Is the mouth articulated?
They've said on Insta that the normal mouth is articulated, the fire breathing one is just so it'll get extra wide it seems.
@tfitz it’s just the standard Shop option to break the payment up into 4 equal payments that’s available with just about every purchase made through that payment processor. It’s great to have for sure especially since this charges upon order and not at the end like a Haslab or Kickstarter. It will be curious what the opening day orders will look like. Will this come out of the gate strong and blow through stretch goals quickly or will it be a slow burn as people save up and order at the last moment?
I predict it being just like a kickstarter. Really great start with a long lull and a huge finish.
@tfitz I expect that will be a popular item. That dragon head could be a nice bust to represent the dragon without the need for a full figure. And I too really love that flaming knight. Such a great idea.
I really like this idea! I don't have room for the dragon but the bust would look great looming over my fantasy shelf or integrated into a dio.
Just saw that they’re allowing in-person pick up in New Jersey! If I was even interested in the dragon, I’d be elated to save on that shipping. That’s not enough reason for me to back it though. I’d have no room for it in my house anyway.
The pick up option is nice but if you’re close enough to pick it up, the shipping probably wouldn’t have been too bad anyway. Living across the country from NJ doesn’t make that an option for me so I’m at the mercy of whatever shipping will be. But I am glad they’re doing everything possible to make this affordable to as many people as possible.
Are the 4 payments, one every other month? Or every other week? Every other month works best. My main credit card bank doesn't do the Shop Pay payments, but I think you can break up payments of a large purchase. Hell, I may start another card just to put this thing on it for the payment plan. Too bad you can't split it into more than 4 payments. Would be so much better over 8, especially since the delivery date is so far away.
Looking at Eric holding the wings on camera, the large wings just don't seem terribly different. He didn't hold both up at the same time though. I'd like to see them overlayed each other. Or next to each other to really understand their difference. As is, I don't think the wing add-on package is worth it. FOMO is the only thing which would make me get them. I think since they'd likely ship separately anyway, I'll hold off on ordering them until the end of the campaign.
Looking at Eric holding the wings on camera, the large wings just don't seem terribly different. He didn't hold both up at the same time though. I'd like to see them overlayed each other. Or next to each other to really understand their difference.
I thought the same thing. Usually folded-up and fully stretched-out wings should be 3x to 4x longer on most birds and dragons I've seen in films, but as you noted I couldn't even tell how much wider the "epic" wings are. I thought they were less than twice as wide.
@ashtalon I believe every other week is the payment plan schedule. I too have a card (Chase) that no longer allows third party ‘credit’ plans. Luckily Sideshow’s internal flex pay isn’t roped into their exclusion. These being preorders really ought to be exceptions as we’re pre-paying, not really creating a form of credit but whatever.
And I agree on the epic wings. I think that’s the weakest offering of the bunch based on what they’ve shown so far. But I don’t feel they’ve done a good job showing them off yet either. Even if they are digital renders, seeing the size difference between the two would go a long way in selling the weakest perceived value set. I mean just seeing that zombie next to them shows how big they are but the difference between the wings is probably what needs to be shown off more. I do worry that set may not fund or fund fully through the stretch goal.
@enigmaticclarity this video has a pretty good breakdown on some of the articulation
I’m tempted to get the head and flame effect just for that burning knight, i’ll have to see what shipping to the UK will be for it though.
Basic dragon is $61.53 to send to the KC suburbs. That's not unreasonable.
I’m looking at $150 for shipping of all in to Utah. About $75 for just the dragon and $35 for the head and $40 for the wings. I don’t seem to get any deal ordering them together or separately. They did mention they’d have their own boxes so I guess it doesn’t matter if they’re orders together or separately other than they might ship days or weeks apart in the end if not on one order.
It’ll cost just under $1,100 to get the full kit and kaboodle shipped to California.
don’t get me wrong, that’s crazy expensive
don’t misunderstand me, that’s a stupid high price
but… I was expecting $1.2k to be the dragon’s base price, so this is sorta like getting free shipping and the flames and wings for free so you know… I can’t complain.
I mean I can, I’m working crazy OT to cover that cost, I hate it… but still $1.1k for a dragon and at least two figures ain’t bad!
How many people gonna drive to Jersey for “free pick up” only to realize their trunks too small?!