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Four Horsemen Studios - Mythic Legions

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I know I'm in. With stretch goals of 2 deluxe figures, Beyithirr is essentially $450 in "basic" mode. That's a descent deal to me. Not sure if I need the add-ons yet, but I'll likely cave on those too.

buttmunch reacted
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I doubt we see an articulation demo until well after the campaign and probably just before shipping. With item this big it’s just not feasible for a proper articulated prototype. But I hear you. I’m hoping for some epic looking dragon poses out of this guy. If it can balance on those back legs that could take some length out and put it more into the height category of a display. Those spread eagle wings looks massive and should look terrifying.

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I wonder if alternate front claws would be possible at some point or even later in this campaign if it does really well? Some hands for swiping at knights or gripping different terrain better might add to some posing options. For having so many alternate hands with most of their figures I’m surprised there aren’t any for the dragon, even if another add on.

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Does a figure on fire come with this add-on?? Mine if so!

buttmunch reacted
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Posted by: @enigmaticclarity

I'm skeptical I'll get half of the info I want to know to buy this guy by the end of tomorrow, but hopefully I'm wrong.

The campaign isn't one night, so some questions might be answered before the month long campaign is up, but Buttmunch is right, i wouldn't count on an articulation demo with the prototype.


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Posted by: @tfitz

Does a figure on fire come with this add-on?? Mine if so!

Just saw the video that it is included! MINE!


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@tfitz I expect that will be a popular item. That dragon head could be a nice bust to represent the dragon without the need for a full figure. And I too really love that flaming knight. Such a great idea.

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Red Ogre
The horrors persist, but so do I.
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Posted by: @enigmaticclarity

Not sure why the fire-breathing head's neck is so much longer, or really why they even need a second head.  So I guess the dragon can scrunch up its neck and extend it out kind of like...what?  A worm?  Snakes don't do that that I've ever seen, so why can this dragon extend its neck out another 5-10 feet?  And why do I want to pay a bunch of extra money for him to do it?

They're studying a new breed of fire breathing snake.  I suspect that when the peer-reviewed data comes out, they'll describe the anatomy in detail.  I don't understand your last question.  It's an add-on.  If you don't want it, you don't have to pay for it.


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The wings come with an Ashen Zombie figure. Also cool, but this add-on is a maybe for me.

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So the add-ons are a lot more money than I predicted.  

I'm curious about the articulation in the neck and head, more than the body.  A figure this large and heavy isn't going to be to hold too many crazy poses.  So the head and neck is where expression will be critical.  Normal head has a hinged jaw.  Would be nice to see what that looks like with the mouth open AND compare that to the alternate fire head.  Alternate, open-mouth fire head looks really nice.  I wonder how much articulation the neck additions add.

How well will the head/neck support the weight of that added flame effect?  The additional ring of fire on the ground is at least a separate piece.  

The fire knight is interesting but translucent figures tend to look a bit wonky since you see all the engineering inside.  Looks good in the stream though.   Neat pack in.

I'm not sure the value is there for the wings.  Yes, they're huge.  But also really make the whole piece unwieldy for most people/situations.  How well will the wings stay up if you can swap them?  Do you just pull them out to swap?   The ashen zombie is cool but simple ashen versions of figures would be rather easy to customize yourself.   I wish Eric had shown the two wing types side by side.  When he was showing off the actuals, the normal wing looks large enough.  The bonus ones don't seem radically different.


Magneto Was Right
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Wow. The full package will be about 35 pounds shipped.

Do you have to back the dragon to get access to the other add-ons?

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Posted by: @tsi

Wow. The full package will be about 35 pounds shipped.

Do you have to back the dragon to get access to the other add-ons?

They didn't say, but I'd be shocked if you do. I'm sure they'll be happy to sell them on their own to help meet the goals on them.


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@tsi I don’t think so. They mentioned a couple of times that these items are ala cart because they don’t want to block anyone from getting just what they want. They aren’t even offering an all-in bundle so everything is purchased individually. So I don’t think anyone would have an issue ordering just a fiery breath set, which I think could be quite a popular choice. That dragon head alone could be worked into a decent display without the need for the whole body. The wing set is pretty much only going to get purchased by those getting the actual dragon. Unless someone wasn’t satisfied with how much room their NECA Gargoyles’ wings take 😆

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They are offering bi-monthly/4 payment plans. So If I purchase 1 figure today, and another the last day of the campaign, I'll just be charged 1/4 of the price of 1 set for 8 months. Then when these arrive, I can sell one at a nice markup and help pay for my set. Probably going to do that.

buttmunch reacted
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