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Four Horsemen Studios - Mythic Legions

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🦇 Est. 2017 🕸️
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Posted by: @ashtalon

Beast of the Mesozoic has a Frost Dragon

Im digging it, looks cool.

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Got the deluxe two-pack today and immediately popped the warrior (I'm not going to try to spell out either of those names... Love this line but my gawd the keyboard smashing absurdity of the names) to turn his kilt into a cloak. It was a PITA to do the popping but using it as a cloak, with the catfolk head and tail... might be my new favorite figure. absolutely love this guy. 

I'm keeping the monk as-is because honestly, I think he's perfect unmodified, but I picked up an extra with the in-stock sale because I love dwarven monks and want to use those legs for that also. I picked up a duplicate swordsman and was having regerts but now that I've made the deluxe set one into a cat-man, I'm torn between using the Attlus head repaint on this same body with the cloak again, or throwing him on another buck - it's got the same skin tone as one of the barbarian and the gladiator army builder, and would look good on the black knight generic. Wondering what you all would do with it - any thoughts what would look coolest? 

I've already got that duplicate coming so I also need to find a home for that delightful battle-paint catfolk head. Maybe I should pop him onto a Cosmic Legions figure? And I had no interest in that heavy gunner generic they have in stock on the site, but a youtuber popped the Boba Fett homage helmet onto it and... it looks weirdly excellent. 

Trying to figure out if the armory knights gorgets will get in the way of the Attlus head beard. He'd look amazing on the brown leather one but if the gorget gets in the way of his hair and beard that feels like a waste. 

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I don't want the figure at all,  but man do I want that cat head and tail.    I couldn't pull the trigger on a two pack of figures for just the head though.   

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@docsilence what exactly is a gorget? If it’s that neck piece thing Attlus’ head fits on the Valiant Knight with no problem (though it does look a little small compared to his massive head of hair) if it’s one of neck bucket deals Attlus’ braids will get in the way.

Also, really weird they had the Armory sale a week ago on a Monday so “the warehouse team could get right to work!” and I got my order in at 8:02am and haven’t seen any movement yet, I’ve gotten Figura Obscuras from Saturday sales faster than this! Maybe it would help sell some of the stock they clearly didn’t expect to sit around this long if we could get some in hand to see if we want more!

docsilence reacted
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So I've some Valiant Knights. I caved and got 4 of the Armory Knights. Got preorders for all the Necronominus knights, Enoch from All Stars 6, and the Blue Shield soldier from Ashes wave. That's 11 knights on the new buck. Yet I still really want this new Silver Knight? Am I this addicted?

Short answer - yes. Just because of the new visors in a basic colour and the plumes in red. Sigh. It's sad but true.

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Posted by: @doc-baghead

@docsilence what exactly is a gorget? If it’s that neck piece thing Attlus’ head fits on the Valiant Knight with no problem (though it does look a little small compared to his massive head of hair) if it’s one of neck bucket deals Attlus’ braids will get in the way.

Also, really weird they had the Armory sale a week ago on a Monday so “the warehouse team could get right to work!” and I got my order in at 8:02am and haven’t seen any movement yet, I’ve gotten Figura Obscuras from Saturday sales faster than this! Maybe it would help sell some of the stock they clearly didn’t expect to sit around this long if we could get some in hand to see if we want more!

With in stock sales, I'm usually waiting about 2 weeks before I see any movement, but since I was down with "the 'Vid" last week, I wasn't paying as much attention as I usually do. I got an email at the end of the week that my 2 Ninians had shipped, and should be here tomorrow.


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@doc-baghead the neck piece, yeah - like on the swordsman half orc it's too big for the Attlus head but easily removable (I did that to use the skirt as a cloak) but the leather neck piece on the armory knight actually looks small and unobtrusive so I was hoping it might work with the long beard and hair on an Attlus head. (I often remove the raised neck armor so I can see the character heads better, just a personal preference.

I'm usually infinitely patient with their shipping cos I know they're usually slow, but this one time I hope they ship my stuff early cos I already have the pieces from BBTS to do some fun parts swapping with what I ordered this time.

Fwoosh Armored Division Platoon Commander
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The new Silver Knight looks great! I just hope the heads aren’t too big. I feel like the heads have been getting bigger while the torsos have been getting smaller. But either way, I’m going to get at least a couple Silver Knights. 

