Skapular 2.0 and Attlus 2.0 are probably givens for this new wave.
This line will start to bore me and then new stuff will be revealed and get me excited again. I do want to see more new body parts added to the inventory. While reuse is obviously baked into the line, I'm wanting some more variety after a 100+ figures.
I do hope a future wave is themed after Dwarves vs Orcs. Both could use some new parts. I really want to see some screaming orc heads added to the mix. With most figures getting two heads, I'd like to see some angry and expressive orcs. I'd like to see dwarves get some armor more unique to them. Something with runes on it. Something with more squared off lines.
Theme is the Clan of the Cave Bear (barbarians)
If this wave doesn't include a blonde nymphomaniac named Ayla then I don't even know what they're doing, man
(shoutout to anyone old enough to remember when every single middle school girl was obsessed with those Jean M. Auel books)
Here's a shipping update 4H just sent out — awesome news for the second wave of Cosmic Legions.
Here's the update:
Cosmic Legions: Gravenight - this wave is arriving at our warehouse in the next few days and shipping of preorders will begin as soon as items are received and sorted.
Mythic Legions: Poxxus - production is wrapping up on this wave soon and these figures will be on the way to our warehouse. Our expectation is that they will begin shipping to our preorder customers before the end of the year. We would love to have them in fans' hands before Christmas, but until they have shipped from the factory and we have a sense of the arrival date, we cannot be certain that will happen. That is our focus as these are nearly done after a very long wait to get this wave released!
Mythic Legions: Necronominus - this wave is in the tooling process and moving along as expected. It is still too early to have anything close to a firm date, but we are targeting mid-2024 for these to ship.
Mythic Legions: All Stars 6 - the tooling on this wave is being done alongside Necronominus. We expect this wave to ship shortly after Necronominus does.
Cosmic Legions: Outpost Zaxxius - we have received initial paint samples on this wave and they are looking great. We expect these to ship by mid-2024.
Cosmic Legions: OxKrewe, Book One - Thraxxon - this is our most recently preordered wave, and the one in the earliest stages of preproduction. Our goal is to have this shipping by the end of 2024.
Received the new Builders. Not too much to say, other than it's a good selection and a great value in my opinion. Happy to have these (and kicking myself for missing the first go-round).
Whoa! Dwarf two-pack with a male and *female* and they’re both 1.0 body styles so the parts that aren’t specifically female are interchangeable between the two of them. The reveal on the livestream was pretty great!
The minotaur hinted at from the ogres’ packaging years ago finally appears!
Skapular 2.0 looks dope. Way more personality compared to the first version. Cool that they included the silver mask he wears in the short story they put out a little bit ago.
I was just thinking I was ready to cut myself off from this line for space and money considerations and then I saw this wave and just literally SWORE OUT LOUD at the bear. The whole wave hits my entire fantasy aesthetic. Vikings and dwarves and bear mounts and minotaurs and oni... I never want to go all in but I might have to go all in on this wave.