@docsilence I really don't like how their tail attaches to the body. I understand the modularity of the line but the tail just hanging off the body is so...wrong. Especially if you want to use it to balance the figure, and tails are often useful to balance heavy, oversized figures.
@ashtalon Yeah, I'm not a fan of the dragon tail attachment. They hide some of the ugly mechanics of it with overlays, but that also requires you to fight with tucking it up underneath the skirts or actually dismantling the figure.
Really tails are a weak point across the line. The catfolks tails often struggle to stay attached. The Ninian Guard's tail is attached with hope. I think I'd be less annoyed if the dragons and cats weren't otherwise my favorite figures in the line - they deserve better tail engineering!
Came back from a work trip to find my Necronominus figures waiting for me. I haven't had a chance to pop them out of their boxes and pose them yet, but they definitely look beautiful.
I have a few tailed figures (Equaddron, Krampus, Wukong, Bastet) and all of their tails have solid connections. It's a shame that the dragon men and snake figures don't.
@runestonecowboy I will say if you can get the dragon tail ON, it's the most locked in and sturdy of the bunch for me. It's a struggle to get the plastic hook around the central torso connection, but once it's on there it's on there FOREVER. Which I appreciate.
Just inspired me to pop Wukong out of the box tonight. I keep him stored for safety and haven't messed with him in a while. Beautiful figure, that.
I watched Robo's review on the BBTS dragon man and I couldn't believe that was the solution 4H came up with for the tail.
Ordered a Turpiculi and Necronominus, my first figs from this wave. Still hoping to get the Undead Army Builder and Sir Gideon, and maybe Ucczajk and Belualyth.
Can anybody tell me how to get the wings for Necronominus in place? I just can't seem get the $^%&ing things in! I tried heating up the the tabs but that didn't help.
@joedick in my general experience it’s better to heat up the hole/socket you’re inserting into rather than the peg. Really not trying to make this sound dirty, but you want to keep the peg rigid and the socket to loosen up slightly. Heating up the peg makes it more gummy when you want it to remain firm to lock into place better. I haven’t gotten this wave yet (waiting on BBTS) but that’s what I would try with the wings. Heat up the body around the sockets rather than any part of the wings. I did that with recent snake figure tails and it worked like a charm.
Now that we’re back, let’s talk about that dragon dropping in a week! $550 is not bad for that. Plus they mentioned figures (plural) being included as stretch goals. Even legion builder figures are $26 each so if the figure are builders and not any kind of standard or deluxe figure, at least $50 of the cost is in figure value. That could easily be $100 or more of the cost if more figures or more premium figures are included.
The graveyard skeletons seem to be ashy, which makes them feel like burnt dragon victims to me. That might be my use for them once I get a chance to see them in hand.
If I had my dream toy room I would invest in this dragon in a heartbeat. $550 is a lot of money but that beast looks worth it to me. But I do not have 3 feet worth of display space anywhere to put it. I just do not. I would love to. Someday - when I retire and we settle in our final home where ever my son sets up with his family I will insist on a full basement for my toy museum and then I can have and display stuff like this dragon. But currently the one room I have for my collection can't possibly accommodate that beast as gorgeous as he is and it seems imprudent to spend the money to shove the box in the attic and insist that someday it will breath air and show off as it's meant to.
What a week for the forums to be down - that dragon announcement! (Much love to the folks who keep this site running for not just giving up after another forum crash. If you see this - you are VERY much appreciated.)
Like you, PantherCult, if I had a dream home setup I would actually FIND the money for that dragon. It looks beautiful. It's a space AND money combo for me that'll keep me from it, I think. I already regret some of the bigger Haslabs I have (Galactus and Sentinel) but they can be stored vertically so they don't stress me out as much - the horizontal space the dragon will take up scares the hell out of me. I'm going to be following the crowdfunding though. I saw the original scale was what, 54 inches long? BUt if most of that is tail that an be coiled around that makes a big difference.
If space weren't an option I'd make it my big buy of the year, but space AND price are both prohibitive. But I am also a grade-A D&D nerd and a massive articulated dragon makes my pulse spike.
@tsi I have been eyeballing that dragon for weeks. Every time Wizkids has one of their mini-sales I am tempted to pick up one more of their adult dragon minis. (One of the best games I ever DMed was just a one shot going up against their adult white dragon mini and I ran it ONLY because I bought the mini on discount.)
Speaking of though, if the 4H dragon was red? I'd be twice as tempted. The green pops but red dragons... *chef's kiss*
@docsilence they teased there being 4 dragons so a red one among those other ones seems highly likely. I do fear that’s something that may ultimately hurt the campaign- people waiting on different color/types of dragon in the future. One $550 3 foot dragon is one thing but 4 is really pushing it, even for the most loyal collectors.
@buttmunch That's a good point about it hurting the campaign. We already know they love parts reuse and honestly, they'd be fools to put this much work into a giant sculpt and only use it once. And it's one thing to get us to buy the same dragon-man in four different colors (guilty of three of those myself) but the price on this one is really limiting. If we knew it was one and done forever the color would matter less but if folks are holding out for blue or red...