The book looks fun, too. Hard to believe that it’s been ten years already. 

Magneto Was Right
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Posted by: @docsilence

Got the deluxe two-pack today and immediately popped the warrior (I'm not going to try to spell out either of those names... Love this line but my gawd the keyboard smashing absurdity of the names) to turn his kilt into a cloak. It was a PITA to do the popping but using it as a cloak, with the catfolk head and tail... might be my new favorite figure. absolutely love this guy. 

I'm keeping the monk as-is because honestly, I think he's perfect unmodified, but I picked up an extra with the in-stock sale because I love dwarven monks and want to use those legs for that also. I picked up a duplicate swordsman and was having regerts but now that I've made the deluxe set one into a cat-man, I'm torn between using the Attlus head repaint on this same body with the cloak again, or throwing him on another buck - it's got the same skin tone as one of the barbarian and the gladiator army builder, and would look good on the black knight generic. Wondering what you all would do with it - any thoughts what would look coolest? 

I've already got that duplicate coming so I also need to find a home for that delightful battle-paint catfolk head. Maybe I should pop him onto a Cosmic Legions figure? And I had no interest in that heavy gunner generic they have in stock on the site, but a youtuber popped the Boba Fett homage helmet onto it and... it looks weirdly excellent. 

Trying to figure out if the armory knights gorgets will get in the way of the Attlus head beard. He'd look amazing on the brown leather one but if the gorget gets in the way of his hair and beard that feels like a waste. 

Wait, what are we talking about here?


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@tsi It's this set:

I popped the kilt part off Gawrychh (the warrior) and used it like a cloak in one of the pics - the listing uses the human head but I popped the catfolk head on there instead (the tail works better without the skirt too). Liked it enough I got another from the in-stock sale which doesn't come with the human head but I think I'm going to use that on the second copy of the figure. 

I also caved and got a duplicate of the monk in-stock too so I could make the dwarven monk with the extra parts. No idea what to do with the extra set of bare legs though. Trying to figure out what to do with all the extra heads since this set was kind of a goldmine for unhelmeted heads. 

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Well I got my shipping notice today, but then mine go to a parcel forwarder so they'll be delivered next week but it'll still be two weeks until I get them. And they announced Necro wave making it to the warehouse in the next few weeks. It's gonna be a Mythic Feb/March methinks as I try to keep myself to opening one figure every couple days. As the knights and skeletons are my favs from the line, I really can't wait. The question will be which to open first. I think it has to be Necro and Conabus. But Gideon is gonna be pretty tempting too.

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I f*cking HATE the USPS!

My Ninians were in the last distribution center before hitting my local PO on Tuesday, so I figured I would get them Wednesday. I check my tracking while on my break at work Wednesday night to see if they made it, and they were now in KANSAS CITY!?!?! I'm in Maryland, for reference. HOW does that happen, other than sheer incompetence? 

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I couldn't remember who I ordered from the Necronomicus wave., I really went conservative and I kinda regret it--just Gideon, Bishop, and the necromancer woman with the long name. Might have to track a few of the others down. 

Apropos of nothing, I bookmarked a Purrplor on eBay and got a notification that the seller was offering it for 40 percent below his asking price. Mythic Legions is such a weird line, man. The offer brought the price down so low that I was like: it's actually worth picking up a backup of one of my favorite figures (Purrplor and Cowarros are my top two Legions). I got a used Purrplor years ago, no box, kinda beat up, so I caved and bought this one to update him since who knows if I'll ever get one that's just a few bucks more than the original price. It's so weird to collect a line that when you see it at just above retail, it's like: do I get this one in case I break my existing figure? May never happen again. 

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Anyone had any movement on their in-stock sale buys a few weeks back? I know 4H is always super slow, but starting to wonder if I'm just not getting shipping notification or if I should worry. (I got that glitch when I was shopping yesterday where my whole last order was in my cart so I double-checked to make sure I actually completed the order, but it's showing up as paid and unfulfilled.) 

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Nada for me so far.  I don't really focus on 4H stuff to be fair, for some reason I'll track every other company in my head re: stuff I've ordered, but 4H is generally slow so I just assume it'll arrive whenever the stagecoach driver pulls into my neighborhood.  Great, now I'm thinking about western Legions in addition to the Pirates I forsee them making.

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