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Four Horsemen Studios - Mythic Legions

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I like the new wave a lot, but I'm not sure how much of it I'll pick up. for sure the rogue because I'm all in on the catfolk. I love the centaur but I never found a home for the first centaur on display. Same with the Ogre - love the frost giant vibes but it's a space thing. On the upside, we've got four weeks to ponder. I like the wizards they've done so far but the new guy is so similar to the last two, and I really like Azza Spiritbender but do I need two of her? 

Definitely a case of if I had infinite space and money I'd want the whole wave, but I don't have either, so I'm gonna be a little picky. 

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This wave is the first one in a while which didn't wow me.  There's isn't a singe must-have figure.  They mostly look really nice.  And it's great we're getting a bunch of new parts.  But I'm maybe a bit burned out with this line.

I do think the goblin 2pk is great.  And it's cool you can make 4 distinct figures.

I'm not really a fan of the deluxe builder sets, as you just end up with way too many parts.  You basically need an extra legion builder or two to make use of those parts.  Hopefully we get a basic silver legion builder using the new Valiant Knight parts.  I imagine they're holding off on using the new parts for a basic legion builder, as they want to put those parts in standard price figures first.  Guess the dx builder parts will just have to sit there waiting...

The winged knight and skeletons aren't doing much for me.

The Frost Ogre is cool.  And I like both looks, so it's almost tempting to get two of them.  They can flank my Ice Troll.

The cat guy is fine.  Nothing too special there.  Definitely feels like a straight repaint.  I do like the cat head, and it's nice to see more cat characters.  But is it the same exact head?

Shadow Centaur looks nice.  But these mounts and centaurs take up so much space.  Not sure I want more of them.  It does have army building potential, but is something I'm sorely lacking at my place.

Azza 2?  I have her first version.  Her soft goods look nice, but I'm tiring on blue chicks in 4H lines. And like I said...I already have a version of it.

Xue does nothing for me.  I skipped on the first bald good wizard, as he just seemed so plain.  And this one isn't much better.  I was never clamoring for a bunch of wizards anyway, but they all seem rather similar at this point.


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The frost ogre looks great, but he's more or less a repaint of the kit I have on my Argemedes. I'm sorely tempted by the golden skeleton and the goblin 2 pack. I don't have room for new figures on either my skelly shelf or gobbo shelf, but those parts would add a lot of visual diversity to my existing legions. Good thing I have 4 weeks to make up my mind.

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Golden skeleton and Goblin pack for me. Im concerned about the wings. Most of the wings I have droop. The peg connection is okay. I love Goblins. What a cool pack to upgrade my current Goblins.


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Not really seeing anything I just have to have, which is rare because usually there's always at least 1-2 things I definitely want, especially knights.  None of this leapt out at me to buy, which is fine because I have almost whole waves of stuff ordered from last year still to come.  Money saved for other stuff in this case.

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This really fills like a fill-in wave. Something they put together quick. It's all pretty blah for a new wave of Mythic Legions and a lot of it just seems very familiar despite the smattering of new parts. I'd have preferred another all-stars wave.

The shadow centaur is probably the best reveal, but as others have said, space is just too limited unless it's something really great.

Not sure I'm picking up anything but I didn't grab the first Azza and this one looks really good — even with the blue skin ... If I go down that road I'll probably get the jaguar dude, too. I like those extra heads.


Magneto Was Right
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The more D&D I've played, the more I've wanted a fantasy collection. Still, the only one really calling my name is the rogue, and I mostly RP female characters, so it doesn't 100% work. If I were a little more attuned to 4H's articulation scheme, I'd probably go in for the winged skeleton, goblin pack, and rogue. Alas.

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I loved the knight builder set, but yeah, gonna have to order another Sir Aldaric just to use most of the parts. But that's fine by me, I need more new knight parts and figures. I specially love the new helmets, and the inclusion of the Zweihander, which I don't have any of.

The cat burglar looks cool, even though I dislike animal-human warriors a lot. The extra heads help, I want to repaint that extra head to have an old Duban. The more ranger style figures, the better!

The angel is cool, but he really needed a new head, something like how people paint archangels, would have been great.

The frost giant's main head looks awful, but the helmeted head wins me. Looks amazing, but the high price will probably deter me from getting it.

The rest I honestly don't like enough. The figures look cool but it's too much, and honestly, I'm in this line mostly for the knights either way.

Fwoosh Armored Division Platoon Commander
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The zweihander sword is one of my favorites, you definitely need one!

Love the look of Iosef, the angelic knight. Looks to have pearlescent white like Sir Ignatius did, and he is one of the coolest figures in the line, in my opinion. So Iosef is a must-have. 

The Blue Shield deluxe knight builder set is also a must-have. Question is if I want just one or two sets. 

Golden Skeleton and Frost Ogre also look very cool. 

spinc reacted
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Deluxe Knight Builder 2, Frost Ogre, Gold Skeleton 2, Iosef, and Goblin 2 pack I'm all really big on.  I've never cared too much for the cat characters, but the extra heads included with K'ai are pretty tempting.



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Not blown away by this wave, either, but the last Viking one just went so hard. 

I'll probably grab Xue - it looks like he is on the Diis Paatar body? Which looks awesome, but I didn't want a bug guy. Not a huge fan of the head. I like the sculpt, but I would prefer them to branch out with their headsculpts a bit more, a third bald wizard is a bit redundant. The softgoods look great, I'm guessing the hood can pull up?

Gobbies are cool, love the pig-Goblin, seems right off the cover of a 70's fantasy novel. Might pick it up just for him, and to use the other body for the Wolf King Kitsune head I picked up. 

Red Ogre
The horrors persist, but so do I.
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I like the goblin 2-pack a lot. I'm definitely in for a couple of those. My other like are skeletons but I prefer my bones to have natural colors. After their world building story about the gold skeletons being necromanced angels I'm tempted to buy a couple.

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I think this wave was supposed to function similar to an All-Stars wave. They just came up with a different presentation of re-used parts. They only do one real deal wave at the end of each year for Mythic Legions and then another wave mid-year consisting of re-issues/re-used parts with maybe some new things thrown in. This is that wave.

AgentHemlock reacted
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@yolk I hadn't realized it but it's true. Necro was 2022, around November. Rising Sons was 2023, same time. When was All stars 6? Around June?

So that means we're due to another new wave of awesome figures later in the year! Awesome. I'm betting they reveal the dragon then. And hopefully some knight legions builders!

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@akatsuki I recommend one knight builder and getting more Sir Adalrics, since the color is similar. Personally I'm gonna give the blue tunics to him, since I dislike the color of the torso of Adalric.

Akatsuki reacted
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