Yeah, that's probably right on the newer figure. 4H wouldn't do people like that. I also think you're right about their inventory. They did have a ton of figures for sale at Power Con.
Thinking about is some more and looking at who's available again, there's probably 10 figures I wouldn't mind picking up (and a few more I wouldn't mind getting again) but $90+ with tax and shipping is tough. Even tougher when I consider there's not many newer figures I'm looking for.
I don't like blind box figures at $20, no way in hell am I paying $75 for one.
I'll be in training at work when they go on sale next week anyway, so I'll see how fast it all sells out when I get home in the evening.
They posted further clarifications today about the blind boxes. I'll give them credit, they're being VERY up front about expectations and trying to head off complaints before they arise. I cannot justify 75 bucks as a blind box for anything, but at least they're not being shady about it so you can decide to gamble or not.
Yup, just got home and read it, entirely fair I suppose. Still really not a fan of blind boxes as a whole, and if they wanted to do something big for the 10 year doing a run of figures from wave 1 would have been awesome, but obviously I've shown my bias there lol.
Everything can't be for everyone and that's fine.
I mostly buy knights and to a lesser extent the occasional gladiator, skeleton or vampire here or there. If it was $75 for 3 random figures then maybe, but I'm not in on $75 for 2 I may not even want and then get the pleasure of trying to sell later. That to me is not "fun" as it may be to some folks. Plus, isn't the point of blind boxes is that it's some trinket where you can afford to buy multiple in an attempt to get something you actually want? $75 a pull sounds like a table in a hotel in Vegas that I wouldn't be allowed into.
Yeah, this was incredibly disappointing from them. They have been hyping this up all week, for this! Incredibly expensive, you can't choose what figures to buy, most of the figures available aren't even that exciting... yeah that's a big nope from me. Hopefully they reveal some All Star figures soon or something actually new.
Yesterday's update on the blind boxes really clears things up for me. Don't really want any of the 14 figures in the reissue run and it sounds like you're most likely to get something from All-Stars 5 as the newer figure.
Speaking of the reissue run, I wonder how they ended up with this assortment of figures? These particular characters don't really "highlight" Mythic Legions 10-year run for me, if that was the intent. No dwarves, no vampires?
@grumpymatt I think they said somewhere that these chase figures weren't selected so much as "found" - extra boxes in the warehouse, overstock they forgot they had, etc. All stuff they had in hand instead of a wave.
There's two or three in that list I don't have and would like, but not enough to gamble on a blind box. That being said, I NEEDED a wave I could skip from them so I'm kinda relieved. I was in desperate need of a breather.
@docsilence No, 22 of the 36 chase figures being offered are very limited warehouse finds. The 14 pictured above are part of a "very small reissue run as part of the line’s 10 year anniversary," according to 4H's Instagram post. These are the figures you're more likely to receive in the blind boxes.
Just real curious how those 14 made the cut for a new factory run. I would say it's kind of a lackluster selection outside of 2 or 3 figures. (Not bad figures, just not figures that really celebrate 10 years of ML to me.)
Maybe they wanted to stay away from future all-stars?
Yeah, the ones I really want here are the super limited 'we found a case in the warehouse' types like the dwarf and goblin kings, etc. Think I can sit this one out, about the only one in the new runs I would want is the goblin and I have pretty much everything from the newer waves that will be included.
@jonaskane The goblin king is one of the few regrets missing from my collection. I'd pay for him in a heartbeat but don't want to gamble.
That dwarven king though is one of the best figures they've made, IMO. I don't even display him as a king, I have him looking like some kind of paladin of darkness or something. Love that dude.
Thank god I don't want anything from the mystery sale. I have what I need/want from what's being offered. Anything even slightly interesting, more red Orcs or another Red Shield Knight, isn't worth the gamble. I think the only old figure I want them to reissue/find is Deltigar.
I've been slowly opening my recent reinforcements order. Opened two Shadow Orcs. I really like them. Kinda regret not getting more of them. They don't really have West Coast shows, so picking up more at a convention isn't really feasible. There is an upcoming show in Sacremento, but that's too much of a trip just to grab a few more figures.
This is one of those lines where I think I'm burned out. Then I'll open something and wish I had bought extras. Or my indecision toward being more selective ends up in me ordering All-Ins. I'm so behind on opening figures (not enough room), I'm just starting to horde stuff.
I saw myself as a casual collector of this line but 45 figures with ten more on preorder kind of puts me a little more than casual.
I look forward to the Dwarves under the Mountain next year. Those two will round out my seven to go with the female barbarian and her bear, a warrior version of Snow White and her dwarves. I’ve got quite a few skeletons warriors and a monster coming and a few knights with a steed.
I kind of want some more vampires and maybe a sorceress. But I’ll see.
I'm so glad the forums are back!!
I finally got my Valiant Knight, a store in my country ordered some. It is fantastic! While the range of motion isn't improved dramatically, it allows just enough clearance to do two handed sword poses pretty easily. The torso movement is awesome, the head movement is really improved, you can really add character to the poses with a head tilt now. It's not all perfect, a few joints came pretty loose, but it really feels like a step forward with the line. I cannot wait for the Templar knights that are coming!
New wave to be announced next Friday.