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Four Horsemen Studios - Mythic Legions

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Skull Man tribute for an upcoming show as announced on FB.

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Man... I absolutely LOVE the Warrior Beasts line from back in the day.   The figures are a ton of fun.    If the 4 Horsemen decide to release Mythic Legions compatible versions of the various Warrior Beasts figures I will be in heaven.    This figure is an absolute must have for me... and honestly I'm hoping maybe I can connect with someone on the east coast that plans to attend the Zolocon show in 2024 because the show exclusive alternate head is also a must have.    I own both of the versions of the Warrior Beasts figure and would love to have both versions of this one too.    I long ago made my MOTU Classics version of Skull Man... but this one will be impossible to pass on.


Here's hoping they keep this rolling and give me Craven, Wolf Warrior,  Snakeman, and then all of the dino forms -  Stegos, Hydraz, Guana, Gecko 

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Heading into the last week to preorder I'm still hemming and hawing about how close to all-in I want to go. I love the bonus dwarf head they're offering but maybe not enough to go with the complete pack. They really knocked it out of the park with this wave, but that's a big chunk of change up front right after the holidays. Thinking I might get about half now and then cherry pick the ones I'm iffy on from BBTS later. Problem is I actively want over half the wave and kinda want the rest, not uninterested in any. 

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Yeah, the more I look at it, the more I really like this wave. Only thing I'm not really interested in is the unicorn but I can't drop almost $600 on the all-in. Probably gonna grab Attlus, the bear and the Monkey King armor-wearing demon from this pre-order. Maybe the two dwarves.

Fortunately, I think we're at the point where these newer waves are available enough through BBTS and other online retailers that you're not getting into trouble if you don't preorder everything. I can't think of any figure from the past few ML and CL waves that are hard to come by right now.

And if you're lucky enough to go to a show with the Four Horsemen attending, they have a ton of regularly priced stock that they're selling. Couldn't believe all they had at Power Con.

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If that Skullman homage was just orderable and wasn't a Zolocon exclusive I would order it in a heartbeat.   


I love Warrior Beasts and would gladly grab  modern upscaled versions of any of them really.    I wouldn't be shocked if we see a Craven done similarly in the future since they already have the bird headsculpts done from Gothitropolis -  though weather they should use the eagle sculpt or the raven sculpt could be a topic for debate.


Anyway... from the newest wave it's all about the Bear Mount for me.  I'm not sure I even need or want any of the others from the wave... well maybe the Minotaur... i have a soft spot for those guys too.

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Gotta have the bear! Honestly I make my own story so I ordered the female warrior and gonna have a Snow White and her dwarves as a display. Of course Snow White as a warrior would have a bear mount.

I’m trying not o find the retail exclusive blonde beard dwarf head. I didn’t see it on BBTS.


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Love this wave, but didn't preorder, it's just too far out, and I went all in for the latest Cosmic wave. A lot of the recent 4 Horseman stuff has been selling for the same amount as their store (once you factor in their shipping) at places like eBay and Mercari, but even Amazon, and other retailers when you consider the different sales. So much so that I feel pretty confident that worse case scenario, I'll only be out a couple bucks per fig, much of that going to Bodvar. I sense Bodvar is going to continue to sell well long after this wave's release, especially because you can turn him into just a regular bear to pit him against Wolverine or other figures in non-fantasy displays. 

Just too much good stuff out there, and I know more will be announced between now and when these hit shelves! 



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Minor complaint. I went all in on this one because I got lucky with some extra cash at the end of the year and it really is a superb wave, but also I wanted that alternate dwarven head - that was the final selling point, because I've got a bunch of dwarves and prefer unmasked faces when I can. But they just announced the same head will be available through approved retailers for ten bucks with slightly different paint. 

I might've split up the order between retailers (so I'm not paying for it all right away - easier on the wallet) if not for the bonus head. Very smart marketing on their part, but I almost wish they'd waited a month before announcing the approved retailer one because doing it the day the preorders ends makes me feel a lil bit like I got duped. I was going to get most if not all of the figures one way or another, and I know I'm being a little persnickety about it, but just a little annoyed at the timing. Heck, I'd have paid for a two-pack of dwarve heads with different colored beards as part of the preorder. 

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You can cancel your order with the 4H.   It does seem kind of a dick move to say the head is exclusive to the All-In via their store, and then as soon as their preorder ends, it's announced you can buy the head from retailers.   I'm not a fan of their convention exclusives, and how this head was handled is another disappointment.


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@ashtalon it's a different head, but I don't disagree with your sentiment. Exclusives in general are a huge pain, scattering them across different stores is even worse, and the bait and switch of it all stinks too.

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I do think they should have made this known before the preorder ended, but on the flip side, I think it's cool of 4H to find a way to offer a similar dwarf head up to the majority of those that took part in the preorder but couldn't pony up almost $600. (I did make it to $300 ...)

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They said an alternative color version of the All-in bonus head would be sold by retail partners the day the pre-order went live, though I don’t think they showed it until today.

it was part of my reasoning for going all in “well the retailer head will probably cost $10 so I might as well get this red haired headed one so the unicorn I don’t want is basically $20”

that said, can’t blame you guys for not knowing, the Horsemen are absolute shit at letting people know product details and features before it’s too late.

There’s been several figures I’ve skipped only for after the pre-order for them to post a scale picture, a part swap, a comparison, or show case a piece that was lazily tossed to the side in the “also you get these” image that makes me say “oh that was cool! Wish they showed THAT two weeks ago!”

I suspect this level of “oops! we didn’t do a good job explaining stuff during pre-orders” is going to lead to a lot of upset customers when the NecroNomNomNom wave ships and it turns out, aside from the Grim Reaper where they actually showed he could get fully nude, it turns out most of the skeletons have a standard hip designed to wear a belt and a loin flap and not a pair pelvis (when they shower how you could make a skeleton gorilla using the skellie monster and the skull from the parts pack, it’s wearing a belt and flap, if those were removable, you think they would have since why is a gorilla wearing a belt and a flap?!)


tl,dr: The retailer version of the head was known to be coming since day of the pre-order, but the Horsemen sure as fuck didn’t make that obvious 

Flexion Dynamo
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Posted by: @nilocomic

Attlus really does ride a bear!


Damnit, I didn't see this! I NEED this for my Mezco Doom!


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Yeah the Bonus Dwarf head being recolored as a retailer exclusive was known, but I don't know if it was ever stated in writing. You had to watch their announcement video (which is like 4 hours long) or seen various other discussions.  They have done this before, where they make a  pre-order bonus, and then made a different color avilable to retailers. The Cosmic Legions key and skull are a recent example I can remember. 



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Does that bear happen to have a removable saddle?

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