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Four Horsemen Studios - Mythic Legions

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@akatsuki I am THIS CLOSE To ordering the black and brown leather armors and popping some extra unhelmeted heads on them. I've got a few heads in need of bodies and I really like the lighter armored figures in this line. 

Unrelated, I finished mucking around with parts swaps for the two-pack and I can't say I like the dwarf monk BETTER than the orc monk because the orc monk is amazing, but I would have paid full price for the dwarf monk too. I do like the catfolk parts on the warrior better than the orc version, but I was going to skip the orc entirely and use the human head on that guy and iI changed my mind since orcs do rule. I may need to take the gorget off him though because the shoulder pauldrons are beautiful but make him way clunkier fully armored and I like how posable he is if I don't use all his options. 

I picked up one snakeman and while the head design is very strange (it leaves the ball joint SUPER visible?) it is a truly beautiful figure and I can't stop posing him. Makes me regret not getting the tailed version in the preorder. The snake warrior is downright elegant. 

Fwoosh Armored Division Platoon Commander
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Love the Armory Knights! The paintwork is really nice with washes bringing out the details and the rivets and buckles painted to make a lot of detail really pop. These are exactly what I wanted from this line all along. Really fun. 


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Magneto Was Right
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Now that I'm starting to get into this line, I was going to go back and get a woman knight. I found that they actually haven't made that many of them. What gives?

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It really is strange, because the women characters they've made have sold well enough to go for a LOT on the secondary market. I've always regretted not picking up Delphina. Gwendolynne Heavensbrand is one of my favorite figures in the line. 

Fwoosh Armored Division Platoon Commander
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@tsi Like docsilence wrote, Gwen Heavensbrand is a major Holy Knight character and is awesome. So is Delphina from the Knights Templar. 

There was a very cool evil woman knight. Can’t remember her name. Edit: She is Lady Avarona. She had a soft goods lower tabard, so nothing gets in the way of her hips. She’s therefore one of the coolest female knights. 

Edit: Forgot about Hadriana who is the lion-helm female knight. She is very cool and comes with two great helmets, one of which is appropriated for my Valiant Knight  

And there was a cool female knight builder pack. 

The problem for me is that the thinner 2.0 bodies were more fiddly. They have the same articulation, if not more, but the ankles were always so tight. And the hip/fauld armor would sometimes get in the way and keep popping out. That is why Lady Avarona is a standout for me. 

Hopefully the 2.0 bodies get improved the way the Valiant Knight improves range on the 1.0 bodies. 

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The Ninians are awesome. Glad I snagged two for my eventual Bassylia. Maybe I get another tailed serpent. I’m probably buying the blue head pack too.

Emerald heroic knight is all I grabbed from armory so far. I do agree with older posts. $45 is high. I think it’s to maintain the cost they were at the show. I’m glad to have the one I do. It fits my Elven squad well. Looking forward to v2 Deer goddess and Avian god.


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I agree that the ball joint with the snake head on the Ninian figure is a bit jarring. I'd have preferred something around the neck to help the transition like the sometimes have with the cat folk, but it DOES allow for some great movement with the head as is.

At the moment, my 2 are wearing just the necklaces, but might get the shoulder armor down the line. I'm likely adding the tails they came with though.

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I can't get the tail on the Ninian to stay in place, but when it's there it looks great. And yeah, the ball joint doesn't look great if you see it from the back but they also possibly have the best head ROM of any Legions figure so far so I think I'm good with the tradeoff. Maybe they'll add a headdress or hood in the future. They'd look great peering out from a hood. 

I think you all have sold me on at least one brown or gunmetal leather knight. Do they have the tail socket in the back? I've got a spare cat head and tail and the brown armor might look pretty cool with a catfolk head. 

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Armory knights do indeed have the tail socket. I threw the cat head and tail from the 6-pack heads set on the brown leather body after not coming up with a human head I liked and it looks good.

And yeah, both my Ninians are tail-less at the moment. Either I'm doing something wrong (a distinct possibility) or they just won't stay on great.

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@grumpymatt thanks for confirming about the tail - I've been thinking about that specific armory knight for a catfolk actually. 

I haven't measured or anything, but the joint for the Ninian tail looks significantly smaller than the cat or minotaur tails. I think they won't stay because of a design choice. (Maybe they didn't want them to be difficult to remove for storage? Giving them the benefit of the doubt that it wasn't an actual design mistake.) 

Fwoosh Armored Division Platoon Commander
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I can’t get the Snakeman’s tail to stay in either. It’s a beautiful looking figure though. 

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Solomon Kane toasts to the dead.. Cheers.. 🍻

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Hey, mind if I ask a head-swap aesthetics question here? I'm trying to get the best looks for the Gasspparr and Gawrychh two pack extra heads. Right now I've got Gasspparr off the shelf (orc monk) and made the dwarven monk with a second copy (worth it - might be my favorite dwarf!). Gawrychh I swapped to be a catfolk on one, and then actually found I liked the bearded dwarf from Gasspparr instead of the half-helm orc head on him (he just feels cooler to me as an aging swordsmaster). 

I'm trying to find a home for: the black-beareded Atluss head; an extra Gawrychh cat head; the human head from Gasspparr; plus I've got the red demon head from the head pack and the extra head from the Elite Elven Guard kinda going to waste (I've got the half-orc head on the elven guard but could swap it back to the elf head). 

I have

  • a generic black knight whom the demon head, the Atluss head, or maybe the older human head might look good on. 
  • a generic templar the older human head or the elven head might look good on. 
  • And I have been thinking about buying the brown and black leather armoury knight bodies for maybe Atluss and the catfolk? What combo with all these heads do you think you'd do if you were doing swaps? 

Bonus round: I want to use the "that's Boba Fett!" helmet from Gawrychh on a Cosmic Legions figure. I'm torn between the heavy gunner (the colors seem to match up VERY closely) or the TUSCC Experiment who is clearly Boba-coded. (If I got him I'd DEFINITELY need a body for that Magnus head!). 

Anyway, I'm having decision paralysis and wondering if you all had any vibes/opinions. I hate having cool extra heads go to waste but don't mind putting a generic helmet in storage. 

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Looks like I should have the Necronominus wave in hand tomorrow.  

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I only got three figures from this wave so I figure I'll be waiting a while. 

Unrelated, I got what I thought was a steal on three in-box figures to do a perfect head swap set (three female 2.0 bodies with the perfect heads to swap between them to make three unique characters with) and man, I work so hard to keep my Legions pristine in case I ever need to sell them and these things are beat to heck. I honestly would've paid for them anyway since I planned to swap the heads around, but I wish the seller had just been straight about it. "Seen some action, a lil dinged up." 

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