I ended up ordering the head pack from BBTS this week, and it's now shipped, as I wait for the horse I ordered on the 25th of Feb to ship from the 4H, and it'll be later still for the shadow orc & space Waltor I ordered over this last weekend.
I have one of the older barbarian bodies I could test out to see if I want to go with a mid transformation were-cat warrior or stick with the slightly armored shadow orc I bought for the panther head.
How'd everyone make out with the In Stock Sale? Anyone go in for a last minute order?
I thought I was good with 2 orders, but had to go in for a FOMO order today... Shipping to Canada ain't great, but hopefully smaller orders may make it through without a customs fee, so we'll see.
Overall, 2 Valiants, 2 Demistros (extra cape and skirt for customs, both Wal-torrs, the Phalanx knight, and the Temple Relic Guard to have some different armor options for one of the Valiants.
Sigh. I still have my Poxxus All-in to unbox, and I just ordered like 10 more figures?
I ordered Gold Knight legion builder and Vargg at the start of the sale and then I decided to add Boreus to add another horse. From the retailer exclusive wave, I got Lijae.
My horse from the in stock sale on 2/25 has finally shipped.
Now it's just waiting for the other 2 figures I ordered a few days later.
I DID, however, get my head pack from BBTS today.
The wait for my order(s) from the ISS to ship is killing me. This is the first time I've ever taken advantage of one of these, so I don't know if this kind of wait is normal. I'd imagine so, given the volume of stuff they likely sold.
I've got two barbarians, three skeleton warriors, and a Mythic Legions Wal-Torr the Mad coming. Adding more to Hela's forces and more bodies amongst the Aesir.
The wait for my order(s) from the ISS to ship is killing me. This is the first time I've ever taken advantage of one of these, so I don't know if this kind of wait is normal. I'd imagine so
Come on man... the logistics of shipping from the International Space Station have got to be pretty complex. It's gonna take a minute
Ha! 🤣
Got my single order of the Blood Knight 2.0 from the in-stock sale. He’s awesome! The original was my favorite figure from the original Kickstarter. And this upgrade does not disappoint. It’s really cool. I love the new armor from Gorgo 2.0 in these red colors. And the cape and new spear look great. Definitely one of the coolest looking knights.
Got my order! Only had a chance to open up a couple, but these are awesome! Love the Blood Knight v2 and the Vampire Phalanx.
The Valiant Knight has much improved range of motion and overall poseability. It’s really cool in person. I added a 2.0 style helmet from Hadrianna.
@akatsuki I'm still really bummed I wasn't able to snag a Valiant Knight. I was really looking forward to that one. Looks great with that helmet!
I’ve been playing around with the Valiant Knight since getting it and I really hope the Horsemen make this 2.0 neck for 1.0 bodies a standard piece with at least Legion Builders.
I put Tharice’s alt head (the one with the hair swept forward so as not to impede her hood) and I’m loving it!
the new slimmer build still looks feminine but with a more realistic historically accurate chest piece instead of the double-d boob cup armored corset the 2.0 bodies have, which don’t get me wrong, there is a place for that too, but there’s something to be said for the understated elegance of a woman in practical battle armor.
I like it so much I’m considering getting a second Gideon 2.0 to upgrade Gwendolyn, but that would require this 2.0 to 1.0 neck peg to be easier to get a hold of.
We've gotta be on the verge of a new wave reveal right?
Jan 2023 - Necronominus preorder ends
Jan 2024 - Noble Bear preorder ends
Feb 2023 - In Stock Sale
Feb 2024 - In Stock Sale
Mar 2023 - Retailer appreciation wave
Mar 2024 - Retailer appreciation wave
April 2023 - Cosmic Legions Zaxxius wave
April 2024 - ???
They've teased a little something with the book that they're writing covering the history of Mythic Legions implying it will have a wave within that book that has yet to be announced. Not sure if that is covering Cosmic Legions as well.