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Four Horsemen Studios - Mythic Legions

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Posted by: @docsilence

@samalas I had the same thought. If it's mostly reprints with a few new figures that'd be okay but there's absolutely no way I can justify even a third of that right now.


I started collecting the line not long after Arethyr finished preorders, bought through BBTS, so that'd still hurt me lol.  So many older figures I would love to have but just refuse to pay second hand price for.

@runestonecowboy guess of All Stars voting would make so much more sense.  36 figures would be what...  $2500?


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Posted by: @spinc

If this isn't a Magnus 2.0 I riot

Here you go:


spinc reacted
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@salemcrow I'd be okay if I can't get the shoulder piece to work (I ended up skipping it on the two MOTU homage cats anyway) but the tail is key. I think there's a peg for the tail in the shadow orc generic, but it's waaaaay up under the armor and probably won't work. The feet are solid black though so it's a good combo. I think I'll use it for now, reassess when the Gorthokk shipment hits. (New armored cat man: Hey, what happened to your tail, dude? I don't want to talk about it.) 

@samalas I started collecting late myself but got a lot of the earlier figures used before prices skyrocketed. I'm hoping if this is a 36 figure wave of mostly re-releases, it's a lot of stuff I've already tracked down. There's a few gaps I'd love to pick up but really the only old, old figure I'd be overjoyed to see them re-release is the Man at Arms homage - I have a saved search for him on eBay and that dude is going for well over a grand at a minimum these days. they've actually done a good job with the All-Stars re-releasing figures I missed and really wanted like the demons and orcs.

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Posted by: @runestonecowboy

Looks like we'll get some answers on Monday on their podcast, but I'm guessing this reveal is probably All Stars 7. Past All Star waves involved voting for the reissues we want so I wonder if this is the voting lineup? I have a hard time believing we're looking at a wave the size of their early Kickstarter campaigns.

In their most recent post about the in stock orders all being shipped out, the live stream info, and updates on the progress of the last 2 preorders, they mentioned the shipping crew was getting ready because there was MORE IN STOCK that was going to go on sale (which might be related to the squares).


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From the 4H Instagram — So what’s next? We think it’s about time to reveal what all those teasers for “The Mysteries of Mythoss” mean. So stay tuned for that information very soon (as in like Monday - we will do a livestream around 4(ish) o’clock on our YouTube channel to reveal what the mystery is). Meanwhile, our warehouse team is gearing up to start shipping once again - because the Mysteries of Mythoss are ready to invade collections NOW!

Not sure what to expect but it's pretty cool we won't have to wait a year to get them in our hands.

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My panther warrior are he currently rests, and the current configuration of space Wal-Tor's body.

jonaskane reacted
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@salemcrow Man, that just sold me COMPLETELY on popping the panther head on one of my orc figures. I'd really love to get the tail on him, but even without it, the blacks of his arms and feet look great. Gonna do that after work tonight. (I did notice messing with the orcs the other day that they might be the only time the limited paint apps bugged me a little bit on the generics, just because the fur on his belt is metallic. Minor quibble though, could probably fix it with some Vallejo paints if I was feeling brave.)

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Just saw the Mysteries of Mythoss sale explained on FB. Financially I'm wildly relieved since there's no way I'll buy blind boxes of anything anymore, but for someone just starting out this might be a nice way to get some older stuff--lotta really nice figures on the list. (There's only 3-4 I don't have that I'd want, so I'm SOL with this sale. Strangely okay with it though because it saves me money.) 

2024 is the 10-year anniversary of Mythic Legions! As part of our celebration of this milestone, we have decided to do something we have never done before. Introducing the MYSTERIES OF MYTHOSS - BLIND BOX SURPRISE PACKAGES!

On Monday, April 22nd, 2024 starting at 11am EST we will be adding these mystery packages to Each mystery box will contain 2 figures - one older figure from the early days of the Mythic Legions line, and one newer figure from a more current wave! You get something older and something newer in each of these blind boxes!

