So hyped for these, they match perfectly with GI Joe-Classifieds. Just PO'd Doom Sinner, will get the others later. Will be a completionist with this line. also orderd the comic book. cant wait.
This line is like World of Warcraft meets GI Joe
This is that guys second attempt at this correct? I believe he had a kickstarter a year or two ago that went nowhere. These seem to be bit more polished and streamlined the the first go around.
Wait, he's actually called "Doom Sinner?"
Hahaha!! I'm sorry, but somebody's trying way too hard.Β
I don't know. I'd have to see some in-hand reviews first. Looking at Mad Dog, he looks awfully "shiny," particularly his head and arms. Is it just a prototype? Curious how they're manufactured.
There's something in the proportions and hip area that's not doing much for me. I like the bold colors and I might be interested int he sort of paramilitary orc idea... I dunno. Wait and see for me.
@grumpymatt Aren't these made in Colombia?
Good luck to him, but these feel much more like scaled up Corps! figures than Valaverse ever did. It's the shoulders that really feel off to me.
There are a few reviews out there:
FIST and Invincible Toys teamed up this time around. its getting good reviews plus the FIST people have been going around to alot of Comic Cons like Joe Fest & they came out in 'Toy Collectr' magazine recently. Its also NOT made in china so thats a breath of fresh air.
When i get the Doom trooper, will shave off his mohawk. the WW2 helmet should be getting the attention not the mohawk.
Thanks for posting those reviews. For whatever reason I found Captain America beating Wolfsbane with a golf club while Iron Man intervenes in the background of the first video super hilarious. Probably not politically correct, though ...
Anyway, the Orcs held up pretty well in the reviews. I wasn't a fan of the green and purple but it's growing on me. Hopefully some reviews on the second two figures pop up soon.
I don't know. I'd have to see some in-hand reviews first. Looking at Mad Dog, he looks awfully "shiny," particularly his head and arms. Is it just a prototype? Curious how they're manufactured.
Having Mad Dog in hand now he is not shiny at all - the paint is very toned down from the prototype pictures shown.Β The colors are a tad muted as well, especially on the hair.Β Β I only got Mad Dog - he's going to become a Dreadnok in my display.Β Β I don't need any aliens in my GI Joe stuff.
Just bought Doom Sinner and the Comic, cant wait. pics coming soon once it arrives.
Im Fed up with Fed ex, they delayed my figure, typical.
WOW, this Doom Sinner figure is amazing. looks better in hand, great articulation. it measures 6.5" inches tall. its pretty much a perfect figure but i do have some Nitpicks. Not a fan of having camo on top of camo with the shirt and pants. the plastic quality is alittle gummy. the head sculpt is the stand out of the figure. Will be getting the rest of the line later on. I will repaint the wrist cuffs, too much green on the figure already. I really like the chunky boots and i thought i wasnt gonna like them. I also wish he didnt have gloves, not a fan of figures with gloves, i wanna see skin tone color. his body looks alittle slender without the armor piece. i really like the details underneath the boots.