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Figura Obscura by Four Horsemen Studios

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Loving the green Frankenstein. I’m afraid I’ll be 4 for 4 on the repaints at this rate.

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I own the originals of the three repaints. So far, I'm liking Anubis and Bastet repaints more. I'm not going to buy them though.

I thought I'd like Frankenstein's Monster more, but I actually prefer the original. I think the green is too light here. Oh well.

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100% getting the Anubis. I still like the original one, but yeah, the all black is what I wanted more (and figured was coming).  No regrets, just more fun for the shelf.

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Haunted blue is looking great on the ghost of Christmas past. I really like that they are making the ghosts a bit more synced with the retailer versions. 

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Blue Christmas Past really is beautiful. Weirdly though, while the white one was one of my favorite figures of last year, I'm not as tempted by the repaint - maybe because I was so happy with the original version. I also don't have the retailer Marley so I don't have the matched pair. 

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Blue Ghost of Christmas Past revealed….And Haunted Blue Marley is purchased.

they’ll be a fun spooky ball room dancing couple while the originals are Marley and the Unrelated Ghost of Christmas Past

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These sons of bitches.    Just when I thought... well maybe I'll only get ganked for Anubis and Bastet... no... they have to go and toss in a Horde Trooper analog Tuscc Warrior release for the retailer exclusive bundle.   Gahhh.  They sure know how to take my money.

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While deciding which of these to preorder (I immediately preordered the snake shaman and Cosmic trooper, still debating the others... MAN that Frank looks great in green!) I of course found myself staring at the in-stock headless horseman. Anyone have both and have an opinion on the paint jobs? I honestly think I like the green better and I'm so tempted to pick him up now. I've actually got a running NPC in a D&D game I run who is cursed with a pumpkin for a head and now I'm picturing adding this guy to the Legions... I truly, space-wise, don't need another horse and rider but that green fire really pops. Anyone got him? Love him, wish you didn't buy him? 

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@docsilence I bought both. The first one was one of those "nothing will keep me from having this" instant purchases that morning.  The repaint definitely scratches some Halloween itches though. I allllmost like it more than the original.  100% get it, it's a fantastic set in general, but the new colors give it that seasonal colors boost.  Also if I remember, it's got glow paint on it now too.

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@detrimental-fig Thanks for weighing in. I was just looking at the original version from a few sellers on eBay that were quite fairly priced, close to the original retail, but the set on BBTS is really drawing me in. I like the green eyes/hoof highlights a LOT. Gonna mull it over for a bit but I think I need one of the sets for sure.

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Posted by: @justice

It never fails. If I buy the first release then I end up liking the recolor better. If I skip the first release then the recolor always sucks. This one is so much better than the original which I of course purchased.

LOL To me, both are nice. one is not better than the other. im gonna get the black version cause its cheaper. i missed out on the 1st version. Also, PO'd the green Snake guy.


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Posts: 75

I came here to explain the reasons why I'm on the fence over green Frankenstein (we're past the pedantry now), but in the process of typing it out, I think I might have convinced myself to get it, lol. I didn't think I'd like the green repaint as much as I do and after seeing DorkLair put the secret Marley mask on the yellow Frank, I'm starting to think my Red Death-turned bog body shaman could use another naked corpse to hang out with.

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