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Four Horsemen Studios - Mythic Legions

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@doc-baghead yep, $1040 for me in Utah. It hurt to place that order but it’s never going to be cheaper than that. Figured no sense in waiting as every order helps get us to the stretch goals. Shipping is going to be what really hurts things on this one. I miss having Pulse free shipping on this Haslab like item. Maybe we can get a Legions premium pass in the future for free shipping 😆

Doc Baghead reacted
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This is gonna be a long month. I'm definitely in for the flames and head and I'm gonna do my best to resist the full dragon.

Google Maps tells me I'm a bit more than 5 hours away from 4H HQ and I like the idea of a little road trip to Jersey to place where the magic happens to pick up an epic dragon ...

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Just out of curiosity I added it to my cart to see what shipping would be to Mass and it's 43 bucks and some change, so the whole thing would be under 600 if I skip the add-ons. I'm okay with skipping the add-ons if I decided to go for it, really. The base buck really is a work of art. 

I wish they'd release some photos "banana for scale" style. Put it next to a bicycle. In front of a mini-fridge. An adirondack chair. stuff to fully understand the size of the thing. 

Edit: This isn't exactly what I was hoping for as a comparison video, but it actually does give a good look at how it scales next to a human being. What's most interesting to me is Joe pointing out that "there's more than one type of dragon in the world" and how they might be considering significantly different bodies in the future (they talk about the familiar-sized dragon in the last standard wave). 

Red Ogre reacted
Magneto Was Right
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I wish they had measurements on the fiery breath head/neck. I think it could work in my display (or elsewhere in my home) but I won't know without the measurements.

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Posted by: @buttmunch

@enigmaticclarity this video has a pretty good breakdown on some of the articulation 

I saw this back when it first posted during Legions Con; or perhaps it was a different video of the dragon on that same rock, I forget.  All I remember thinking at the time was I sure hope they improve the engineering since the tail is floppy and they handle it like they're afraid it's going to fall apart, but eh, it's a 3D-printed prototype and that's how those always are so no biggie.

But now this is almost all we have to go on to forecast articulation since the pre-order description is so appallingly lacking.  One pic of the dragon in a vanilla pose?  That's it?  50 points of articulation with very little description as to where they might be?  Grr!  🤔 

So my first question is are the fingers articulated?  In the video it looks like he's grasping the rock he's standing on.  At the time the video released I wondered if that would be an additional hand, but now that we know he comes with no extra hands I have to assume the fingers are somewhat articulated.  The sculpt is so intricate that he might have finger joints hidden inside of scales, and I THINK I see two ball-jointed segments per finger but I'm not at all sure of it.  And if the fingers are articulated then that explains where 16 or 32 of the 50 articulation points are since his four feet appears to each have four fingers.  It's just insane that if his fingers are articulated they don't mention that ONCE in the pre-order description.  😟 

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That is one big dragon and one big price tag. As someone who has always had an affinity for dragons, I love the design of this thing. Green wouldn't be my preferred color, but it's better than a brown and red is overused. That said, the barrier of entry for me is less about the huge price tag and more about the size. I'd have to put this thing on my kitchen table, or a coffee table, or my bar (which already has had to cede some space to my collecting). There is just no where for me to put such a thing until my elementary school aged children leave the nest and I suddenly have new rooms to take over. And I'm definitely not interested in moving anytime soon, so even if I was willing to drop 600 bucks or so on a dragon, I'd receive no benefit. It looks awesome and I think those who buy it will enjoy it. Personally, I'm hoping that dragon knight stretch goal gets released as a stand-alone figure at some point. That thing looks really cool. Give it a new colorway and put it on the website and I'd get that.

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It's all about the space for me as well, but I do have a 15' x 11' man cave that's already too cluttered to the point where anyone who sees it thinks more "toy room" than "man cave."  I haven't gone vertical with it yet with shelving though and could easily do so well before this releases to create space for this and probably another decade or two of future figures.

I really wanted to get into this line, but I bought the fire demon with the fire horse and the engineering and QC on his wings was so terrible that I immediately swore the line off.  This dragon has my total attention though because I'm a fan of them in all forms of fiction, and I also love dinosaurs.  I was a dragon tamer in Ultima Online right from the start in 1997 so this guy calls to me like a mythical siren.  I'm sure I'll cave before it ends, but wow...$1000 for a figure that I'm hugely skeptical that they'll be able to engineer well with a minimal pre-order description that gave me far less information than the fan videos shot during Legion Con.  REALLY tough call.

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Anyone see where the order count is?  Doesn't look like it's on the pre-order page, and all that page says that the count will be posted somewhere on

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That price point and size are both too much for me.

But I did just get a fancy, new job...

And it's exactly the dimensions of the top of my Legions display cabinet...

No. That's an absurd amount of plastic. Unless... No. Maybe? Probably not. Probably...

drawingturtle, Red Ogre, TheSameIdiot and 1 people reacted
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So I just discovered that I can set up the Shop Pay payments to either a six-month or 12-month payment plan ... It's a little more than $50-$60 a month for a year for just the dragon, depending on if I pick it up or not. I think it went up to $70-something with the head and fire add-on but I'd probably bite the bullet and pay for that up front.

In any event, it might be inevitable for me at this point. Like Docsilence, I'd really like to see this set up in someone's living room or something more than a display at a con.

Magneto Was Right
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If anyone's curious, the FedEx shipping cost is $149.73 for me here in Seattle. It would bring the total to $1,103 and change.

Doc Baghead reacted
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Posts: 264

Yeah, unfortunately those of us on the western half of the country are seeing around $150 for the all in, $75ish for just the dragon.

I do fear the unexpectedly high shipping costs coupled with the unexpectedly high price of the add ons is really going to hurt them. The Firefly breath seems to be doing just fine and likely hit 1,000 without much trouble. The wings are a different story. The Horsemen really need to put some work into selling the wings more. Digit renders of the size and articulation of them would go a long way in helping sell them. The zombie figure isn’t as cool as the flaming knight so they have that going against it too.

Doc Baghead reacted
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Posted by: @jayjonah

I'm surprised you all are having to pay shipping. When I put one dragon in my cart to do a test, I had free shipping. Maybe it's because we are both on the East coast.

Mine defaulted to pickup in-person/free as I suppose yours did. If you don't plan to drive to NJ to pick it up, you need to change it to one of the ground shipping options.


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100 dollars shipping for the head and the knight, I’m out.

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I'm kind of surprised they only had 500 orders on Day 1. It's expensive, but I was thinking there has got to be at least a thousand super-hardcore Mythic Legions fans who would go in on it no matter what. I sort of wonder if they might have overestimated "fans willing to spend money" vs. "fans willing to spend money on MANY figures who they can customize and swap parts with" and this is not likely to ever be really swappable or customizable on a wider scale. 

It really is a beautiful dragon, in any case.

Non-dragon comment - I caught a really good price for the Attila II / Gorgo II two-pack I'd previously skipped and for repaints, they're really nice. Attila is really a proof in concept they should include more unhelmeted heads though. He looks so dang dramatic with his helmet off and hair blowing in the wind. 

I suspect they were shipping the Necro wave based on how much space our orders took up. I only got three figures (Gideon, his horse, and the beastmaster woman) and only just got shipping notification today. 

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