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Figura Obscura by Four Horsemen Studios

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They seem to ship in a 'farthest away from us goes first' order, at least from past indications.

blankslate reacted
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Posted by: @jonaskane

They seem to ship in a 'farthest away from us goes first' order, at least from past indications.


You forgot "influencers always first and foremost". 


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Posted by: @jonaskane

They seem to ship in a 'farthest away from us goes first' order, at least from past indications.

Utah ought to be pretty close to that from NJ 🤣 


Red Ogre
The horrors persist, but so do I.
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Posted by: @jonaskane

They seem to ship in a 'farthest away from us goes first' order, at least from past indications.

Kansas City suburbs checking in to say I ordered my all-in during the pm session and I got mine on on Thursday the 28th.
Not bragging, just offering a data point.

buttmunch reacted
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This looks like a $2 figure with a $20 head sculpt, a $2 soft goods cloak, and a $10 Grandfather Clock being sold for $80 when you factor in shipping from four horsemen.

I'd maybe buy this for $40 off BBTS given pile of loot shipping. I suspect they may wind up for $40 on BBTS eventually. Four Horsemen seem to have realized they overproduced these given the increased limit of 4.

I'm disappointed with the Horsemen lately. It started with the convention exclusives. Leaves a sour taste in my mouth that I can't get the cool heads / accessories unless I drop $2k+ on airfare and hotel or overpay by $100 on eBay. They started out saying they would never do convention exclusives and now here we are.

The Figure Obscura line has been disappointing to me. Not due to the figures themselves. While I don't care for Red Death, I know many are thrilled and I'm happy for them. Not every figure has to be for me.

But their marketing feels sleazy. Post the figures up in two drops. Artificially limit the morning drop so that it sells out and induce FOMO for the second drop. Take the figures off the site for a week and relaunch the following week to make it seem like it's a new drop. They probably have so many of these sitting in their warehouse that they will go to clearance at an EE/BBTS/Nerdzoic. But they're playing games to make it seem rarer than it is so people are manipulated into buying them.

And then they release a better version later, through their dealers, in a better color scheme the next year anyway.

I also hate the announcement comes less than 24H before the drop. So if I'm not checking toy news at least twice a day, every single day of my life, or if I didn't subscribe to their newsletter and let it hit the top of my inbox, then I will miss the news of the release. Again, done for manipulation purposes. They knew months in advance but waited until the night before to build up artificial buzz. Make everyone text their friends and say better check this out, it's coming tomorrow! No time! Artificial scarcity. It's all so transparent.

Generally the figures are great, an I am okay with the idea that not every figure is for me. It's the marketing that's gotten really sleazy.

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I agree that the 24hr notice of a drop is bad, it's the thing I dislike the most about the figura obscura line since I think shadow drops are anti-consumer but I hard disagree on the $2 figure comment (and your breakdown in general).

The retailer exclusive repaints being "better" is also entirely subjective, for me personally regular Krampus and the Headless Horsemen are better than their retailer counterparts, meanwhile I think Santa's repaint is much better, additionally us all knowing retailer repaints are coming actually cuts down on FOMO.

Also, and I could be wrong, I don't belive any FO figure has appeared again a week after the intial Sales weekend, but like I said I could be wrong since I don't have all in-stock sale contents memorised.

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They put Masque up again about a week after he sold out... he's actually currently available right now. 

Santa just didn't sell out for a while. 

The morning drops are to build hype, but just ignore it. They'll be back up in the PM. JG said they actually release more in the morning than in the evening, if you believe him. But the hungry people get em in the AM. There is a huge following for 4H and it's a way they excite their fanbase. Overall I think it's an OK strategy so long as everyone gets what they want, which looks to be the case, here. 

The retailer repaints again are subjective. I really don't like Green Santa, mainly because of the brown trim. I love my classic Santa. However I do prefer the green Headless Horseman, but again, it's all to taste. 

There are pro's and con's to ML's and their models in general, but I have a hard time knocking a crew of artists who are making a go of it outside of the Hasbro, NECA, even Super7 level funding and distro, and overall their business tends to do less annoying things than Hasbro and NECA. They have my sword. 



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If you're in the business of selling toys it's generally a good idea to do your best to create hype and excitement for your product. I can't fault 4H for that and they seem to do a decent job of it. The almost no-notice drop? Yeah, that kind of sucks. They could at least tease that something is coming a week, two weeks, out and it probably won't dampen anything. Though at this point, we pretty much can pencil them in for something around this time of the year and around Christmas, and since they cater to a repeat customer base, that might be good enough. As for the figures themselves, I've had no complaints there. I have Krampus and I think he's awesome and I might be even more impressed with the Santa, which I also have. The soft goods on that figure are just so impressive and the figure came with a lot stuff. I don't have the Headless Horseman, but that's not because it's a bad figure. That thing looks amazing, I just have no room for it which makes it hard to justify the price. If they do another Christmas release this year, and I'll plan for it, I'll probably get that too.

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I don't think people realize how fanatical people are for the 4 Horsemen stuff. I've seen it in person at PowerCon twice now. I mean, it's borderline cultish. Full panel rooms of people who lap this shit up like the 4H are rock stars. You should have seen the line at open on day one for the exclusives. People literally RUNNING to get in line, and then standing there for an hour to make their way to the table.  I took one look and laughed, went to look at other stuff. 

They can afford to do random drops, and these people will be on top of it, trust that. 

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BBTS sent out an email saying their container is running one week behind schedule to meet the Headless Horseman street date.

Fun Fact: this is the first male figure I bought from the Horsemen (not counting the stuff they worked on for other companies).

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Posted by: @mrboshek

BBTS sent out an email saying their container is running one week behind schedule to meet the Headless Horseman street date.

Fun Fact: this is the first male figure I bought from the Horsemen (not counting the stuff they worked on for other companies).

You're going to love it. 

Let me put it this way:

I've always admired Mythic Legions from afar. But never managed to find myself pulling the trigger. 

Then I got the Headless Horseman. Then I got Santa. Then Krampus. Now I've got Red Death. The entire first Cosmic Legions wave is in my PoL at Big Bad. I pre-ordered the OxKrewe wave direct. 

The Horseman started a snowball. It's THAT good. I was actually going to Sleepy Hollow, NY last year and was so bummed the figure didn't arrive in time for photography before we left. 


Red Ogre
The horrors persist, but so do I.
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I was worried that my tinnitus was getting pretty severe, but once I stopped reading these last few complaints the high-pitched whine went away. 🙄 

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Posted by: @red_ogre

I was worried that my tinnitus was getting pretty severe, but once I stopped reading these last few complaints the high-pitched whine went away. 🙄 

...what? Who is complaining? What are you talking about?


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Ready for tomorrow, gang?

Who/what do you think it is? The Ghost of Jacob Marley sprang to mind immediately.  

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Given the teaser image, I would be pretty surprised if it's not a Jacob Marley tie-in. The real question is:  will it be Goofy?!

Stormbreaker reacted
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