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Four Horsemen Studios - Mythic Legions

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Just had some time to really go through and look at everything in detail and this wave is just tremendous.

The Sons of Red Star Orc is probably my favorite, the second head with the horns or whatever and the reuse of the Monkey King armor looks great. Probably gonna pick up a few.

What more can you say about the bear — still think the fur's a little weird but he's great.

Thought the dwarf two-pack was neat but wasn't completely sold until I saw the pic of the male dwarf in the cloak with the horn. Looks amazing and is a must buy. Like the helmed head with the female a lot too.

Manisha Silverhorn is another big winner. Really like the masked head. All the heads, actually. And I know how great the wired cloak is from Duban.

All the humans are great, like the new Skapular a lot, especially the cloak and mask. Diis and the minotaur are cool. Not high on the unicorn but its solid.

All-in came in at $620 or so for me. Glad we have till January.

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I’m only picking up the odd Mythic Legions here and there now with Cosmic Legions being a thing and that bear fits the bill of being one of those odd ones.

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Does anyone happen to have any spare unknown one style feet? Mine got badly damaged in an incident where it was boxed and there was a car accident

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Posted by: @grumpymatt

Thought the dwarf two-pack was neat but wasn't completely sold until I saw the pic of the male dwarf in the cloak with the horn. Looks amazing and is a must buy. Like the helmed head with the female a lot too.

I thought the same. That cloak really pops, I guess because it's a bit unusual to see a half cloak with a wired hood. But together with the horn, it starts telling a story and really draws you in. I heard the GI Joe team at Hasbro talk about storytelling before and how they conceptualize their products that way and I think it has worked for them really well and it certainly works for the 4H. 

The new dwarf torsos and pieces are cool, but at the same time, with the heads the same size as orcs etc they hit a bit more childish with their helms on than the previous dwarves. These new parts will be great for halflings though, if paired with less rugged heads. The female one is close, if she had the cloak instead of pauldrons and was missing the chunky forehead piece. 

Really excited for what all these new parts mean for what's to come down the road. A lot of characters with clothes and leather instead of head to toe armor. I think we'll be seeing a lot of entries outside of the knight/paladin/fighter/warrior classes. 



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Posted by: @grumpymatt

Some really great stuff here but am I the only one kinda stuck on the texture of the bear? Almost looks like scales or feathers more than fur.

Everything else about it, particularly its size, is great.


I just came here to say the same thing.  Haven't hey done fur before on creatures?


You are EXACTLY right.  That "fur" reads as FEATHERS.  There is no doubt.  I couldn't see anything else as soon as I saw the bear. It's even worse the closer you look when you can see more detail.


Bears are one of the most awesomely built animals in the world, they are just covered in a lot of fat and FUR, not plumage. Bummer for me and you.

I won't buy the bear simply because of this.  It's a great price on a great figure otherwise.  But I can't waste that much shelf or storage space on something that looks so wrong to me.


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I'm guessing a grizzly bear was the model for this bear figure so depending on the time of year, they do get that shaggy coat. As a toy, it is a busy texture that would've benefited from "less is more".


Red Ogre
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I figured this is what they were going for. It was a good effort, but they missed.

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I guess I'm in the minority, I think it looks great lol.

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He is very tufty but it does read as a shaggy grizzly to me, though I can kinda see what you mean. The new D20 Griffin figure looks a lot more like feathers in comparison. 

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I love the bear and the dark unicorn. Definitely want the bear.

I'll likely wait to order it at BBTS since it's not set to come out until around 2025.

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I'm 60/40 on the bear. I'll get him and love him in hand, but the fur is a bit weird, and I find the "wrist" balls on his front legs pretty distracting from the overall sculpt. But those will be hidden by other figs when he's displayed, so it is what it is.

I was excited to what we'd get for Sons of the Red Star, but except for Scapular, they're all pretty meh in my book sadly. That dark elf lady could have been interesting, but I feel like her colour scheme is just too thrown together. Why the same purple skirt piece as Swigg? The different eastern influences for these new figs are very cool, I just wish we had gotten a normal male upgrade for the 2.0 body instead of an update with bug-man parts. Colour scheme on him is great though, just wish he had normal boots and gloves, and a normal really, just wish he was another character. Anyone else in the same boat?

Very glad I just sold my old Skapular as he was pretty boring, especially compared to this new one, who's almost too busy, but in a good way. Lots of options and accessories. Cool they went the Joe Classified route of him being able to hold every accessory.

Much more excited about the Sons of the Noble Bear. Very nice to see the minotaur, and I'm glad I held off on any of the smaller 1.0 offerings until now. I think his flesh is a little light, but than can be darkened with a few washes.

The dwarves are great, with nice variations.

On the fence for Neve, but curious how others are feeling about her. I just don't feel like there's much there in terms of design beyond "Hey, new female body so here's a barbarian type female."

The weapons are really a stand out with this wave too. Really appreciate how things are getting more realistic and less toy-etic. Nice to see Atlus get a new axe, inspired by those old giant axes from the first kickstarter that everyone hates.


With Atlus having the updated "orc" armor, I'm hoping we see a new orc or two in the next All-Stars wave next year, as they're very due for an update, and given the new additions to the parts catalogue, there are so many options for making some true rag-tag warriors.

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Wow...loving the look (mostly) of that bear.


Think I'm gonna hafta order one once BBTS puts their pre-orders up.

reefer shark
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Ughh trying to steer away from buying stuff that I have no connection to, but dammit I think I have to own that bear/Attlus combo. It looks way too good not be mixed in with my fantasy collection.  

I think I'll wait for BBTS to order though.  I've never ordered anything direct from 4H, and I feel like I've heard the shipping offsets the slightly higher SRP.   Will have to dig into this a bit!

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It’s usually only worth it to pre-order through 4H if you’re ordering a decent amount. BBTS for instance charges $15-$20ish more per figure depending on the scale; however, I would guess that the Bear will be around $120 when it hits retail. Slog, from their Cosmic Legions line, was $120 on BBTS after being $80  from 4H.

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Posted by: @yolk


It’s usually only worth it to pre-order through 4H if you’re ordering a decent amount. BBTS for instance charges $15-$20ish more per figure depending on the scale; however, I would guess that the Bear will be around $120 when it hits retail. Slog, from their Cosmic Legions line, was $120 on BBTS after being $80  from 4H.


But if you're only ordering the bear it is probably close to a wash if you send it into your Pile of Loot vs paying $20 for shipping through 4H


And as for the comment about the Bear being too tall -  only if you stand him on his hind legs.  If you plant him on all 4's and use him as a mount he's perfect.   Can't wait for this one.   I wonder if they'll eventually repaint it,  seems like at least white and maybe black would be easy no brainers


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