Got my all-in for the Necronominus wave! I only opened the heroic knights so far, and these are outstanding! Best in the line so far.
Sir Gideon 2.0 is fantastic! So much fine detail in his armor. And the new fabric surcoats covering plate armor are both realistic and don’t get in the way of articulation.
Sir Aldaric the Blue Knight has beautiful armor and some great weapons including a more realistic mace and spear.
The new Templar Knight Sir Elijah has a great new helmet, warhammer, and shield.
The ogre knight has beautifully detailed armor. He’s a bit clunky with all that sr or abs bulk, and his oversized Warhammer is unwieldy, but the figure looks amazing.
And the horse Bishop is one of the coolest looking horses so far with armor and soft goods.
Only ordered Heavensbrand and Elijah, but I'm excited to add a few new knights.
@akatsuki awesome pics akat! I can't wait to get my shipment. I didn't go all in, so it may be a bit, but I got enough extras that I think I overshot the all in package on this wave. I'm gonna have to do some real rearranging & start getting rid of some older stuff to make room for all of this...
I'm setting up a little four-character D&D party for my fantasy shelf. I was going to grab the Mythic Legions Gunmetal Armory Knight, but Akat's photos may have convinced me to get Heavensbrand instead.
Sitting here in my office watching the snow pile on REALLY REALLY hoping the two knights and a few stray other figures that are supposed to be delivered today show up.
@tsi I was just trying to pick out a D&D party combo to put on the shelf. Faustia as cleric, Duban leading his horse as the ranger/rogue, Halmyr Goldentooth as the heavily armored dwarf warrior, Samir Scrollwarder as the wizard, but now I'm debating who needs to go so I can add an elf instead of three humans.
@docsilence I love that.
I'm looking at Sir Gideon and NECA Elkhorn as cleric and warrior (I haven't decided which is which yet), Samir as wizard, and the upcoming K’ai Pacha as rogue. I was hoping for a 50/50 gender split, but I'll have to wait for 4H to replace some of the current set. As I mentioned on a previous page, they don't have enough women in the line.
@akatsuki Hot dang those are some great pictures to get me excited for my all-in arriving. I'd completely forgotten about the lance, but I think Gideon is going to stay displayed on the horse at all times with it. I really can't wait for this wave as the knights an skeles are my favourites from the line, so this is gonna be a really fun time opening them all up and trying to pace myself.
How's the ogre knight? I'm on the fence about keeping mine, due to really preferring the evil version Berodach, but we'll see. It's like the big demon and genie from Poxxus. Tons of folks think they're some of the best in the wave, but they just don't do it for me at all and even having them in hand, I never opened them.
@tsi They really don't. I actually just bid on a lot three female characters with a couple of swappable heads to add three new women to the roster (I put Lady Avarona on an Iron Knight, an extra elf head on Avarona's body, and then got a non-mint elf army builder as well). There really is a surprising lack of female characters (and original unmasked head sculpts for both genders, too).
I'm just getting into Mythic Legions, so I haven't ordered any of the Necronominus wave. That said, really eyeing Sir Gideon and that Ogre Knight. Think they'd be a cool pair. Plus I want the Berodach....hmm.
Did some head swaps tonight. Kind of wish the armory knights shipped with the sword belt on because I didn't want to pop a 45 dollar figure in half to put it on, so both got the baldrics instead. Brown knight's left wrist was kinda frozen which was frustrating, afraid I'll end up ripping it off if I do too much heat, but he can still twist at the elbow so it's not too much of a problem (except of course I like to make all my characters lefty). Thought about doing the bearded head on the gunmetal leather knight body, but that extra blue head was too nice I think. The armory knights have the best shoulder pads I've seen so far--zero inhibiting the ROM.
Now for the Congregation of Necronominus! These undead are great! Necronominus himself is the star with a regal look with all the wired soft goods. His wings and God Razor scythe are very impressive.
@akatsuki Hot dang those are some great pictures to get me excited for my all-in arriving. I'd completely forgotten about the lance, but I think Gideon is going to stay displayed on the horse at all times with it. I really can't wait for this wave as the knights an skeles are my favourites from the line, so this is gonna be a really fun time opening them all up and trying to pace myself.
How's the ogre knight? I'm on the fence about keeping mine, due to really preferring the evil version Berodach, but we'll see. It's like the big demon and genie from Poxxus. Tons of folks think they're some of the best in the wave, but they just don't do it for me at all and even having them in hand, I never opened them.
Thanks! The ogre knight Sir Ucczajk is great with a beautiful sculpt and striking colors. He can feel awkward with his big size. If you really play around with him, he can get into dynamic stances. I removed the pauldrons for some of these photos. I really like him. I am really looking forward to the dark knight version!
Now for the Congregation of Necronominus! These undead are great! Necronominus himself is the star with a regal look with all the wired soft goods. His wings and God Razor scythe are very impressive.
Those look so great! Awesome photos! Is Necronominus very hard to balance with all his stuff on?
Man...I ordered that Harvester figure (whatever the hell his name is) back when God was a child...glad to see some are getting this wave! Hope mine shows up in the near future. Haven't heard anything from the shipping notice...but I'm hoping that changes soon.
@thegillman Yeeeeeah, this wave definitely had a long wait. They just started shipping, starting with the all in orders. I ordered quite a bit, but not the all in. They said in an Instagram post they expect it to take 3-4 weeks to get everything shipped out.