16 minutes would have been fine if it wasn't at 8am on a Saturday morning. It used to be 9am (12pm Eastern) but they have shifted it to be less west coast friendly this time around. On top of their policy change to create convention exclusives (which are also only held on the East Coast), I'm starting to sour on Mythic Legions.
They also have started marketing in a weird way. They didn't even tell us it was an 8am drop time until two days before. Were they engaging in internal debates about whether making the time earlier would alienate west coast fans? Or did they know all along and just wanted to string us along on their blog and social media to log in every single day to get the details? I assume the latter, since they purposely reveal the figures one day at a time. I get that, but why can't you tell us the drop time in advance?
I still love them and they are still the best toy line currently on the market in my opinion. But they've gone done a few pegs. And a few more of these changes over time, combined with running out of space and I can see myself giving up on the line in a couple of years. That doesn't mean I'd sell off what I have, just means I will stop collecting new figures.
I already gave up on Cosmic Legions due to the new exclusive. I was going to be a completionism on the special skull heads. I was an all-in backer on the first series and got the gold skull. I have the silver skull in my BBTS pile of loot (that I since canceled). But the third skull is an east coast convention exclusive or pay triple on eBay. I realized I don't need the skulls that much. And if I'm not completing that, I dont need every figure from Cosmic.
Needing to start setting alarms to wake up on my day off and spending triple retail price for convention exclusives makes collecting less fun. Somehow their marketing team thinks it makes it more fun. The direction they are going will cause me to give up in the near future.
I've been an all-in backer on everything they've put out for the last 4 years. To include buying literal cases of the army builders. If my feeling towards them sours any more, I'm going to stop going all in and buying maybe 1 or 2 of the best figures each year, from BBTS when they come out. I'm currently spending $3k to $4k per year on preorders from them but they seem to not want my business anymore. They seem to only want customers on the East Coast where they are from, who can show up to conventions and who can order limited releases on Saturday mornings.
You need to set alarms a whole one extra hour early and need more than 2 days notice for figures that are going to be widely available in January?
Brother, you're the problem here lmao.
You need to set alarms a whole one extra hour early and need more than 2 days notice for figures that are going to be widely available in January?
Brother, you're the problem here lmao.
I set an alarm 5 days a week for work. Now I have to set an alarm on the weekend, too? Is this a hobby or a second job?
As far as them being available in January, here's the problem. I definitely want 3 of these figures. I'm on the fence about the rest. If I do want the rest, I dont want just one, I want several. It doesn't do me much good to get one dwarf if it turns out I like them.
Today was an opportunity to get one of each, early, so I could look at each in hand and decide which of them I want to buy 5 to 10 each of in January during the wide release. So now in January I will limit myself to buying 5 to 10 of the three figures I definitely want and skipping the rest.
If in January, I could order one of each and then all would be available to order for a few weeks, after I got them in hand, then that would be fine, but that won't be the case.
Today was an opportunity to get one of each, early, so I could look at each in hand and decide which of them I want to buy 5 to 10 each of in January during the wide release. So now in January I will limit myself to buying 5 to 10 of the three figures I definitely want and skipping the rest.
My thoughts with purchasing the bulk drop option was I can fool myself into being content with one of each early so that when the others come due later I can think "you already have those, you don't need more, they're old news." We'll see how it works.
And I understand the annoyance of getting up early on your day off just to grapple for toys online. Thankfully my 10-min notice alarm DID go off. But don't worry "I'm going to be buying/doing this a lot less this coming year!" Or at least that's what I tell myself.
I used to collect more soft vinyl toys so convention exclusives and limited releases announced through social media the week before they drop seem pretty normal to me. Win some, lose some, c'est la vie; or at least that's how I see it. I know there's no "right way" to collect, but being a completionist that dislikes the thrill of the hunt just seems like a recipe for heartache.
The only figure in this wave that jives with my collection is the vampire, but his legion builder paint job doesn't feel like a must-have so I'll sit this one out, especially with another wave of Cosmic Legions landing in my Pile of Loot in a month or so.
Being a completionist for any line is just not a healthy way to collect.
looks like the new Mythic Legions wave, Rising Sons, will be revealed November 10th. It’ll likely go up for preorder right after the reveal.
