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Four Horsemen Studios - Mythic Legions

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Kinda surprised with all that's left on Sunday night. The only new thing to sell out is the Valiant Knight, which was gone after the first 15 minutes. (I'm not counting the pins and stuff like that.) I think Tibius and the Stone Troll are the only others gone. 

I figured most of the reissued convention pieces would be gone by now, too.

I got what i needed Saturday but the longer some of the $26 army builders hang around, the harder it's gonna be to resist picking up more. 

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I went and looked tonight, and grabbed the gray horse for the 4H price instead of getting it at BBTS for more. I was tempted by one of the legion builders to go with the panther head in the head pack at BBTS, but there is a black skinned orc coming, so I'll wait for that one instead.

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@salemcrow just an FYI, The Unknown One looks sick with the black panther head. That's how I have mine displayed. I think he's part of the sale at $45. Great figure.

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I got the Unkown One back when he was on sale the first time. That's good to know, but I already have a feline knight, and prefer the look with the extra neck piece on a bare torso (Battle Cat and Panthor homage figures for example).

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The Wal-Tor the Mad 2 pack sold out at BBTS which is why I'm surprised they didn't sell out during the sale. I literally bought 4 figures, one of which an ogre scale figure and they were cheaper than the 2 pack shipping and sales tax included. Maybe its the exclusivity of the two pack being a convention exclusive. I've become very selective with my Mythic Legions purchasing in the last 2 years but I had no idea they had another Cyclops and that the Valiant Knight was such an advancement in design. As for Cosmic Wal-tor, I am most excited for him because I have yet to actually handle one of those human space suit characters, but after seeing him and Opor-A-Tiv83 at Power-Con I have wanted those two specifically. Along with the Fisher Price homage figure these guys are getting me more exited for the cosmic branch.


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I had to look up info on the Fisher Price homage. That's really cool.

TheGillMan and badguy543 reacted
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Retailer figures went up today, I grabbed one of the Vikenfell, I love me some skelly boys.

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Argh, now I need to look up if I got a second shadow orc for that panther head already - the one problem with the long lead times on Legions is sometimes I forget what the heck I already bought. Oh well, if I end up with an extra shadow orc it's not the end of the world. I just want to get that panther head on a decent body for it. 

I got my Poxxus wave stuff today. I've been wondering how much I want to scale back on Legions a lot lately because of space but man, the mages and monsters in this wave are GORGEOUS. Probably my favorite set they've released in a long, long time. Usually my ML figures will stay boxed up for weeks or months while I figure out where to put them but this wave specifically I can't wait to break out and pose. (Poor USPS guy was out making deliveries at almost 9 p.m. on a Friday so I didn't have time tonight to do more than take them out of the shipping container, but they look amazing. The dragon dude is MASSIVE.

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Poxxus wave is a beautiful wave. Aracagorr is stunning. I agree with Dorkside the flame for the sword is a bit small. Good thing I have Tamashii Nations flame effects. Zende drives me a bit bonkers as his hand peg is already super loose and flops over. I have more hands I had bought during Illythia wave. I’m pretty sure the Bardric hands fit him. 


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@docsilence I believe the shadow orcs are not black but brown, so the panther head on them won’t look quite right.

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@ashtalon Oh man, that's unfortunately. I may try it out anyway - I know panthers aren't actually all black IRL anyway and maybe the breastplate will give enough space between limbs and head to make it work. I just dislike having the head go to waste and I already have Ba'lam so i don't necessarily want a full-plate armored cat guy.

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@docsilence I have the shadow orc and he's a mix of black and dark brown. The exterior sides of his arms and legs are black, but the interior sides of his arms and legs are brown. His hands and feet are mostly black. I doubt you'd notice the contrast much once he's up on a shelf.

docsilence reacted
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I always open up Legions figures slower than other lines, but I cracked open the dragon man tonight and sweet Christmas this is a FIGURE. What a unique hunk of plastic he is. Took me some time to figure out how to get his tail attached but I think he's just going to exist on a shelf somewhere forever. I've got nothing like him in my collection and I dig it. 

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I finally got my shipment! The sculpted details are incredible, especially on Poxxus, and I can see why the 4H rejected the first factory tooling and made the factory do it again. It was worth the two year wait to get it right. Unfortunately, my Poxxus bow with the wings arrived broken in the box so I'll have to contact 4H about a replacement, but I'm not too worried about it.

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I got my dragon dude in from BBTS last week and I agree with all the previous comments, he's glorious.

I find it odd they didn't include a note in the box on how to attach the tail. I just went with heating the waist with a heat gun to pop him apart and pull the waist armor off and slip the tail piece on.

Now I can't wait for the green Whiplash tribute figure to come out so he can add him with his blue brother.

I haven't gotten a ship notification for the horse from the in stock sale, but when I got the email that there was still stuff in stock the other day, I went ahead and ordered the shadow orc legion builder (not completely armored with some exposed skin, so I can add the panther head from the pack to that) and space Waltor. I don't have any of those bodies in the cosmic line yet, but the skill head and the color really pop as a unique look.

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