Are there existing body types that they're both based on?they’re 2.0 bodies. Same ones used for all the ladies, the elves, Father Christmas.
I put a random 2.0 lady next to some NECA figures (Freddy Krueger, Evil Dead Ash, Dracula, and Casey Jones because I figured they were the closest to 6ft tall regular men in 1:10 scale) and the body is about a head shorter, like she’s 5’2” or something, could probably work unaltered for Thraice if you don’t mind her being petite, but for Arrizak that’s probably too short, but just get a cheap DotE Ming or something put the robe over him, swap the heads (the male wizards have 1.0 heads they’re just one 2.0 bodies so they don’t bulk up the robes, same logic why Barbies are so skinny)and hands, and no one will be able to tell.
This is exactly what I needed, thanks so much!
Got the notice - finally - that my Aracagorr figure shipped from 4H. I don't buy a ton of Legions any more, but I could not resist the blue dragon man. Eager to get it in my hands.
Edit: Fed Ex dropped him off today and he is pretty great. Really like him.
How did his tail piece come?
Was it a complete circle for attaching or not, because I started opening mine, saw that it looks torn, and didn't open it any further until I find out if it's supposed to be that way or not.
Edit: Nevermind, I figured it out.
Got my order of the Poxxus figures. Opened up the blue dragon guy and the dark wizard. These are very cool!
For the blue dragon guy, you just slip the tail on underneath the underwear. It slips around the joint under the waist. No need to pull him apart at the waist.
Love the metallic blues on his scales. The sculpting and paint work are beautiful.
Arrizak the dark wizard is a lot of fun. I got him into more poses than normal for the 2.0 bodies. Doesn’t seem as flimsy. I love the yelling head sculpt and his gem staff and magic effects. His extra accessories like the set of vials are cool, too.
I went all in on that wave so still waiting on mine, so excited for this set.
I got notice my magic dudes are on the way. Sweet!
Aracagor and Zende along with the weapons pack and magic pack…well I assume they are coming too. I guess I’ll see.
I kicked around getting Thraice and Arrizak. Ultimately I decided against them. I mean they both seem like robed versions of bodies I have. I didn’t get Kratos or Bardric so it seems Zende is a new body for me. I like his overall look. His head with the lit up symbol on his forehead is cool. Thraice is still tempting. Arrizak’s carapace is very cool looking. I kind of feel I got a wizard in the Father Christmas figure.
Looking forward to seeing these.
I went all in on this wave and got notification for my shipment tonight. Supposed to be here Thursday, but it's Fedex so I'm really excited for Saturday. 🙂
Saturday is when you'll get the "Your shipment is delayed" email.
For the longest time I would do the All-Ins on every mythic & cosmic legions wave because you'd get them first before anyone got single figures. And there'd be a long delay before approved retailers got them. And the approved retailers would be sold out of some of the figures by the time they even got them.
I did that because even though I only liked about 2/3 of the figures in any wave, I never know if one would surprise me once it was in hand, and by pre-ordering, I knew I would get it, wouldn't risk it selling out, wouldn't have to pay a retailer markup, and the ones I wound up not liking, I could list on eBay and get my money back even after shipping and fees, because of the retailer markup compared to the preorder price.
The last two waves, including this one, All-Ins shipped last. So any figures I dont love have been harder to sell on eBay. And none of the retailers have sold out of any of the figures. They've over saturated.
I've had to sell multiple figures from the last two waves at a loss to the preorder price, after eBay fees and shipping. Which means going forward, no more All Ins for me. I'll save money by not paying them 18 to 24 months in advance, and prepaying for figures I won't love and will need to sell at a loss and instead pay a retailer markup for a few figures that I do love.
I'll be purchasing less Mythic Legions going forward. Not that it's a bad thing, just showing how changes in their sales practices result in at least one collector buying fewer toys. I also speculate that if we wait, we can get figures on sale from retailers for the preorder price because they're going to need to clearance these out.
I think what you're noticing Ben is something happening in a lot of lines. Four years ago it was "buy now or cry later" across several lines I collected. The vibe certainly has shifted.
I noticed ML's selling on Amazon for a little below retail, but with free shipping. Then more and more eBay and Mercari sales going for 4H prices, and sometimes cheaper.
I mostly play the long game now, 90% of the pickups I had in 2023 were sub-retail, some in very significant ways. There are very few figures I couldn't live without at this point, so those are usually the ones I'll pre-order, if I think they'll sell out. But ultimately even if I have to pay a higher aftermarket for those ones, the discounts I collect on almost everything else more than covers for it.
I went all-in for the newest Cosmic Wave, because the price was pretty reasonable and I loved all the figures, and I felt like a boss doing it 😎 But I did not on the latest Mythic, there'd be too many figures I'd want to resell, and cherry picking plus Four Horseman shipping to WA state leaves little incentive to prepay-preorder.
Ultimately if I buy from 4H though maybe the main incentive is just helping them live the dream, and because I'm just glad something like ML's exist. But seeing how their shipping cancels out the prepay-preorder discount they offer for a lot of people, it would be neat if they offered a small little extra for buying through them, like an exclusive weapon or postcard sized art print with each fig.
I have noticed the same thing - the All-In preorder used to be a good deal, as you would be guaranteed to be able to sell any unwanted figures for cost or profit. Not anymore - too many retailers and higher production volume. Probably good for the Horsemen's bottom line - but not so good for the individual sellers.
I've got a bunch of extras from the last several waves - I am hoping that in a few years the prices will rebound.
I dropped out of Mythic Legions the last few waves. I still love the line, but I've spread myself too thin and have had to condense what I'm collecting. I've been selling off most of my Mythic Legions on Mercari. Some I sell for around what I paid for, some for waay more than I thought they would. I usually list around what a similar one sold for and then go from there. My main goal is to clear out my house, not necessarily make a big buck, but if somebody is willing to pay double for what I paid for something, I won't stop them.
I keep telling myself I need to trim back on which MyL I buy. Hold off on preordering a wave until the last second. And then go All-In, since I typically like most of the figures anyway. I have so many unopened figures already, I'm kinda dreading the magic wave shipping soon. I feel like I already have enough figures from certain factions, like the Templars. I probably just need to be choosier and not buy figures which are too similar to ones I already own.
Yeah, they kind of convinced most their collectors to just do the All-In every wave with the promise that they could sell any figures they didn’t want for more than they paid. I only fell for it once (on a smaller Cosmic wave which I don’t really want any of the figures now).
I love Mythic Legions but I’m glad I’ve mostly stuck to just getting the figures I really want. I use the entire pre-order window to give myself ample time to decide and don’t make the purchase until right before the deadline. Horsemen 2-Packs and main characters or high ranking faction members mostly. But there are other figures that will find their way into my collection here and there. Flock builders are difficult for me to say no to ordering several (Xylernian Guard, Silverhorn Sentry).
One of these days I’ll get to selling my excess figures on eBay.
I wasn't compelled to get anything from this wave. Necronominus and All-Stars 6, on the other hand, are going to hurt when they land at BBTS.
I've given my three Mythic shelves the malleable themes of goblins, skeletons, and monsters so I've never felt a need to go all-in on any wave. I'm trying to be patient waiting for my shipping notification, but I think my djinn is holding up my Poxxus and big green demon.