Theme is the Clan of the Cave Bear (barbarians) vs the Red Sons (evil guys who like to wear red). The leader of the Cave Bears has been said to rides a bear into battle, so many are suspecting a bear mount will be part of this wave. The barbarians are my least favorite faction of MyL, but I am interested to see what new ones will be shown. Definitely in for a bear mount though.
I figured they'd have some announcement at Legions Con but good god. I love my 4H legions but there's 6+ waves of figures we've paid for and are waiting on between the two lines:
- Poxxus
- Necronominus
- All-Stars 6
- Those couple selected retailer figures
- Not to mention Reinforcements 2's regular order's coming up
- Waves 2, 3 and 4 (The names are too much for me this early)
And the convention exclusives.
It's starting to feel like they're churning out these preorders a bit too fast, having added a second line of figures.
I'm not big on barbarians either and hopefully there's a lot of skeletons on the other side that I won't mind skipping.
But a 4H bear mount? That's getting ordered.
@grumpymatt yes, when is Poxxus supposed to ship? It's been a while since those went up for pre-order.
It's been a long while, it feels like. From Source Horsemen. We'll get the next Cosmic Legions wave first:
- Poxxus
Production is wrapping up soon on this wave. This wave is expected to ship from factory in Q4 2023
- Cosmic Legions - Hvalkatar: Book Two, Gravenight
This wave has shipped from the factory! We expect it to arrive in the next few weeks. Shipping to preorder customers will begin by the end of October.
I wouldn't mind a barbarian to add to my group of mezco ones and the eventual Dark Wolf figure, plus a bare chested body would be useful in general for parts swaps but other than that I'll likely skip out on the wave (unless they make a bear), I'd rather focus on cosmic which is apparently hitting UK retailers at the start of November.
I’m really curious to see what they do with Sons of the Red Star considering how little we’ve gotten from that faction, and how random the characters are.
I thought the Sons of the Red Star all wore red, but I guess I'm wrong. Looked up which characters are in it, and they're just a random grouping. Nothing really unifying them visually, so I suppose their upcoming figures could be anything.
I'd like to see a different bare-chest and different bare arms, for v1 bodies, made into the line. Something with different shaping. Say a wider V torso. Just to give some variety.
I think we'll see the brute body used for the barbarians. We haven't gotten that body in hand yet (I think the djinn is the first to use it). I can see it being used for a larger barbarian.
I figured they'd have some announcement at Legions Con but good god. I love my 4H legions but there's 6+ waves of figures we've paid for and are waiting on between the two lines:
- Poxxus
- Necronominus
- All-Stars 6
- Those couple selected retailer figures
- Not to mention Reinforcements 2's regular order's coming up
- Waves 2, 3 and 4 (The names are too much for me this early)
And the convention exclusives.
It's starting to feel like they're churning out these preorders a bit too fast, having added a second line of figures.
I'm not big on barbarians either and hopefully there's a lot of skeletons on the other side that I won't mind skipping.
But a 4H bear mount? That's getting ordered.
Yeah it's what I was worried about when they announced Cosmic lol, just churning out wave after wave.
Poxxus went up January 2022, so we're looking at 2 years from preorder to in hand if they hit Q1 2024. That is a long time, even for someone as a fan of Mafex figures, but it hasn't slipped a ton from their previous waves. Arethyr went up for preorder late July 2019 and you start to see youtube channels with reviews on figures in May 2021. That's a rough estimate on in hand though as some channels get early copies to review, so a May-August window has Arethyr right at 2 years as well.
I'm super picky about what I buy from this line anymore - mostly just anthropomorphic creatures and MOTU homages for me. But a damn Bear mount is a thing I will absolutely NOT be able to resist.
I think I would have to get a bear mount, but after the last 5 waves all having at least one mount, I wouldn't mind them taking a break for a bit to ease the wallet strain. But then, big old bear for figures to ride around on. Not like I can pass that up as easily as the moose (even as a Canadian...).
I hope we see some more regular soldier types from Sons of the Red Star, after getting Fancy-boi knights with the last two waves. Just some worn and weary battle hardened vets.
I just sold my Skapular because he was just kind of boring compared to all the new sculpts we're waiting for, so I'd love it if he got a 2.0, along with a new Attlus. Some orcs on either side would be great too. They're due for a revisit sooner rather than later.