Loving the green Frankenstein. I’m afraid I’ll be 4 for 4 on the repaints at this rate.
I own the originals of the three repaints. So far, I'm liking Anubis and Bastet repaints more. I'm not going to buy them though.
I thought I'd like Frankenstein's Monster more, but I actually prefer the original. I think the green is too light here. Oh well.
100% getting the Anubis. I still like the original one, but yeah, the all black is what I wanted more (and figured was coming). No regrets, just more fun for the shelf.
Haunted blue is looking great on the ghost of Christmas past. I really like that they are making the ghosts a bit more synced with the retailer versions.
Blue Christmas Past really is beautiful. Weirdly though, while the white one was one of my favorite figures of last year, I'm not as tempted by the repaint - maybe because I was so happy with the original version. I also don't have the retailer Marley so I don't have the matched pair.
Blue Ghost of Christmas Past revealed….And Haunted Blue Marley is purchased.
they’ll be a fun spooky ball room dancing couple while the originals are Marley and the Unrelated Ghost of Christmas Past
These sons of bitches. Just when I thought... well maybe I'll only get ganked for Anubis and Bastet... no... they have to go and toss in a Horde Trooper analog Tuscc Warrior release for the retailer exclusive bundle. Gahhh. They sure know how to take my money.
While deciding which of these to preorder (I immediately preordered the snake shaman and Cosmic trooper, still debating the others... MAN that Frank looks great in green!) I of course found myself staring at the in-stock headless horseman. Anyone have both and have an opinion on the paint jobs? I honestly think I like the green better and I'm so tempted to pick him up now. I've actually got a running NPC in a D&D game I run who is cursed with a pumpkin for a head and now I'm picturing adding this guy to the Legions... I truly, space-wise, don't need another horse and rider but that green fire really pops. Anyone got him? Love him, wish you didn't buy him?
@docsilence I bought both. The first one was one of those "nothing will keep me from having this" instant purchases that morning. The repaint definitely scratches some Halloween itches though. I allllmost like it more than the original. 100% get it, it's a fantastic set in general, but the new colors give it that seasonal colors boost. Also if I remember, it's got glow paint on it now too.
@detrimental-fig Thanks for weighing in. I was just looking at the original version from a few sellers on eBay that were quite fairly priced, close to the original retail, but the set on BBTS is really drawing me in. I like the green eyes/hoof highlights a LOT. Gonna mull it over for a bit but I think I need one of the sets for sure.
It never fails. If I buy the first release then I end up liking the recolor better. If I skip the first release then the recolor always sucks. This one is so much better than the original which I of course purchased.
LOL To me, both are nice. one is not better than the other. im gonna get the black version cause its cheaper. i missed out on the 1st version. Also, PO'd the green Snake guy.
I came here to explain the reasons why I'm on the fence over green Frankenstein (we're past the pedantry now), but in the process of typing it out, I think I might have convinced myself to get it, lol. I didn't think I'd like the green repaint as much as I do and after seeing DorkLair put the secret Marley mask on the yellow Frank, I'm starting to think my Red Death-turned bog body shaman could use another naked corpse to hang out with.