantasy figure collection is typically in the 7" range. However, if Mezco ever decides to do an Arnie Conan, I will be all over it since their scale fits with my "80's movie people" collection.
Is this 7"? or 6"? The assertion above implies 1/12 or 6".
I have both Mezco Conans but could be convinced to have a different all plastic Frazettaish Conan just b/c it will display in the long term better. A lot of this depends on how well they scale with the new Epic Hacks Red Sonja, the other recent Red Sonja or things like some 4 Horsemen skeletons or something for him to fight.
The Mezco Conans are great. I guess I need a glass cabinet for my Silver Age Marvel and Golden Age DC One:12 Collectives. I'd shifted almost entirely away from cloth goods except for my last remaining Famous Cover customs and 12 Sideshows. My wife will LOVE any glass cabinet.
@derrabbi The Frazetta Girls Dark Wolf figure is just shy of 7". Hopefully they make Conan just a touch bigger, but this will be their second male figure produced, so we don't have much history to go by.
Here's a screengrab from a youtube review showing Dark Wolf next to the Mezco Conan to give an idea of Frazetta Girls figure scale:
The Darkwolf ended up being a tad smaller than I had hoped for - too short to fit in well on my 1/10 shelf, but too tall to mix in with my 6 inch figures. I already have Conan figures I like in both 1/10 and 1/12 so I'm probably out on this one - even though I concede it looks pretty nice.
Yeah; that def isn't 1/12 scale proper. It might scale well with Executive Replica Red Sonya as that figure seems a bit big for 1/12 scale. I mean Conan is a big guy but he isn't just a monster. The Howard stories are always going out of their way to mention people bigger so at that weird 1/11 scale he is a bit of a misfit. I sorta wanted that Teegra figure as a generic "Frazetta Girl" to use with one:12 Conans. Now worried about the scale.
I sorta wanted that Teegra figure as a generic "Frazetta Girl" to use with one:12 Conans.
I've kind of been low-key looking for someone to take that role. I briefly thought about buying a Phicen but got a little creeped out by their... "authenticity".