I couldn't remember who I ordered from the Necronomicus wave., I really went conservative and I kinda regret it--just Gideon, Bishop, and the necromancer woman with the long name. Might have to track a few of the others down.
I ordered Necronominus, Conabus, Sir Ucczaijk, & Belualyth. Really hoping they ship soon. It's been 2 frikken' years.
@jtmarsh Thanks - not that I'm thrilled about slow shipping but good to know it's not just me. I rarely track anything they ship because it's always weeks for in-stock and years for preorders, but the the last couple of in-stock stuff I at least got shipping notice within the first ten days.
And now I'm envisioning them doing Western or Pirate figures.
My Armory Knights and Snakemen shipped last week. Last updated leaving PA on Saturday morning. Still no further movement.
Finally received my order today. I think notification was sent out Thursday. Unfortunately, this Arctic blast were in has me nervous about opening them tonight and instead allow them to warm for a good amount of time.
I really want to crack open the Armory Knight and check it out. Looks great in the package.
Also, Ninians rule. They really look good, especially the open-mouthed head.
Mine have been floating around the Kansas City area for a week now.
They arrived in KC on the 13th, said processed through the regional facility and was back in the network (but "running late"), but updated today saying it was BACK IN KC.
I got my knights and sneks yesterday after getting a shipping notice last Thursday, some thoughts and observations:
-They’re not as bright and shiny as I excepted from the promo pics. Don’t get me wrong they’re colorful but compared to like the Dwarf Wizard or Man-E-Faces homage, they’re a little muted.
-They’ve got a lot of paint, they’re not just builders, they have washes and detail hits usually reserved for named characters. I’d compare them to the faceless knights in the first Kickstarter. So that explains why they don’t cost the same as regular degular builders… still doesn’t justify the $45 price tag.
-For being intended for “poppin’ and swappin’” these are some of the tightest joints I’ve seen on Mythic Legions. I know, cold warehouse, cold plane/van, cold door step, cold house: there’s going to be some tightness expected, but I was holding a heat gun to these guys for several minutes and still felt like it was nothing but angel dreams and children’s wishes preventing them from snapping when I popped their limbs out. One of the black knights’ hands, the easiest part to swap that fall out if they hold anything, was so tight I thought I broke it is snapped so loud and suddenly when I pulled it out (it was fine, but I panicked before checking if it was I was so scared)… so yeah, be careful when handling these.
Overall, pretty nice, though I think if I knew these wouldn’t be as candy colored shiny as I thought I might have skipped the all in and just bought the ones I really wanted right now
My order arrived today.
I agree. Some of the colors are a bit flat. The red knights in particular are disappointing to me. The promo pictures really have them looking nice and shiny metal. The red feels the same as that vampire knight guy. The green knights however are metallic and pop rather well. Gunmetal is fine.
The snakemen are cool. The open mouth in particular looks great. Haven't plugged in the tail yet. I bought the maximum of three. The 4H were actually at a SoCal event for once last weekend. I was half-tempted to go and get some figures, but I wanted my shipment to arrive before deciding on more. I feel like the 3 snakemen I just got combined with the 2 snakebody guys (and leader lady) I have on preorder will be a fine snake force. I'm sure they'll be offering all kinds of color variations of snakemen in the line. In time, they'll make up a nice army.
One issue which I've been having with this line is the lack of new weapons. After damn year 10years, you think we could have gotten a new spear. Some new evil, curvy swords. Something. While I don't love all the weapons they've made so far, I'm going to try out some Savage Crucible swords with my snakemen.
I stopped at Store Horsemen today just to see if they already had the new Cosmic Legions head packs listed there yet - NOPE - but I did see that Garwycch the Unpredictable was available again. I really want that cat head and tail and so decided that I would just pull the trigger. $50 after shipping is steep for a head and tail, but, my plan is to pick out the cat head and tail and then re-sell the figure for whatever I can get for it - it's still a full Mythic Legions body with two heads and a bunch of weapons - so should be able to recoup at least half of what I spent right? Or maybe once I have it in hand I'll fall in love with the figure and decide to keep the whole thing... who knows.
My 2 Ninian warriors finally arrived today, after their week long jaunt around the KC area and subsequent trip BACK to Maryland.
I'm letting them warm up in the house tonight since it was quite cold today. They look amazing in the packages though.
- Also, I'm going to want that orange dragon head and tail (and maybe the 2 blue snake heads), but don't really need all the other heads if it's all in one set.
Still mad that I missed that drop. I wanted those legged snake dudes so bad... grrr.
Got shipping tonight from the in-stock sale. Took a bit but should be here Monday.
@panthercult - I think you'd recoup some of the cost. I went looking for base bodies for some extra heads last week and a lot of them are going for MORE on eBay than they were going complete and new for in-stock on Store Horseman. That being said, the cat head on that body is my current favorite Legions figure:
My In-stock arrived at my parcel forwarder pickup yesterday, so now I'm going to spend the day tempted to rip out there to grab them, instead of waiting until monday when I have the day off..Can't wait to see these knights in person.
@panthercult Like @DocSilence says, you should be able to recoup full costs if you're selling the body parts on ebay. Lots of parts sellers there now, and instead of separating everything, you could easily batch him out into a few lots and likely make your money back.
In a similar vein - About a month ago I bought a Zende cloak to dye black and one of the old Jousting/classic knight helmets to paint up to go with my Valiant knight because the prices were actually decent and shipping to Canada wasn't bad. Well, they finally shipped, except the seller used DHL. Just got a notice that I have to pay $2 in customs and $10 in DHL fees. Ugh. Fuck DHL. If anyone's ever shipping internationally, please, I beg of you, don't use DHL! Ok, Rant over. Can't wait to dye this cloak black to give to random Mythics, and it will ultimately live on the rogue from the Ashes wave, but he's probably years out at this point. I'd love to see them release it in brown too.
Finally got shipping notice for my rather big order from the in-stock sale. Really looking forward to those Armory Knights!
My fairly small order will be here on Monday. I was just getting tempted to pick up the two armory figures I really like but didn't want two outstanding in-stock orders. Buuuuut...
EDIT: Huh. Took 4H forever to ship them, but they go there three days early - arrived 24 hours after getting shipping notice! The snake-man is beautifully done. Going to spend the afternoon dismantling Gassparr (I wish they'd just spell names normally, the extra letters are like a barrier to search functionality) so I can make a dwarf monk with the parts that came with the deluxe version I already had.
I'd picked up an extra Gawrychh (i'm not even spell checking anymore) to stick the Attlus head on him from the deluxe set, but I now think that head will look better on a armoury knight body, so I may just keep him as a half-orc - I don't love the antlered helm but the head sculpt and colors are nice. (I stuck the cat parts on the first copy I got of him.) If I put the human head on him I may want to pop his torso apart and turn that kilt into a cape again. It looks so much better like that.
Got a box full of Armory Knights. These are stellar! The heroic style Green Knight is such a beautiful metallic green, and the silver details really pop. So nice to finally get a Green Knight. The range of motion is excellent as well, like the Valiant Knight.
Purple and Red Knights are looking great, too.
Evil Gunmetal Knight with the leather style armor is a sleeper hit for me. Looks awesome in person. Articulation works very nicely. And the silver on the leather armor really stands out. Seems like a great detailed base body to customize in all kinds of ways. I’m super tempted to get more of the leather style armors now.