Of all the things I got to see at Power Con, this was the thing that hurt my wallet the most. I had seen the pictures but wasn't really sold. But this guy looked fantastic in person. Eamon O'Donoghue was showing him off hands on. He mentioned that he had the factory scale him up just a bit before cutting the molds. Went straight home & put an order in!
I absolutely love his sculpt. The tough skin texture and bulging muscles is simply too awesome and sadly not enough figures look like that, even when they should. Looks very much like the Mezco Conan, which I missed and is really expensive.
This is still expensive, even more in bbts, but it looks too good to pass.
I love the sculpt and have definitely considered ordering it... but I'm curious is this closer to 6" Marvel Legends size or 7" NECA/S7 Ultimates size. If it's the latter it's an instant purchase from me. If it's the former it's a tougher choice because I don't have a natural place to display it.
Absolute must have for me. Fire and Ice is a classic that I never thought we'd see figures from. He looks incredible - I put in an order with Frazetta Girls they day it went up for order!
Definitely going in my very, very small premium collection.
I only got around to watching Fire & Ice a few months ago. Was always aware of it, but I had never watched it.
I think Dark Wolf looks cool. Single elbows and knees are a bit disappointing, but as long as they give decent range of motion they should be fine. Just not sure I want to commit to this much money from a new unproven company, although I do that often with import stuff.
With big muscles single elbows don't make much difference. Single knees though.....
I spoke with Mr O'Donoghue about this figure and future plans, he told me Teegra is sculpted already and other Frazetta designs and characters are in the plans, specifically he mentioned Death Dealer. In hand, this figure put all my hesitation aside and the people behind this are really passionate about what they are doing.
@badguy543 HE MENTIONED DEATH DEALER?!?!? That is some exciting potential news!
They're doing a Death Dealer?? SWEET!!! I don't feel so bad for passing on the Mezco version now.
Man Teegra and Death Dealer too? These are going to be hard to pass up. I sure would like to see them posed next to some existing figures so I can get a sense of how big they are. Do they scale well with Mythic Legions? With MOTU Classics? With Marvel Legends? With Loose Collector's Red Sonja? Those aren't the same and the size matters to me.
Man Teegra and Death Dealer too? These are going to be hard to pass up. I sure would like to see them posed next to some existing figures so I can get a sense of how big they are. Do they scale well with Mythic Legions? With MOTU Classics? With Marvel Legends? With Loose Collector's Red Sonja? Those aren't the same and the size matters to me.
It looks to me like he may be around 7" tall. Here's a pic of him next to the Savage Crucible figure from their instagram page:
Oh man, if it's 7 inches I'm in for sure...
These are going to make my Masterverse figure look like cartoons. Definitely need to display with he new Neca stuff.
Darkwolf looks great, very interested in picking one up! Hoping to see some Franzetta women in the future!