So which “older” figures will be available in these boxes? You can see them here in this post! For some of these figures, we did a VERY limited new run of these characters as part of the 10-year anniversary. Others on this list are ones we found in the warehouse after a recent inventory. For many of these, less than a case remains representing our final stock on those items! Every “Mysteries of Mythoss Surprise Package” is $75 and they are guaranteed to include 1 of the older figures seen on this list here as well as 1 additional figure from a newer wave - and for those who purchase multiple packages in the same order, we will do our best to make sure the figures you receive are not duplicates. Obviously, there is a limit to how many unique items we can send based on how many you order!

These figures, both older and newer, are all IN STOCK, but due to the volume of orders we expect to receive from this sale, shipping will take 2-3 weeks to complete.

To make this even cooler - we have negotiated special pricing with our carriers for this sale, and we will be offering a Flat Rate shipping option of $10 for US orders. Order as many surprise packages as you want and take advantage of this special $10 shipping offer! Unfortunately, this shipping promotion does not apply to orders outside of the US.

Mark your calendars - the MYSTERIES OF MYTHOSS sale happens on 04/22/24 starting at 11am EST - ONLY at
#mythiclegions #mysteriesofmythoss #fourhorsemenstudios 


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Seems like they’re clearing out would-be peg warmers with the lure of potentially harder to get items, which they may only have 3 or 4 of. Not really a fan of that. Throwing in a free older figure with the purchase of $xxx would have been better because you can at least choose things you want in hopes of a good mystery item.

Red Ogre
The horrors persist, but so do I.
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Not thrilled about blind boxes, but a set shipping cost and the fact that there are several figures available that I want is probably going to push me to buy a couple.

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I already have the figures in this wave that appeal to me and $75 is more than I'd ever invest in a blind box, even in my soft vinyl days, but I can't knock the Horsemen for wanting to unload excess back stock and it gives new fans a chance to get something rare at retail price. However, I am a little surprised they didn't lower the price since they're clearly trying to move old inventory. $10 shipping helps, but you think they'd drop the price for a set down to $60 or something.

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Man of all the things this could have been that's gotta be the most disappointing lol.  I hate blind boxes, and it wouldn't surprise me if the 'new' figures included in these are the legion builder figs which went for what, $25 a pop?  If that is the case then you're paying $50 for a chance at a figure you may already have.


This is assuming the 36 figure image they posted is all the ones that are considered 'old', so I could be making an ass of myself saying that.  If that is both the new and old figures grouped together it wouldn't be as bad, but I still hate the blind bit of it all.

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Posted by: @samalas

... it wouldn't surprise me if the 'new' figures included in these are the legion builder figs which went for what, $25 a pop?  If that is the case then you're paying $50 for a chance at a figure you may already have.

I was thinking the exact same thing. It looked like they still had a lot of them when the latest in-stock sale wrapped up.

Slightly disappointed in this but also happy to not spend the money. I have enough 4H stuff coming in the months ahead.


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Yeah, on the business side it's smart to get rid of stuff that isn't selling as well, and for a new collector, those older figures are a nice draw, but definitely doesn't feel like a sale for folks who have been following the line for a while. I suppose if you're a customizer this might be a way to get parts, but at 75 bucks a pop it's kind of overpriced even if paying full price for a unique figure (IIRC they still go for about $37 each for normal figures, $25 for the no-frills army builders?). 

Given I am stressing out about the size of my current collection, I'm more relieved than bothered by this whole thing though. I'd be SWEATING if they were announcing a mostly new wave with 36 figures in it. 

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At a $75 price point, it seems unlikely they'll be tossing $25 legion builders in as the new figures ($37 + $25 = $62 worth of value for $75?). Judging by the photos of their convention booths, it looks like they're sitting on a sizable inventory of recent releases. I'll bet those $25 legion builders also move fast enough at conventions when people come ready to burn money on impulse purchases. The new figures will probably come from Illythia, Poxxus, the Furious Four, and All Stars 4 and 5.

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