It never fails. If I buy the first release then I end up liking the recolor better. If I skip the first release then the recolor always sucks. This one is so much better than the original which I of course purchased.
I figured they’d go with the all black bodies as that’s another way they’ve been represented in Egyptian art. I’m sure we’ll see the second half of the pair next.
Frankenstein seems like a good candidate for a recolor as well, green being the pop culture obvious choice but pale or slightly different shades between the different patches of skin could work too.
The Ghost of Christmas Past might follow Marley and be more Haunted Mansion blue.
Then we’ll probably see a few Legion surprises mixed in as well. I do enjoy the retailer waves, even if they’re mostly just repaints.
@justice Every time, right? I would've loved the all black look for the first two versions. (I mean I DO love the first versions, but prefer this one that was revealed).
But if I don't preorder (hello, Krampus) I like the first version better. I had no intention of buying the Egyptian figures twice but that's a great looking figure. I say I won't order Frankenstein's Monster in another color but a nice green grey? They'd get me I think.
Christmas Past is a tough one though. I absolutely love the first one. Not sure I'd need a repaint of her though that might be one of my favorite figures they've made, so maybe an alternate color set would get me.
The Ghost of Christmas Past might follow Marley and be more Haunted Mansion blue.
I passed on retailer Marley, but if Ghost of Past matches I’m buying him the instant she’s revealed, for some reason I’m not digging Marely on his own but as a themed set I’m all about it
if they want to do Frankenstein in matching blue (call it “electric blue” to keep it thematic) and go back and do new variants of Headless Horseman and Krampus (“frozen” variant!) in spooky blues too I’m here for that too! I want a whole spooky haunted house on my shelf!
The black head with black skin is a much better look, more otherworldly or something. I do like the original's coloured tones for the armor/clothing, but this is a better overall look.
I am SO happy for this release. I skipped the previous exclusive because I really only wanted the one figure, so this set is perfect. Cant wait to be able to order.
Thankfully it's more stuff I don't need. My Mythic Legions collection is starting to pile up and there always seems to be more on the way.
And there's the Bastet reveal. I like the clothing colors on the initial release better, but the all-black cat look is very cool.
Damnit... I skipped the two pack because I wasn't feeling the Bastet figure. But this solo Bastet has me doing a double take... and now I'm thinking about buying each of the figures separately, probably for more than the cost of the two pack. Grrr... 4H you get me again. The extra heads are really appealing (well... maybe not the one with the basket on her head) as I can potentially use those on other bodies for more cat ladies.
The recolor looks great — and I'm happy to see they're including the Anubis shrine. They probably could have gotten away with just selling the figure since it's a single release. The diorama pieces are part of what's so good about these sets.
On the other hand, 4H is killing me financially with all these early year releases and preorders — Armory knights and Ninians; then the Silver Knights and book; then the Cosmic head packs and now this. (Oh, and the Necronominus wave coming in stock for those of that held off on grabbing everything during the preorder.)
Edit: And the Graveyard skeletons too ...
Definitely getting green Frankenstein. He's a must-have for me.
I loved that they went with book-accurate yellow for the Monster, but man, that green looks PERFECT. I didn't want two of him, but that is tempting.
Son of a ... the green looks so much better to me than the original. I'm so glad I sat out the first round of these recent FO releases, but once again, all this goodness is really adding up.
Does anyone know how many figures are a part of this retailer wave?
@docsilence I'm with you, the beige cloth looks way better than the red I think, and would have been a cool offset against the black skin.
Frankenstein's monster is looking pretty good in green. Slightly tempting, but at the end of the day, none of these are anything I need. I got the Monkey King because the sculpt and painting and detail just looked so cool, but he's not that posable and I don't know how long I'll keep him. The FO figures just don't quite do it for me, unlike a cool fantasy character or spaceman.
Of course I type that out and then go back and look at the pictures. That black Anubis might be too cool to pass up actually...ugh..
@grumpymatt the last one was 5 I think, and we've still got the Ghost of Christmas Past to see, so maybe one original a la the Fisher Price inspired spaceman?
They're really knocking it out of the park with this round of repaints. I didn't need the repaint of Father Christmas or Marley, and I passed on the golden version of Monkey King because the first one is IMO perfect as is, but I'm at least considering all of these so far. Christmas Past is possibly their most beautiful fem figure so far and if the repaint is dramatic and elegant enough I really think they'd get me to buy her twice. Heck, if these weren't all dropping SIMULTANEOUSLY they'd probably get me for the whole wave, but it's going to cost what, $350-$400 easy once the whole set is revealed? Turn down the firehose!